Member Reviews


I was pretty apprehensive about this one as tik tok darling books have really burned me in the past. I don't always love the super hyped up ones. This honestly though met the hype it's been receiving.

I found Diem to be a bit annoying and dense at times, but she was really interesting at the same time. I also love a girl who pushes the status quo and has no problem standing up to others. She just was so blind to her childhood friend/boyfriend. That it was incredibly aggravating. Then there is Luther, he is one favorites. I loved him in this book and found him the B perfect balance of being broody and intriguing.

The other thing I really liked about this book was the caste system. That there is humans and descended. Descended are considered to the closest to their creator with powers and procreating with humans is outlawed as they believe it water downs the descended race. Any offspring is killed if found.

I loved this one so much that I quickly read book 2 and really enjoyed this one as well. I will read book three 3 once 4 is released, as I don't think I could handle the wait between the two.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria for this advanced read copy. My review is voluntarily my own.

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I knew going into Spark that it was going to be a Romantasy, but it CLOCKED IN! The lore and world is so fascinating and this only just scratched the surface. I have so many questions, theories, and guesses floating around, but not having everything answered doesn’t take away from this because the story was set up so well for what’s to come. I love all of the characters (flaws and all) and that I can’t say for certain who is on the right side of this conflict; the tension and struggle throughout is amazing! I highlighted so much from this book because things kept popping out to me that I can just FEEL are setting the future books up. The last 25% had me gagged and gasping because OMG- it’s taking everything in me right now to not just jump right into book 2. The slow burn was soooo good and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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Thank you NetGalley and Penn Cole for this ARC!

It is almost 1 in the morning and I am laying here in the dark CRYING.

Whatever Penn Cole put into this book, it is absolutely addicting. The entire time I just kept thinking “this is how I felt reading A Court of Thorns and Roses” and literally no other fantasy book has even come close to that feeling — until this book.


If you are looking for a fantasy book (series) that is going to take you on a journey, where you’re constantly wondering what is going to happen next, this book is for you. The writing is so good, I literally cannot think of a single critique. I fell in love with these characters and just know that by the end of this series, I am going to have a hard time letting them go.

I can't wait to jump into the next two books to learn more about the magic system and Diem’s self discoveries!!!! (THAT ENDING!)

*gets emotional*

Also, LUTHER?!

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I was in love with Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole from start to finish. The world Cole has crafted is detailed, brimming with magic and suspense that pulled me in from the very first chapter.

The characters are relatable, each with their own unique voice and compelling backstories. The protagonist’s journey is one of growth, discovery, and courage, making it easy to root for her as she navigates the challenges thrown her way.

Whether you’re a die-hard fantasy fan or someone new to the genre, Spark of the Everflame is an absolute must-read. It’s a thrilling, emotional ride that leaves you eagerly anticipating the next installment. I highly recommend giving it a read. It was a solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me!

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This is a slow burn with a capital SLOW. For about 70-80% of the book, I was thinking, “Hmmm, why is everyone raving about this?” Then, just when I had given up hope, things finally picked up, and I was like, “Ah, there it is!” It felt like a solid three-star read for most of the book, but then it started flirting with four-star territory toward the end, so here I am, splitting the difference with a 3.5.

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"Spark of the Everflame" is an enthralling tale that brilliantly blends fantasy with elements of romance and political intrigue. Penn Cole has crafted a richly imagined world filled with gods, power struggles, and dark secrets that kept me thoroughly captivated from start to finish. Diem is a relatable and strong-willed protagonist, driven by her desires for freedom and her misplaced loyalty to her family. Her journey of self-discovery as she navigates this dangerous new world is both engaging and inspiring.

The dynamic between Diem and the king’s heir adds a delectable layer of tension to the plot. Their relationship unfolds amidst the looming threat of civil unrest, making every interaction charged with emotion and complexity. The chemistry between them is palpable, and I found myself invested in their budding romance while also questioning the motives behind their actions.

Cole's writing is vivid and evocative, drawing readers into the intricate landscape filled with political intrigue and moral dilemmas. The themes of love, sacrifice, and the struggle for justice are woven seamlessly throughout the story, making it as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.

I highly recommend "Spark of the Everflame" to fans of fantasy who enjoy tales of resistance, secret lineages, and complicated relationships. Penn Cole has created an exciting adventure that promises to ignite readers' imaginations and leave them eager for more. This book has a spark that will linger long after reading, and I can’t wait to see where Diem’s journey leads next!

