Member Reviews

This is the first book that I have read by Sophie Cousens. I found Is She Really Going Out With Him? to be funny, delightful, and so much more than a romance. Anna is a 38-year-old recently divorced woman with 2 children. She is a journalist at a local magazine. Will is an annoying coworker who Anna thinks is after her job. The two are assigned to write a dating column together, exploring the differences between online dating apps and meeting people “naturally.” The twist is that Anna’s children choose who she should date. Anna has some interesting dates and experiences. Some of the scenes had me laughing out loud. Through their collaboration, Will and Anna become closer and she realizes that he is not the jerk she thought he was.

This is more than a romance novel. It is the story of a woman’s self-discovery as she heals from a divorce. She is learning how to cope with everything that life throws her way: being a single mom, fighting for her job at a magazine that is on the brink of shutting down, and dealing with the fact that her ex-husband has moved on with his life while she has not. As the story progresses, Anna slowly regains her self-confidence and through many of her experiences, joy and happiness return to her life.

I liked Is She Really Going Out With Him? by Sophie Cousens. I loved the characters. Anna and Will were likeable and genuine. There were some minor characters who were delightful and quirky. It was a quick read that was fun and satisfying. I plan to read some of Cousen’s earlier novels.

Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for providing me with an advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Penguin Group Putnam and Netgalley for an eARC of Is She Really Going Out With Him? in exchange for an honest review!!

Sophie Cousens has such a great way with words. I was giggling and loved the messiness of this book. It reminded me that life is never ever picture perfect. I loved the plot of this book and found it to be so relatable at times. Navigating through life after a big change can be so difficult, and having your children choose your dates for you is wild. I loved this!

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Love a good Sophie Cousens’ book and this was no exception.! It was funny and charming and I just loved all the characters. I do wish the google searches at the top of each page had been brighter/larger as I could barely read them.

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Sophie Cousens books are the perfect romance novels, and I will die on that hill.

I thought for sure that I was not going to like the mmc, Will, in this novel, but that quickly changed as he started to open up and much of his behavior was explained and even made to be endearing. He encouraged our fmc, Anna, to move at her own pace, but also to find her ambition and not worry about what others thought. He was SO swoon-worthy and I loved the way that he fell hard for Anna. Their romance was sweet and slow burn, and the way they remembered little details about each other was my fav.

This book dealt with a lot of complex issues such as divorce, complicated family dynamics, and many others, and I thought those topics really rounded out this cute contemporary romance into something deep and meaningful. I can’t wait to recommend it to everyone this fall!!

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Reading *Is She Really Going Out with Him* felt a bit like scrolling through social media when you’re bored—it’s entertaining enough, but you're not exactly invested. This is my second rendezvous with Sophie Cousens, and much like *The Good Part*, it left me feeling... fine.

The story is cute, predictable, and has its charming moments. But let's be honest, it's not the kind of book that haunts you when you're away, desperately pulling you back to read just one more chapter. Two weeks later, I’m struggling to remember the finer details, and if I’d waited any longer, the plot would probably be a distant blur.

Cousens has a knack for crafting light, easygoing reads that don’t ask much of you, which is great if you’re in the mood for something breezy. But would I recommend it? Probably not. It’s pleasant enough, but it’s like that background music in a coffee shop—nice while it’s on, but you won’t be humming it on your way out.

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN Geiup Putnam for an advanced copy so that I may give my honest feedback and review.

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A funny love story about a divorcee whose children play matchmaker. This was such a cute, sweet, make you feel good rom-com read. This was my first book by Sophie Cousens and I will definitely be adding more of her novels to my TBR. As a recently divorced woman who is dating this book was super relatable for me. I love the realistic ending.

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Synopsis: Anna is a 38-year-old single mom in charge of a dating column. For her next project, she is tasked with going on a series of dates where her kids pick the men. Alongside this, she begins to become closer with her work rival Will.

Thoughts: This story pulled me in from the start. The witty humor, the cast of characters and dating premise were all so enjoyable. The best part was that even though I didn’t experience many of the life events Anna went through, I found myself relating to her, emphasizing with her and rooting for a love story success.

Read if you like:
-Single parent (to two amazing kids)
-Workplace romances
-Top tier banter
-Camping scenes
-Modern dating stories
-How to Loose A Guy in 10 Days

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Sophie's books never fail to delight, and this one was no different. Anna Appleby was such a relatable heroine, and yet also a type (divorced mom!) that we don't often get to read. I loved seeing the highs, lows and hijinks of entering the dating world with kids in tow. The tensions and anxieties were so very human, and the rediscovery of her sexuality was also beautiful and fun. The relationship(s) that developed through her journalistic dating experiment — both romantic and platonic — were believable, empathetically crafted, and fun to read.

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Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for the ARC of Is She Really Going Out with Him? in exchange for an honest and independent review.

Full transparency, I absolutely loved every aspect of this book. Sophie really knows how to tug at all the heartstrings when it comes to love, loss, family and personal growth amid all the challenges life can throw at you. The main character, Anna, is so incredibly relatable and I looked up to her character is so many ways.

