Member Reviews

I was not expecting to be swept up into another magical realm. Well written to the point where I was there with Diem. I cannot wait for the next book.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was fast, easy to read, ans the characters were smooth. I liked the build up to a whole new world with a series coming after. I immediately went to look for book 2! I would highly recommend as a weekend or roadtrip book to fall into!

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I thoroughly enjoyed the book, the whole length of it, but for some reason, I was expecting more fantasy, I don’t know why… may because all of the hype I’ve seen, but regardless I ate it up. I found the ending a little predictable, Of course she’s a queen.and the power transferred, but Nonetheless, I really did appreciate the book. I love the characters and the rage I felt with the decisions she had to make. I’m really excited to continue the series and see where it goes.

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Spark of the Everflame follows FMC, Diem, assistant and healer in training under her mother. When her mother disappears, against her wishes, Diem takes her place as a healer for the Descendant Royals who are the offspring of the gods—that have colonized the mortal world.

As Diem becomes further involved in the world of the Descendants she begins to uncover secrets, question everything, and becomes confused as to where her heart and loyalties lie.

Spark of the Everflame was one of those books that had me hooked from the very first pages and there was truly never a dull moment within these pages. Although I enjoyed this book, Diem frustrated me so much as a character because she would act in direct opposition of what she knew to be right for her.

I, for the life me couldn't understand how she would reason with herself and come to a perfectly laid out solution or conclusion to blow all rationality and logic out of the water with the most questionable and impulsive thoughts she actually acted upon.

Diem was also in such denial throughout the whole book when reality was literally smacking her in the face.

I did enjoy how fiery and feisty she was, and I can't say she didn't do exactly what she wanted which took real guts on more than one occasion, because she did.

Diem's brother Teller was such a sweetheart and unlike other humans he attends school with the Descendants while other kids his age in the mortal district have jobs and familial responsibilities; his mother struck a deal with the Descendant Royals in order to allow him to receive further education.

Diem's parents are chambers of secrets embodied...

Henry, Diem's childhood best friend was the only character that I immediately didn't vibe with and as the story continued, while I understood his stance—I grew to dislike him even more.

LUTHER. LUTHER. LUTHER. Goodness gracious, I was taken with him and absolutely loved his character. Powerful. Confident. Unbothered. Mysterious. Mmm.

Spark of the Everflame will keep you on your toes and make you feel things. I felt angry, sad, frustrated, excited, swoony, and shocked to name a few.

The ending especially, shocked me and while I had already figured out part of what happened, there was also a part of the ending left me with my jaw literally on the floor.

The magic system in this book was really unique and original which I loved, and the world building was beautifully done.

Cole's writing is captivating, enchanting, and all around magical in my opinion and although I did have my issues with this book, I enjoyed it more than I didn't and will be reading the rest of this series.

I can't wait to catch up with Diem in Glow of the Everflame and witness what excitement and adventure I know will unfold.

I received an advanced reader e-copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Diem’s world is ruled by the Descended - magical beings with seemingly little regard to the mortals around them. Segregated from the affluent Descended class, the working class lives in much harsher conditions day to day than the pampered rulers. Diem sees the danger of this every day in her work as a healer. But when her mother goes missing, she’s forced to interact with the Descended - and their future king, Prince Luther - more closely. She starts second guessing everything she thinks she knows about both herself and her world as a whole.

When you hear about a book a lot on booktok/bookstagram, I’ve learned to be a little cautious with them. There’s just been too many instances where a book has gotten overhyped for what it really deserves. Given that, I was super thrilled that Spark of the Everflame was so good. There was mystery and action and a touch of slow burn romance. Most of the characters felt flushed out and the dialogue felt natural and witty. While I do feel like I solved some of the mysterious aspects by about the 2/3rds mark, there was still enough to keep me going and intrigued. And the ending DEFINITELY has me chomping at the bit to start book 2.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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If I could give this book ♾️⭐️/5 I would. O.M.G!!!!

I read this ARC after I read the rest of the indie released series as a reread, and for the extra chapter, and let me tell you guys… it was just as amazing, if not better, the 2nd time!

