Member Reviews

As a history major, this book was FUN! I loved all the interesting facts that were brought up from start to finish. It was wonderfully done! Laid out well and just a great book.

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The layout of this book is fantastic, there is so much information without it feeling to much because the illustrations and facts are set out in a way that flows really well. This was very informative and engaging and I love the addition of the presidential pets

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This is actually a fun little history book about all the presidents of the United States, from Washington to Biden. It plays on common myths about them, and says what is true. It also talks about the vice presidents, and first ladies, which is why Elenore Roosevelt is on the cover, of a book about Presidents, which she was not.

Some of the “oh no they didn’t” I knew, such as Washington not chopping down a cherry tree, or that not all Presidents went to college.
I didn’t know that William Henry Harrison did not die of pneumonia, but from bad water. Or that bad water may have contributed to Zackary Taylor’s death.The book also claims that the White House was not painted white after it burned in the war of 1812, but that it had always been white.

Fun book to go through and see what misconceptions we have, those of us who were taught American History. Great way for kids to get interested in the presidents, as that can be quite dry at times.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.This book will be published on the 3rd of September 2024.

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Highly recommend this book if you enjoy history.

Absolute fun and interesting facts.

I carpool with my dad in the mornings to work and I was so excited to quiz him and fact check him. He enjoyed it as well! Made for a fun car ride.

This book releases on September 3.
Preorder now through Amazon!

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Awesome book! There is A LOT of information in this book, but it works really well. It works because the graphics person who worked on this book did an amazing job of organizing all of the pictures and the facts on each and every page - flawlessly. It wasn't hard to follow, and it wasn't too overwhelming. Additionally, all of the facts are genuinely interesting, and the author made sure to include everything that readers will want to know. It was such a smart choice to write about the presidents, the first ladies, the VPs, and presidential pets, all in one book. Due to how much fascinating information there was in this book, kids will be entertained for HOURS reading this book, and they will walk away with loads of fun facts in their brains. Lastly, the illustrations, were so accurate, colorful, realistic (but still fun), and just all-around spectacular and well-done.
While the book was great, there was one factual mistake. For the facts about James Buchanan, it first says that his sister took the position of being his first lady, but later it says that his niece did. The same name, Harriet Lane, was used in both instances but the familial relation changed. I don't know for sure which is correct, but this should definitely be accurate in the book.
Other than that small mistake, bravo!

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As a fifth grade teacher, I’m always looking for engaging books on presidents and politics. In a time of a lot of political tension, I am especially careful to choose books that are positive, have great artwork, and don’t have a partisan slant. This book fits the bill perfectly.

One of the main premises of the book is to identify false stories and assumptions about presidents (and even the White House itself) that people commonly believe and share the truth. These are all child appropriate, for example the story of Thomas Jefferson introducing ice-cream to the USA. I love this because it helps children develop media literacy and critical thinking skills.

The book goes through each president, up to Biden, and gives fun facts on all of them. There are also interesting and informative sections on Vice Presidents, First Ladies, and even pets.

This book would be a great asset for any upper elementary classroom.

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Presidents presents information about all the presidents of the United States as well as the White House, vice presidents and the first ladies. The information is presented in a unique format as it is done through dispelling common myths about US politics and presidents and describing the truth about the events/facts in question.

I really loved the format of this book and thought it was very clever and original. The information included was really interesting and as someone who knows very little about US history and politics, I learnt a lot from this book. My favourite section was the one about the presidents' pets which have lived in the White House. I liked Eric Huang's writing style as it made politics seem fun and engaging when usually books about politics can be dull and boring.

Sam Caldwell's illustrations really helped to bring this book to life. I particularly liked the drawings in the timeline of US presidents as seeing the past presidents drawn in colour helped my get a sense of their personalities and bought them to life more than the black and white photographs that we are accustomed to do.

Overall I really enjoyed and think it would be a great way for both kids and adults to learn more about US presidents!

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