Anna is fresh out of a divorce and learning how to juggle life as a single mother and a journalist at a company who is on the brink of closure. She is learning to love herself again and be okay with being single and happy with her two kids. In an idea to hopefully bring readers back to her column, Anna decides to embark on a series of dates chosen by her children. In doing so, Anna crosses paths with some very interesting characters, all of which help guide Anna in her new found life as a mother and a partner. While embarking on her new journey, the column also bring her closer with her arch nemesis at work, Will, who is contributing to her column with his own series of dates. Could Will be the one thing in Anna's life that brings her back to the woman she aspires to be? His cocky charm has always annoyed her before, but there's something about him that makes things so easy and allows her to truly be herself for the first time in a long time. Watching their relationship evolve over the course of time was such a pleasure and I hope every girl is lucky enough to find their "Will" in life.

This closed door romance is filled with all our favorite tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, hate to love you and so many more! There is quite literally something for everyone wrapped up in this one and you won't regret diving in. This book is not only a love story on the surface, but it's themes go deeper than that. So many people can relate with Anna and where he is at in life. She's lost herself to a failed marriage and motherhood and is truly in a journey of self discovery at the age of only thirty eight. Watching her regain her self-confidence and be comfortable in her own skin was inspirational and will resonate with so many. Honestly cannot gush enough about this book, but don't take my word for it. Run out and purchase this one November 19th!

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Like the other Sophie Cousens books I've read, it took me a minute to delve in. Once I was in, though, it was a pretty fun read. I felt bad for Anna, especially at the beginning when everything seemed to fall apart right in front of her, but it was interesting to read about those first few dates, to say the least! Special thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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Thank you to Putnam Books for the ARC of this one! I have read and loved all of Sophie Cousens' books and I think this one is my new favorite! I absolutely love a romance with an older FMC and Anna was such a easy character to root for. I just loved watching her learn to care for herself and prioritize herself amidst motherhood and a divorce. Will, the MMC, is an unlikely match for her but his character had a lot of depth and I really grew to love him as well. The concept behind the book where Anna and Will (both journalists) pair up to write complimentary columns about dating was fun and interesting and their love story was just incredibly sweet. I also felt like the ending was fresh and new and not exactly what you always read with a romance. Sophie Cousens hit it out of the park. Loved it so much! Five bright shining and sparkly stars! Thanks for the opportunity to review it!

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DNF at 30%
I was really excited about the premise for this book. But it took a long time for me to get into. And the FMC was irritating. Quite whiny.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

I loved this author's first three books. The last book and this one, I just can't get in to. I am having to DNF this book at 50%.

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The premise of this was cute, so I was super excited to read it! The execution felt a little shallow, but overall still a fun, easy read!

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I received a free ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Sarah Cousens has become one of the authors that if I haven't already I plan to read all of her past books and read all of her new ones. They are always a good solid read to me. This book had all the feels. There were laughs, cries, happiness, sadness, and anger (stupid ex-husband). I enjoyed reading the story and felt it was a nice escape. I also want to go on that no technology retreat lol.

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“The Good Part” was one of my favorite reads of 2023, so I was absolutely delighted to get my hands on an ARC of Cousens’ newest novel! This book was such a joy. The subtle humor in this book had me chuckling out loud (to no one in particular), and I loved the role that the main character’s children played in helping their mother search for love after divorce. Thank you to the publisher for providing me an advanced copy via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Anna, a divorced mom of two, is a columnist desperately trying to keep her job while work-rival Will has his eyes set on her job. The problem: her column is a lifestyle/relationship column but she has no interest in dating or going out, instead preferring for quiet nights at home with her kids. In an effort to fuse the two she pitches a column where she goes on seven dates, with seven different men, chosen by her children. Will wastes no time pitching to their boss that he do a corresponding column with women he finds online. The dates are awkward, chaotic, bizarre and sometimes quite nice but the most surprising relationship is the one she develops with Will.

I could not put this book down. I have been meaning to read Sophie Cousens for years, but never got around to it. I could easily read this book again already, though. I loved both Anna and Will and all of the supporting characters. This book was funny while at the same time your heart ached for both of them (as well as a few others). I will definitely be reading her other books soon!

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Cute premise and I love that she finds her way and also makes friends. It had a decent cast of quirky characters

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It was going to be tough for Sophie Cousens to write anything even remotely close to The Good Part for me. I LOVED The Good Part so much and I had high hopes for her latest novel. Is She Really Going Out with Him? This is a solid rom-com that I enjoyed, but it won't earn a spot on my favorites shelf the way her last novel did. While this didn't completely wow me, Sophie Cousens remains an auto-read author for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A quirky and unique romcom for those who love a solid Hating Game vibe but with more heart and soul.

Will and Anna are both columnists at a small paper - she is recently divorced with two kids and no desire to get back out there and start dating. He is a food writer with aspirations of more - and is a bit of a man about town. Regularly offering unsolicited advice about her column and grammar, Will drives Anna nuts - but not as crazy as she feels when they are pitted against one another as relationship column writers trying to attract a younger demographic.

Anna turns to desperate measures after online dating crashes and burns - like letting her children pick her dates based on people they either already know or meet in public. Will writes his own dating columns based on his online dating experiences while tying the themes to the people that Anna Is seeing. Let the games begin!

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