Member Reviews

This book started off with a lot of potential. The beginning of the book was really clever. Poe is a popular podcaster and she invites people on her show to confess crimes. Poe has her own terrible secrets surrounding her mom’s murder when she was a girl.

As the novel moved forward it came to a standstill and I felt like nothing new was really happening. A creepy man was stalking Poe and he may or may not be involved in the secrets from her past. My problem with this book is Poe continuously makes poor decisions. If I was legitimately being stalked I would find a way to protect myself. Maybe buy a gun? Practice shooting? Learn self defense? Something! Poe’s idea is whine and cry and drink herself into oblivion. I couldn’t deal with this character. The police are not going to help you. Help yourself!

My second major problem is the back and forth of whether or not Poe is going to do this live podcast. Either do it or don’t but please for the love of god stop talking about it. The book literally says you are going to do it so why all the back and forth?

I wasn’t a fan of this book but I’m looking at the reviews and a lot of people are loving it! Go read it and tell me I got this one wrong. Please.

Thank you to netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This is my first time to read a book by Carter Wilson but I’m now going to go back & dive into her previous book, Mr Tender’s Girl. I enjoyed Tell Me what You Did a lot. Poe was a relatable protagonist. Flawed & real. This book was super fast paced with plenty twists & turns. Glad I found it & ready to read the author’s previous work & will keep my eye out for the next. Four solid stars!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️.⭐️

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Poe Webb is one tough cookie with a lot of attitude and swings between survival mode and full on trying to get herself killed! This is a fast paced book that frequently has you on the edge of your seat as you read. There is a moment in the book where the main character, Poe, talks about her online book club. She mentioned that when there is a book character fearing for her life, hunted by a dangerous killer, who doesn’t call the police immediately they will get labelled as TSTL (too stupid to live). At this point Poe indicates she feels like she has these letters pin to her chest and it sure does feel this way at multiple points throughout the book. Frequently Poe places herself and her loved ones in increasingly dangerous situations all the while playing a cat and mouse game with someone who claims to have brutally killed her mother. Of course there’s also the tiny little matter that Poe has also killed somebody which the alleged killer knows all about and she doesn’t want the police investigating. With all of this going on, and so much else between the true crime podcasts she hosts, it’s no wonder that this book is an explosive adventure which keeps the reader engaged and wondering how everything will unravel. There’s one side character who is referred to several times and seems to have a well-built backstory, and at times feels more real than Poe, so it wasn’t a surprise in reaching the end of the book to find out that she has featured in a previous book by Carter Wilson. Of course now I want to read this one as well. I particularly enjoyed the ending of this book and the way that played out, and enjoyed my first book by this author. Thanks to Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for letting me read an advanced copy in exchange for my review. The book is out in Australia on 14 January 2025.

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read if you like:
🔪 intense murders
📡 podcasts
😱 psychological thrillers
🎃 Halloween

Wow this book is intense. It revolves around Poe Webb, a true crime podcaster who invites people on her show to give anonymous confessions. Things take a dramatic turn when a man appears on her podcast, claiming to be her mother's murderer. However, Poe has a secret — she knows the real killer is dead, and she killed him. As the man becomes increasingly a mystery, knowing details that no one else could about her crime, Poe finds herself caught in a web of lies and deceit, forced to confront her past and the consequences of her actions.

This story is a dark cat-and-mouse game, all revolving around several violent and gruesome crimes. It focuses on the themes of guilt and redemption and the tension that builds between them. Wilson’s writing is SO GOOD, giving you that spine chilling, goosebump raising feeling as Poe finds herself stalked and haunted by the man she killed and the same man sitting behind the computer screen. For anyone who likes books about true crime podcasts, this story is a nice twist, integrating both the podcast, a live stream and the element of mystery.

The ending feels like a true chase, with Poe being closed in on while closing in on the killer himself. I highly recommend not reading this at night, and not reading it when you’re alone in the house! It’ll keep you guessing until the very end, which has a pretty good twist to it.

If you’re looking for an intense fall, Halloween-themed thriller, check this book out when it releases on January 14! Thanks to Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley for the advanced copy!

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This was my first book by Carter Wilson and I really enjoyed it! The writing and back to forth timelines were done in such a unique way it kept me hooked. I read a lot of dual timelines so it was nice to change it up a little with all the events happening within a week.

My only downfall was I did predict the twist. But it was still a lot of fun and hard to put down. :)

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I loved this psychological thriller so much! If you’re into true crime and podcast, this book is for you. I read “a good girls guide to murder” this is similar, but way more intense.

This book definitely kept me guessing. When I thought I figured it out, I was pushed into a different direction.

Thank you Netgally for this free ARC!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 stars.