If there ever was a book to read… THIS IS IT!!! This is an absolutely insane debut novel. I was so captivated through the entire thing. There was not a single point where I was bored, or tired of the story. It was an unpredictable plot. Every time I thought I knew what was going to happen, something else threw me off. I LOVED this book. Absolutely the best fantasy I have read in SO long. It gave me the same feelings I had reading the second half of Throne of Glass. The romance, the world building, the magic system, every single aspect of it is complete and utter perfection.

The romance is such a highlight and it’s not even the main topic in the book. The world building and fantasy aspects are so captivating that when you get a hint of the romance to come, it’s such a surprise.

Most of all: I LOVE LUTHER CORBOIS ❤️❤️🐦‍🔥

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I DEVOURED this book. I wasn’t sure where this story was going, which immediately had me enthralled. The slow burn, the touch-her-and 💀 shadow daddy, and the ending?!?! Ugh, just so, so good. I immediately downloaded book 2 to read. I only wish we had dual pov for this one!

Thank you for NetGalley, Penn Cole, and Atria books for the opportunity to read Spark the Everflame 🫶

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Spark of the Everflame is book one in the Kindred's Curse saga. A fantasy story with SLOW burn romance, political intrigue and the sometimes overused trope of "the chosen one" that still manages to capture your attention enough to truly care of the characters.

Read if you like:
- Slow burns
- Enemies to lovers
- Magic
- World politics
- Epic fantasy

I really enjoyed this book. I think the magic system was easy to understand without having to compromise the plot. Complexed main characters that I am eager to see grow as the series goes on. I liked and appreciated our FMC, Diem and found her to be a strong character despite being sometimes a little naive. ADORED her brother and yes, I am in love with Luther our grumpy but LOYAL mmc.

I don't want to say more because I will get into spoilers, and the book does end a cliffhanger so be mindful of that! That cliffhanger ending will leave you not only kindaaa excited for the next one, but eager to find out what is going on.

Either way, if you like fantasy, SLOW BURN ROMANCE (and when I say slow...I MEAN SLOW...don't go in expecting spice or anything like that, it will TAKE TIME), with good characters, even better side characters and just a fun ol' time, pick this one up!

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I knew this book was going to be good based on WHO recommended it to me, but WOW. I did not expect it to go THAT hard on everything, Diem is such a badass character and I was liiiiiving for the tension between her and Luther. Never have I thought of Luther as a hot person's name (aside from the Umbrella Academy) but this with its angst and sexual tension had me changing my mind completely. Upon closing the book, I immediately ran to my computer to type from the rooftops that I am obsessed with this book and writing it down so as soon as I finish, I can venture on to the next book. LOVE LOVE LOVE

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A promising start to a new romantasy series!

Spark of the Everflame begins after Diem’s mother goes missing and Diem takes over her healing responsibilities for the royals, the Descended. Diem had been forbidden from crossing into Descended territory her entire life, for good reason as they are essentially related to the gods and can be cruel to mortals such as Diem. She quickly finds herself torn between a mortal rebellion and the dangerous Descended prince, Luther.

This book was fast-paced, making it very easy to get lost in the story and lose track of time reading! I really liked Diem, who cares so much about helping others, though she can be a bit reckless and stubborn. Diem is 100% committed to her goals, her main priority being finding out what happened to her mother, and I can’t fault her for that.

I did find the story a bit predictable but I hope there are good surprises in the rest of the series. The side characters, Diem’s family especially, felt one-note and didn’t add much to the story. There is a strong love triangle in the story so far, with Diem caught between Henri, the childhood friend-to-lover, and Luther, the brooding prince. I have a clear favorite and I am anxious to see who Diem picks in the end!

I will be tuning in to the rest of this series and can’t wait to see how the story plays out! I have high hopes for the next book based on the big reveal in this first book!
3.5 ⭐️

Thank you to Netgalley, Penn Cole, and Atria Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I have heard so many great things about this book so I was excited to get the opportunity to read it. Unfortunately this did not deliver for me. I’ve been told by multiple people this is enemies to lovers but I did not get that vibe. To me the chemistry was not there and the slow burn just didn’t burn for me. I wanted to like diem but could not connect with her as a character. She was irrational and hypocritical and I just couldn’t get behind that. I also was more engaged for the first 40% of the book than I was by the rest of it, finding the pacing to be off. Overall I can see how the bones are there but it just wasn’t for me. I finished the book a little while ago and I’m currently still going back and forth about continuing the series.

