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Very nice book, nice drawings, simple and effective. Teaches about Vincent's life and painting journey.

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From the Little People, BIG DREAMS series, this is a biography of Vincent Van Gogh for children. Beautifully illustrated in the style of Van Gogh, it gives an overview of his life and is comprehensive enough that adults may learn a bit about the artist.

The book approaches the issue of the emotional difficulties Van Gogh experienced in a sensitive manner and ends on a positive note. I liked the emphasis on brotherly love and support and that even when we are troubled, we can find joy.

The back pages have more information and would be suitable for parents discussing with younger children or older children reading and learning on their own. A resource is provided where one can read more information about the artist and, of course, mentions the wonderful Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

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The Little People, Big Dreams series always does a wonderful job of not only introducing children to famous people, but also explaining difficult topics (in this case, depression) in child-friendly language.
As always, the drawings are lovely and it was a joy to read the book.

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I absolutely love the Little People, Big Dreams series and this book is no exception.
The illustrations are wonderful, and I learned quite a lot about Vincent van Gogh's life. This book makes a great read for children and adults alike.

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The author did a good job of writing about Vincent Van Gogh's life and his struggles in a way that works for a children's book. I love how the illustrations match his artistic style. This book is a simple way to introduce children to his work.

*Thank you to NetGalley for the arc, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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As soon as I saw there was a new Little People, Big Dreams book, I knew I needed to read it!

I loved the illustrations and they fit so well for Vincent Van Gogh. I do like how his struggles with mental health and the fact he did cut off his ear were mentioned, but in a way that worked in a children’s book.

I do wish they would have mentioned Vincent’s sister-in-law Johanna and how much she had to do with his fame after his death.

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The life of Vinvent van Gogh was not a very happy one. He was sad most of his life and had to deal with depression as well as bullying. His unique artstyle didn‘t get much praise during his lifetime.

So one must assume that telling children about Vincents life without it being too sad but uplifting and inspiring instead is not the easiest task.

But as she usually does, María Isabel Sanchez Vegara does a very good job in doing exactly that. Without being untrue about Vincents life, she manages to tell the most important parts in a child appropriate way. She tells about his struggles but also his passion in painting as well as his great love and support from his brother Theo.

This book shows that it sometimes might take a while to find the thing you really love and want to do, that it takes failures along the way, but that those should not be as important.

Really nicely done, the words as well as the pictures.

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Another great informative book in the little people, big dreams series. My son loves reading these books.

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Thank you to Frances Lincoln Children's Books and to NetGalley for a ARC of this book.
This series is so informative and cute and this one no exception. I love the illustrations and how informative it is. So cute!

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I love that this book features some of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings throughout the story. It's a beautiful, simple way to introduce young readers and artists to Vincent Van Gogh and his work.

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This was so cute. The art style was really beautiful and really showcased Vincent's work, it really suited the story being told. I also really like the emphasis on the relationship between Vincent and his brother Theo.

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This is a lovely biography about Vincent Van Gogh that is perfect for introducing kids to an amazing artist. I loved the illustrations!

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What a great intro to Van Gogh!! The artwork is outstanding, and perfectly in style for Van Gogh and its a great quick summary of his life.

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This was a book very suitable for kids, but with a good amount of detail of Van Gogh’s life. The art style was beautiful and really made the book, just looking at the pictures really tells the story and is as you expect for a book about Van Gogh.
Short, informative and beautiful.

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This is a favorite series of mine. It’s worded just right for young people, but grownups can learn something new, too. The illustrations in this one about Vincent Van Gogh are stellar!

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I love this series and couldn’t pass up the chance to read one about one of my favourite authors. As always it gives a great summary of van Gogh’s life and how he became an artist. the illustrations are wonderful and the background texture that looks like waterpaper, makes it stand out from the others.

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The series in general is enjoyable and informative with lovely illustrations. This installment about Van Gogh is interesting with visuals that match the painter's vibes. A nice touch.
I just find it sad and strange that there is not a single mention of Jo, his sister-in-law who was the one to make him famous the world over after the untimely death of the two brothers. Instead of being so evasive, saying "people eventually got to know his art", let's give credit where it is due.

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Ideal length for children.
The art style is a wonderful match for a book about Vincent Van Gogh 5/5.
I wish it were longer, as an adult, but never mind. This is for children.
The prose 4/5 (I reckon it was challenging to come up with a happy ending, hence the open-ending in the book. Fair enough, in a way)

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I love this series and the diversity of dreamers from different fields that it highlights! This particular edition tells the story of artist Vincent Van Gough, and I admired how the author made his often tragic story child-friendly while not shying away from the mental illness that impacted his life. I especially enjoyed how the book highlighted the impact that the love and support from his brother had on him and the message that Van Gough’s spirit lives on through his art.

The illustrations were absolutely beautiful, merging the artist’s signature style with the illustrator’s talent at bringing expression alive. I’d really recommend this book alongside the broader series - as always the author finds the right balance between beauty, education, realism and inspiration.

I appreciate the opportunity to preview a digital copy of this book for review consideration - thank you Quarto Publishing Group and NetGalley! Can’t wait to see this come to life on the physical pages.

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Another excellent etnry into this series, this book about Vincent van Gogh with beautiful reproductions of his work and very clear and engaging prose. A beautiful and accessible introduction to a stirring artist!

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