Member Reviews

I found this recipe book alright. The recipes were pretty basic and some that I tried I didn’t really like (of course that is personal taste). I found it was very unorganized the way it’s put together

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The title of this book says it all. Mullennix shares her journey to become more self-sufficient, and she provides a variety of recipes that assist in doing so. Many of the recipes are reliant upon sourdough, for which she shares a recipe. The dairy section highlights butter, mozzarella, yogurt, sour cream, cream and home-made ranch. My family eagerly dug into buttermilk biscuits that turned out oh so tasty. Then, I moved on to toaster pastries with raspberry filling. This was the easiest and best pie crust I have ever used as it was flaky and buttery- just perfect.
Overall, even though some of the recipes are not highly original, it is obvious this cookbook is written from Mullennix’s heart. I will definitely want a print copy to use for my library.
Thank you to NetGalley and Skyhorse Publishing for the advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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The recipes in this one are good but I really couldn't stand the organization of the book as a whole. Av good concept but needs work

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I like the recipes in this book and I like the concept. My one complaint is the organization of some of the recipes. Sides in mains and mains in sides, etc.

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Oh. My. Yum! The Self-Reliant Kitchen gives you everything you need to start your own sustainable food sources. All good guides start with a “how to” and the rationale behind it, which is very helpful. Michelle pours so much encouragement and suggestions, that it does feel easy and not overwhelming to just start. And what a better start than sourdough. She even provides a starter recipe, if you don’t have one, and then uses this to build on her bread recipes. The pictures are perfect for inspiring you to create your own. The dairy section includes butter, mozzarella cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, and buttermilk ranch. Again, super easy directions and ingredients. Now breakfast takes it all to a whole separate level, because my goodness, who does not love a fresh homemade breakfast. Cinnamon rolls, donuts, pancakes, waffles, sausage gravy and buttermilk biscuits, homemade toaster pastries, French toast, potatoes and more. I am not going to spell everything out because discovery is part of the fun, but hopefully, you’re hooked and ready to get your own copy! Wait until you read dinner, sides, snacks, and of course, you cannot forget desserts.
I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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You do not need to go to the grocery store for a lot of the staples you buy. The recipes are easy to follow with pictures. In-depth information on groceries and tools you will need. Sourdough starter is something I always wanted to try and with this recipe I feel confident I can make it. ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.

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This cookbook is perfect for anyone wanting to move away from processed foods and start cooking healthier meals at home. With easy-to-follow recipes and tips on traditional cooking, it helps you build a more self-reliant kitchen. It’s great for both beginners and experienced cooks, making it simple to prepare nutritious, delicious meals for you and your family.

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The cookbook has a lot of recipes that help you get started, such as cinnamon rolls, yeast, rolls, meatloaf and breakfast potatoes, some of these recipes. I've already made and enjoyed seeing them in the cookbook.I believe that I could use this cookbook for years to come. Although mini recipes are reliant on the Sourdough starter. There are some recipes that don't rely on that, and I will definitely be trying those recipes. I've already made the breakfast potatoes and potato soup, it was very delicious comfort foods such as chicken noodles soup and scallop potatoes so you're not buying can products excite me as you can see I love potatoes! She shows us staples we use daily and how to make them instead

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Absolutely beautiful book. I officially want to quit my job, buy some land and sell sourdough at a roadside stand. What a great book that everyone should have in their kitchen at all times! Beautifully written and thoughtful, realistic recipes that any family could easily sustain themselves on. This one is going front and center on my shelf as soon as I get my hands on a physical copy! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! I spent many hours writing down so many of these recipes so I don't lose them!

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As a librarian, i do reseach authors and any book, to make sure I am recommending trustworthy information. This cookbook doesn’t have any background on the author, however the author has a few social media accounts. There is no food education, geography or sources listed for the information presented or listed for this author. The receipes seem basic, containing some errors, and that’s ok if the author has never written a cookbook before but I expected a lot more to justify the thirty dollar pricetag on Amazon and B&N. The social media accounts seem to have copied photos taken off the web, in my opinion. So, unfortunately I cannot recommend someone spend the $20 - $30 to buy this cookbook when there are so many other reliable cookbooks in general to choose from.

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I love the tips in this book especially in our current living cost crisis. This book encourages you to be self reliant and it is a good way to save money.. Great photos within the book.

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The Self-Reliant Kitchen by Michelle Mullenix has easy-to-follow recipes and straightforward instructions on how to make bread and cheese. It's well-written and easy to understand. This book Is perfect for those who want to start making things from scratch. I used the sourdough starter recipe, and it's going well so far.
Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this ARC.

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Recommends raw cream. Big nope, we live in 2024 and there is a reason we pasteurize dairy. No thank you.

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'The Self-Reliant Kitchen' cookbook allows the reader to delve into making recipes from scratch. While it's thoroughly explained, they're definitely not all meant for those newer to the kitchen, but they're not overwhelming either. Though it leaves a bit to be desired with the visuals, Mullennix's warm tone is encouraging and the variety of recipes allows there to be something for everyone even in a book that feels quite regional.

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Good basic instructions for making own bread and cheese, while living a more sustainable life. I would have appreciated more illustrations and insights.

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This is a great cookbook for those who are interested in creating homemade meals. I loved the many recipes that utilized sourdough starter and it's motivated me to finally try it out. I liked that the sourdough starter directions were what kicked off the cookbook as it was a cornerstone to the philosophy of self-reliant cooking. The visuals were very nice and the recipes were straightforward. Loved the variety!

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As with any recipe, especially those in a collection, cooks with experience use the recipe as a guideline and adjust according to their location and their families' preferences. This is a good book for a more experienced cook as a person with less experience would not recognize the guidance Mullennix gives as just that, guidance. I found the recipes easy to follow and the ones I made had excellent results. I have a large library of cookbooks and this one fits into it well. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to expand their menus and use fewer processed ingredients.

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*The Self-Reliant Kitchen* by Michelle Mullennix is a handy and inspiring guide for anyone wanting to dive into homemade, self-sufficient cooking. It covers everything from baking sourdough bread and making cheese to preparing farm-to-table meals. The book is packed with straightforward instructions and helpful tips, making it perfect for anyone looking to up their cooking game and do more from scratch. Its emphasis on traditional methods and fresh ingredients makes it a great pick for those wanting a more self-reliant kitchen.

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This is a great book to help you make more meals from scratch and become more self-reliant. The recipes are straightforward, making it easy to follow so you can skip the store bought and try your hand at things like ice cream, ketchup, and chips. I love sourdough but don't do it myself, but for those that do, there's several recipes that can incorporate your homemade sourdough starter.

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I really enjoyed this book! The pictures and graphics are very attention grabbing and make it easy to picture what you are making. All of the ideas in here looks great and I will definitely have fun trying my hand at making a few! I'm so happy I discovered this book and will be buying a physical copy.

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