Member Reviews

Dieser Gedichtband ist eine bunte Mischung von Poesie über schöne und schlechte Liebesgefühle, beginnende und endende Beziehungen, Selbstwert und Selbstzweifel, dem Sinn des Lebens und dem eigenen Platz in der Welt. Mir hat diese Vielfalt an Themen sehr gefallen und ich wurde mehrmals zum Innehalten und Nachdenken angeregt.

An diesem Gedichtband hat mir besonders gefallen, dass der Großteil der Gedichte Reime enthält und diese dadurch insbesondere beim lauten Vorlesen wunderschön anzuhören waren. Auch emotional haben mich viele der Gedichte berührt. Ich habe es selten so genossen, eine Gedichtsammlung zu lesen und werde die Autorin sehr gerne weiter verfolgen. Absolute Leseempfehlung!!!

In English:

This volume of poetry is a colorful mixture of poetry about good and bad feelings of love, beginning and ending relationships, self-worth and self-doubt, the meaning of life and one's own place in the world. I really liked this variety of topics and it made me stop and think several times.

What I particularly liked about this volume of poetry was that most of the poems contain rhymes, which made them particularly beautiful to listen to when read aloud. Many of the poems also touched me emotionally. I have rarely enjoyed reading a collection of poems so much and will be happy to continue to follow the author. Absolutely recommended reading!!!

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Wow. This was quite lovey.

The poet makes good use of rhyming without it being too cheesy, annoying, or overwrought.

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The book invites readers to explore self-torment through love, much like verses penned at 3 am while pondering life’s choices. It evokes nostalgia for lost loves, places, and versions of ourselves. A poetic journey worth savoring with a glass of wine. Cheers! 🥂 .

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There is some really good poetry in here. I like that most of her poems rhyme and that they tend to have an existential theme.

I'd be happy to read more of her work.

Thank you to Netgalley and Troubador for the ARC

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Royal Blue by Ellie Ilieva is a thought-provoking collection that leads us to ponder the very meaning of our existence and, more specifically, the pull that we repeatedly feel toward love, even though we have been bruised over and over again in our unrelenting pursuit. Like a melancholic stream of consciousness, these verses draw the reader into an abyss of self-examination and reflection, and I was submersed in their depths from the very first page. Ms Ilieva is a talent to watch. 4.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing for an ARC.

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