Short review: Poe is such a complicated narrator you almost question how reliable and stable she is. The podcast transcript and back and forth time periods keep you on the edge of your seat constantly guessing where her story is heading.

Long review: 17 years ago Poe watched her mother be murdered and her childhood house burned to the ground. She spent months silenced emotionally and physically. Now she runs a successful true crime podcast with her producer boyfriend and her dog. It makes sense that since she lived a time crime this would be her life’s focus. But vengeance was still due. And the justice system isn’t alway just or fair. Especially when the lead witness in her mother’s murder never told the police what she saw. Now her past is catching up to her, but is it a consequence of her past actions or a side effect of her life’s work? The man hunting her is dead set on Poe suffering, but for what? And why? And those closest to Poe are just as vulnerable. Because danger is closer than she expected.

I have no read any of this authors previous work, where the character Alice was first introduced. So I will be doing that now and I have so many questions about her story. The backstory and current situation of Poe’s dad is easy to relate too, the man lost his wife and never got answers only for his daughter to shatter his reality 17 years later. While the story comes to an end with a finale you have been rooting for, the epilogue/ending for Poe leaves room for some follow-up a year or so later and I hope the author continues Poe’s story line. If not, the story is wrapped up enough to provide closure. But you really are just rooting for Poe and I wanna know how her and her pup Bailey and her dad and his cat Grimm navigate life moving forward after all the tragedies.

Overall, if you are a fan of true crime, crime podcasts and overall thriller mysteries this is the book for you.

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“See, that’s the thing about trauma. You never get to quit it. You never get to walk away from it and rediscover the innocence and joy you felt just before The Thing happened.”

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Poe Webb, the host of the wildly popular true-crime podcast Tell Me What You Did, invites listeners to confess their darkest secrets on air.

From the very first page, this book had me hooked. The narrative's shifting perspectives and timelines, jumping between the present and future, kept me on edge. However, this approach sometimes made the plot a bit predictable.

The characters are impressively complex and well-crafted. Poe and her father’s struggles with alcoholism are depicted unflinchingly, adding depth to their mental states throughout the story. Poe, in particular, is a compellingly morally grey character, leaving me torn between admiration and frustration.

Hindley is another standout—a methodical, haunting, and deeply unsettling figure. He’s the kind of person you’d hope never to encounter, even in your worst nightmares.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the podcast element of the story. The concept is so engaging that I found myself wishing Tell Me What You Did was a real podcast I could tune into.

Overall, this is a great read! While some parts felt predictable, there were enough twists and turns to keep me intrigued. And for those concerned—because I certainly was—Bailey is fine!

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I've been on a thriller/mystery kick recently, and when I saw the premise of this book I was intrigued and excited to read it. Tell Me What You Did is fast-paced, and I finished it quickly. I found it decently entertaining, but it was frustrating at times and ultimately pretty forgettable. Its greatest strength is its premise: Poe Webb hosts a podcast in which criminals confess their crimes, and one day a guest confesses that he killed her mother 17 years ago – but Poe knows that she already tracked down her mother's killer and killed him 7 years ago. So is this creep telling the truth – which means she killed the wrong person – or is something else going on?

At one point in the book, Poe mentions that members of her online book club will disparage book characters as "too stupid to live," and she thinks to herself that she's been acting too stupid to live. And yes, I agree, that's a major problem with this book! Poe and her father are obviously in danger, and they repeatedly risk their lives for no reason other than to move the plot along. The fact that Poe recognizes that she's being stupid doesn't make things better! Why doesn't she immediately get a lawyer and call the cops, especially if she's rich from her podcast? If the Burlington police don't have enough resources to help her, why doesn't she use her massive stash of podcast money to hire security or something?

Another problem I had with this book is that I saw the twist about the professed mother-killer's identity from miles away. It was hardly a twist. I also find it very hard to believe that he wouldn't immediately be identified by Poe's fans. There are facial recognition search engines out there!

Kind of a waste of a great premise. But hey, maybe worth adapting?

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I don’t really know where to start except that I absolutely loved and devoured this novel. I have never read anything else by this author and kind of went in blindly, only knowing it was about a crime podcaster. So good. This book is going to be HUGE when it releases. I see this taking over BookTok, being major book club picks and topping the bestseller list. Thank you to the author and publisher for this galley.

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I absolutely LOVED this book! As a true crime podcast junkie myself, this was the perfect thriller for me. Of all the mystery and thriller books I’ve read, this one checks all the boxes: original plot, full of suspense, revenge, and a protagonist that isn’t quite so innocent but you still root for the whole way through! I will definitely be recommending this to everyone I know!

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Poe is the host of a popular true crime podcast that encourages guests to share their criminal confessions, but she hides a grisly secret of her own. This story was undoubtedly entertaining, but not without a couple of “eye-roll” moments. At times, Poe’s motives seem to contradict themselves and her decisions can be irritatingly bullheaded. Still, I found myself hooked with suspense and morbidly fascinated with our antagonist. This is a great beach reader.

Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I really liked this book although it got a bit long. The alternating between past and present made it interesting to read,. The reveal at the end and the fact it wasn’t a “happily ever after” ending made it more realistic. I will have to read Alice’s story as I was unaware she had a story as well.

Well done and a good read.

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The book captivated me from the very start with its gripping premise and unique narrative structure. The introduction of Poe Webb's crime podcast immediately drew me in, offering a intriguing glimpse into the confessions of its guests. The partnership between Poe and Kip in deciphering the truth behind these confessions added a layer of intrigue and suspense, keeping me engaged as they unraveled each story.

The addition of Ian Hindley's involvement through the live stream transcripts injected a new level of complexity and mystery. Learning about Ian's connection to Poe's past, particularly her mother's death, was a masterstroke that kept me guessing about his true motives and how it all tied together.

Poe's character was a highlight for me, with her snarky attitude and deep-seated emotions that surfaced as she relived the trauma of her past. This emotional depth made her journey all the more compelling and relatable.

The interwoven past and present narratives heightened the suspense. Each revelation and twist contributed to the overall thrill of the story, making it a page-turner that I couldn't put down.

Overall, the book delivered on its promise to provide a thrilling experience in the genre. It kept me on my toes with its atmospheric tension, fast-paced narrative, and intriguing characters, making it a standout read for anyone seeking a captivating psychological thriller.

Thank you Netgalley for this advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This thriller is one of my favorites that I have read in a long time. I loved the podcast aspect of it. True crime podcasts are so popular right now and this just took it to another level. It kept me on my toes. It kept me wanting to read even though I've been in a major reading slump. I loved the depth of the characters, even the murderers. Such a thorough book.

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I'm a fan of books about podcasts but was starting the feel they were a little over done. However, the way it's done in this book is different. I couldn't stop reading.

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I want to thank NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I’m an active listener of True Crime Podcasts, so when I read the summary of this book, I knew I was going to love Poe’s story.

The short chapters ending in cliffhangers kept me engaged the whole time. I would have finished this book in a day if it weren’t for my 9-5 job. Though I did guess the twist early on, it’s still an amazing read. The book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

The author did an amazing job with the characters as well. You are rooting the good guys the entire time and find them very genuine and the bad guys were incredibly repulsive. Poe was an amazing character, absolutely loved her through the whole thing.

Overall, an amazing thriller. I will be remembering this story and recommending it to my followers, family and friends.

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A solid character in Poe Webb, intriguing story & good pace.

It is a little difficult for this book to provide further details to what is already there in the blurb. Poe Webb is a radio show host who runs a crime podcast. Her speciality is that she gets callers to confess to what they have done. These are varied – spiting a girlfriend, stealing a dog etc. Poe’s mother was killed by a man many years back. Poe, a young girl, at that time saw it happen, but lived with the trauma, determined to pursue the culprit. And she did, after a few years. Now her podcast is popular and she is happy with the company of her dog Bailey and boyfriend Kip. One day she receives a call where a man says he killed her mother. Poe is stunned and disturbed, soon realizing that she, her boyfriend and dad may all be in danger.

The build-up of the story is very good. The story shuffles between the current time, a few weeks back and a few years back (her mother’s murder and since). One of the timelines is a distraction, and the story would have been better told in two clear time periods – the past (few years back) and present. The story holds the tension very well, though one timeline kills some surprises partly. I loved Poe’s character – spunky and vulnerable at the same time.

My rating: 4.5 / 5.

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OH I LOVED THIS BOOK!! I’m being 100% honest when I say I could not put this book down. To me this is the definition of a page turning, eyes glued to the pages thriller. I read a lot of thrillers and the plot behind this one was so different than ones I’ve read before and I couldn’t get enough! Mixed media in a book is my FAVORITE and the incorporation of podcast episodes with the chapters adds such a fun and fresh element. I hate to admit this book kept me guessing and I didn’t figure out the twist in the end - but that also makes me love it even more. I loved the main character Poe, her sarcasm, and how her relationship with her Dad evolved over the book. Would I recommend this book? Yes yes yes! This one was SO fun!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. This book blew my mind! I have read many psychological thrillers before, but not like this book. It felt like I was watching a movie, rather than reading a book. Deep, dark, got under my skin psychological thriller. I loved Poe, how authentic and resilient she is and Ian Hendley clearly underestimated her. I love how the author expresses Poe's emotions and insecurities and especially her over-thinking inner dialogue. Most of all I love how she's a survivor. The last chapters were so fast-paced, so good, I almost wanted the book to slow down and not come to an end. Loved the book!

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