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Bad???? I found this book to be so cliched and unoriginal as to basically be a rip off, more than a re-imagining, of much-loved themes and tropes. and it's CORNY omg so corny. The dialogue is straight up hard to read at times, the moral themes are simplistic and clumsily handled. Lots of telling, not showing. I could not for the life of me empathize with the main character an her behavior; I'd almost get there, then she'd say or do something so insane it broke my suspension of disbelief. The plot was pretty much exclusively driven forward by her erratic behavior, which feels...lazy. And finally, we spend nearly no significant time with the MMC until suddenly they're kissing like 80% in. Me? I love a slow burn, but nothing was burning here. I want to see a foundation of a connection, I want to at least know a littttle tiny bit about him. I don't even care if they never so much as kiss all book as long as something exciting is brewing! But all their attraction and connection was instant and irrational.

I'd categorize this as like Hunger Games (we've got a healer, we've got a Gale-ass character, we've got societal stratification and unrest) x From Blood & Ash (this girl is so special and she doesn't even know it, and she's got the most annoying personality you can imagine, and there's a very important strong silent dude who becomes inexplicably devoted to her). But like worse and more clunky than you're imagining. Fans of Jennifer L. Armentrout might like lol

Worried this might be an overly harsh review, but I'm genuinely surprise to see so many glowing reviews for this book - want to represent the other side a little.

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I devoured this book from the first page, the world building was excellent and the writing super captivating. I liked how the story developed in the first half but I felt that in the other half some things bothered me (and that's why it wasn't 5 stars). I also found the ending very rushed but I ended up automatically wanting to go to the second book. Diem was a protagonist that I loved at first but then I felt that she lost herself a little in the character, I really liked Luther but I felt that the author put some common characteristics/quotes in him that didn't suit his character well.

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An enjoyable fantasy read with some set up for what I assume will be some slow burn romance plot lines in the next book of the series. The plot portion was a little predictable but that’s okay, there’s only so many ways an author can twist and turn a main character actually being super special and saving their world. I found this more character focused anyway. It was easy and quick to read, with consistent pacing. The various tensions in the main character’s world—should she be supporting rebels or the palace, listening to her mom’s advice after she’s disappeared, her relationship with her brother and step father—all added interest and were nicely fleshed out. I will definitely pick up book 2!

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Diem is a healer just like her mother Aurelie is, mortals living in Lumnos. Her mother has kept her away from the Descended her whole life, but after she disappears, Diem is drawn into their world and the orbit of Prince Luther and realizes how much she doesn't know. Now Diem is navigating the royals and a mortal rebellion.

I'm interested to see where this series might go, especially since there's allusions to the future but several things open ended. This is book one of four in a series. There's a slow burn romance and enemies to lovers and a lot many fantasy readers will enjoy. This book I would describe as new adult fantasy. I think those that enjoyed Powerless by Lauren Roberts will likely enjoy this. There's a magic system tied to their region that the Descended have and in Lumnos that includes light and shadow.

Thank you to Atria Books for an ARC on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book is due to be published 10/22/24. I’ll be posting on Instagram closer to the pub date.

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🔥 **Spark of the Everflame** by Penn Cole has officially claimed a spot as one of my top reads of 2024!🔥

From the first page, I was *hooked*—and trust me, you will be too. The world-building was perfectly paced to have me on my toes, but also understand what’s going on. Twists and turns that had me gasping and flipping pages faster than I could keep up. 📚✨

Cole has crafted something truly magical here, and I’m not exaggerating when I say you’ll want to clear your schedule. 🗓️ Seriously, cancel plans, turn off your phone, and just dive in. This book is the start of something big, and once you’re done, you’ll be desperate to get your hands on the rest of the series.🔥

Incredible, immersive, and downright unputdownable—*Spark of the Everflame* is not just a book; it’s an experience.

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I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this! The characters and plot are a little tropey but the dialogue was so good! And the world was so uniquen

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The tension in this book was high all the way through and I felt sad and angry for the characters while reading it, while also disliking some at the same time. The ending was on a huge cliffhanger but luckily the second and third books are already out. There really wasn’t much spice in this one, but so much build up it feels like book two will have more.

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what a unique first book to a series!!!! i quite enjoyed the magic system and i feel like it is fairly easy for a beginner fantasy reader to get into, and the romance was definitely in the forefront of the book if that is your cup of tea (it was one of my favorite parts). overall i liked cole’s writing and am interested in seeing where the story continues!

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Thank you NetGalley for the copy of Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole.

This is a book full of secrets. The secrets your parents keep from you. The information you are not told about the world around you. Diem is living in a mortal world right on the edge of the dark world ruled by the Descended. Her mother goes missing and she does everything in her power to find her...even crossing the boundary in a forbidden world. Diem is different from everyone else, she has grey eyes and milky white hair. All mortals have brown eyes and the Descended have blue eyes. There is an instant connection between Diem and the dying king's heir. But their love is forbidden.

