Member Reviews

the details. the plot. the characters. the twists. all of it.
probably one of my favorite reads of this year.

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This book read so much like a film because of the sheer depth of the descriptions we were given which made me feel like I was literally watching it on TV. The conversations were so real and not one dimentional, the characters, the locations, the emotions and even the smells were just so cleverly described.

I enjoyed the way the chapters were laid out, jumping from one character's perspective to another, keeps the writing exciting and again, I could literally see the scenes panning from one character to another like you would on screen. All the characters were relevant and integral to the story.

The story itself is very original, plot made sense even though it was clear the author has medical knowledge, this wasn't complicated in any way and even a reader with no medical knowledge could follow along with no issue. So much going on in this book whickh kept me interested and wanting to read on, quite a lot of action and a good few twists and turns that weren't expected.

A really good read, with a good combination of crime, mystery and a little teeny bit of romance. Would make an excellent film!

Thanks to the publisher, Netgalley and Christina LePort, the author for allowing me to enjoy this book before release.

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Change of Heart is kind of dark twisted plot thriller from Crristina that is really good. I am kinda absorbed when I read this novel. Good job for you, Cristina.

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I do love a good suspenseful mystery and this books delivered.
The plot was compelling and I was keen to keep reading and know what happened next. I did have suspicions of some of the big plot points but that didn't take away my enjoyment.
The writing was easy to read and the way medical information was handled was pleasantly not bombarding or over the top. As a healthcare worker, I understood the medical things involved but didn't find the explanations over the top or as if the author was explaining to a child. It was refreshing.
There were a few spelling and grammatical issues but nothing major. Unsure if this is the result of the format I read this in or something that was just missed during editing.
I would be interested in reading more from LePort in the future for a fun, easy to read book that doesn't require all my brain power.

Plan to post my review to StoryGraph closer to release date

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I have decided not to share this review publicly on my socials as unfortunately this book just didn’t work for me. I found the storyline a bit hard to believe and didn’t really feel a lot of investment in the characters.

I think the premise of the book was good particularly in relation to an organ donation chain being hacked and minders associated with it however Bloom having a cardiac condition and sleeping with Zayne didn’t work for me. I felt she initially came across as a strong, career riven woman and this somewhat cheapened her character. It also didn’t make a lot of sense to me that she had palpitations throughout the book but ignored her symptoms - when she was working on a case where she could clearly see examples of ignored cardiac conditions in front of her!

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This was my first medical thriller/murder mystery and I loved every minute of it. Whilst reading it felt as if I were watching a medical show on TV and the plot kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I also liked the romance bits in between, but they could’ve been explored more in my opinion, as they felt a bit ‘out of the blue’ and ‘insta love’ sometimes.
Also… the book is filled with spelling and punctuation errors, but that didn’t influence my opinion of the book, as this is an advanced copy.

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This is possibly my favorite read of 2024!

I loved the plot it was so well thought out. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat questioning what was going to happen next for the majority of the book. The subtle hints of romance in the book were a good touch of balance between personal and work life! The multiple plot twists were so unexpected but made so much sense!

I can't wait for this book to come out so I can start recommending it!

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