A few of my favorite lines from the book:

To be disarmed is to court death.

If you cannot be stronger, be smarter.

A memory clawed at the edges of my mind, pleading to be unleashed from the coffin I’d sealed it in.

What have I taught you about fighting an opponent that’s much stronger than you are?
If you cannot be stronger, be smarter.

Hopelessness began to set back in. I can’t do this, they’re both going to die here and it will be all my f——
Fight, the voice snapped.
No time to wallow."

A furious buzzing filled my head—a war of whispers and memories, questions and accusations.

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I enjoyed Spark of the Everflame for the most part. The world felt familiar yet new, but the plot was a smidge predictable. I think I would have enjoyed this a little bit more if Diem was an ounce smarter. She was presented as incredibly intelligent and as a feisty warrior type character that had a gentle side as a healer. Every clue or decision she was presented with, she chose or I guess didn't put it together to help move things along. I understand keeping info from the reader to keep the surprises coming, but here, it made Diem seem rather dumb as a character. If Diem's character grows more in the next couple of books, I could be persuaded to continue with the series.

Thank you Atria and NetGalley, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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5 stars! Personally, this is the fantasy romance I’ve been waiting for. I haven't enjoyed a book this much since I read ACOTAR (say what you will about that series, Sarah J Maas knows how to write a smoldering romance). In my opinion, "Spark of the Everflame" deserves more hype. Penn Cole is such a talented author!

There are soooo many elements to love about this story. I don't even know where to begin with my review, so here are 10 reasons why you should read this book:

1. Luther's cutting gaze and not-so-secret pining
2. The fact that Diem is a healer
3. A Descended prince + a mortal commoner = forbidden romance!!!
4. It takes place in a fantasy world
5. There's shadow magic
6. And a knife-to-the-throat scene....
7. Right after he carries her to safety
8. Sooo many layers beyond a fantasy romance plot
9. Teller is an absolute cinnamon roll
10. It's the first in a series so there's more books to come!

I can't wait to binge-read book two. Who needs sleep, anyway? 5/5 stars and a solid recommendation!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and Netgalley; all opinions are my own.

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This was a fun read. I really enjoyed the political intrigue, the world itself and Diem! She was witty, sarcastic, and one bad FMC. I loved how there's tons happening in this book but never too much to where you feel overpowered or confused. This was a great start to the series and I really look forward to diving into the rest!

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Well this is now one of my favorite fantasy reads! Girls at work have been raving about this book so I am glad I got to read it. I loved the world building that the author created and the characters. Perfection!

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Hidden Identities
Touch Her & Die
Slow Burn
Feisty FMC
Forbidden Romance
Royal Politics
Mysterious Love Interest

“But I was made of swinging fists and rash words, my edges too jagged and my temper too hot. Nothing about me was delicate.”

This book was slow to take off, but boy did it pick up towards the end! Massive cliffhanger!

Diem is our FMC, who I love by the way, she is so feisty! She is a mortal living in a world run by Descendents (non mortals who have magic and special colored eyes) where life is cruel and unfair for folk like herself. From a young age, Diem was taught the art of healing from her mother, and vows to help all who are in need and doesn't let mortal or non mortal dictate who she helps. From the beginning, we see she is conflicted in the ways of her world where Descendants rule with an iron fist and do little to care for mortals. She has seen some truly despicable things and when she witnesses a heinous act by a descendent, she decides to join the rebel cause. She doesn't make this decision lightly. Diem knows that by joining the rebels she is breaking her vow as a healer and it weighs heavily on her conscious.

On a trip to the palace to help injured children she comes across a mysterious man who turns out to be the Crown Prince Luther. Every time they touch, sparks fly. They seem polar opposites in every way but as she begins to peel the layers, her opinion of him beings to change. There seems to be some sort of attraction between them, something mysterious. Her heart is conflicted though. Henri, who we meet at the beginning of the story, is her childhood friend and lover. She seems to be happy with Henri, content. Is that what she really wants? Who she really wants?

Along the way we receive many breadcrumbs making us question who Diem really is. Who is her father? Why is she taking flameroot and why was it off limits to mortals? I also am interested in learning the backstory of Auralie, Diem's mother, and her mysterious disappearance.

So many questions that I hope we get answers to in book 2!

"Don’t choose a mediocre life for a mediocre man. Go be exceptional. If he’s worth it, he won’t judge you. And if he’s really the one, he’ll come along for the ride.”

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