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I really enjoyed this one! A great example of complex world building explained sensibly and easily. Mortals and Descended inhabit the realms, and there is a great divide between power, money, and way of life between the two groups. Diem is no ordinary mortal, and this plays out over the course of the story. I like Diem as a character because she is a little messy! She changes her mind, and makes mistakes and thinks through what to do next. I CANNOT wait to read the next installment and see what happens with her story. And I hope there is more Luther heheheh

Thank you to Atria books and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I don’t know how you can’t fall completely in love with a book from page 1 with a dedication like:

“For anyone who has ever been told their spark shouldn’t burn so bright and for all the people who loved them precisely because it did.”

This book gave me everything I wanted and everything I didn’t know I needed! I absolutely loved Diem as a FMC and found her very relatable and inspiring. I found myself savoring the slow burn romance instead of getting frustrated by it like I often do. It was extremely well done!

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I saw this book a lot of instagram over the last couple weeks and finally decided to do a deep dive and do nothing else besides read this series. I am so impressed with the magic system, and the character development in all of these books. Sometimes in Fantasy books you can feel like the plots are repetitive but I did not feel that way at all. I ate, slept, read and repeated that over and over again for 4 days. When I got to the end of each book I was rushing to get the next. Diem and Luther had me BEGGING them to just give in to each other, I love love love Taran and his funny personality. I do recall there being some tears that made their way through when reading certain scenes and that doesn’t happen very often for me when reading. Penn Cole, you created an amazing universe and amazing characters. If you need an arc reader for Burn of the Everflame… i’m begging on my knees for more 😂

THANK YOU to Atria Books and Penn Cole for the arc copy of this book!!! I cant believe I read this in a day, my brain is mush and ready for more!

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INFINITY STARS!!!! (But I'll settle for 5)

Love triangle
Enemies to lovers
Forbidden Romance

It took me a while to find the words to this describe these books. I don’t take it lightly when I say these were some of the best fantasy books I’ve read! If you like slow burn, enemies to lovers, and a unique fantasy world, THIS IS FOR YOU 🫵🏽

Spark of the Everflame begins with Diem, a mortal healer who witnesses the atrocities of their stronger counterparts, the Descended who comes from a long line of powerful beings named the Kindred. Diem meets Luther Corbois, the heir apparent to the Lumnos crown and begins to see that maybe the Descended aren’t what she thought them to be, but is also torn between her best friend and mortal lover, Henri (gag).

The ending of this book had my jaw DROPPED. There was absolutely no way Penn Cole wrote what she did and she DID. This is one of the best fantasy books I've read this year by far.

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-M/F romantasy
-enemies to lovers
-opposites attract
-love triangle (FMC is currently with another man)
-slooooow burn
-singular pov (FMC)
-book #1 in a series (needs to be read in order, ends with a cliffhanger)

I had a lot of fun with this!! I’ve been on the hunt for a new romantasy series with a heavy dose of slow burn romance, and this definitely passed the vibe check. I will say it read a little like YA at times, but I imagine that will change as the relationship/world building gets further developed throughout the series.

CWs of gore/violence, death (including children)mental illness (ie., perceived psychosis, delusions/hallucinations), loss of a loved one

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I loved this book. The world building was immersive. I really enjoyed Diem’s POV. I did figure out the ending before it came but I think that just means the author did a good job of leaving little clues. Would def recommend this book.

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Wow. This book caught me off guard. I knew nothing about it except for seeing a friend post it on bookstagram and the hype she gave it. I think I’m becoming a fantasy girlie. I enjoy fantasy stories where the main character doesn’t have powers but those around them do. And their true strength shines through.

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

Diem Bellator, trained as a healer in a world of the poor mortals and the royal and elite Descended (from the Gods).

When Diem’s mother, head healer, doesn’t return from a trip, Diem takes her place as the healer to the Descended Royal Family.

Throw in a rebellion, a mysterious royal heir, best friends to lovers romance, and the hidden secrets surrounding her mother’s disappearance makes for a book I could not put down.

I have not devoured a fantasy book like this in quite some time. (I read this and the next two installments in less than a week).

I am incredibly eager anticipating the next installment to see what happens to Diem and the beautifully established world I have come to love.

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This was a fun read. I can tell the series is going to expand and get more intense, because it seems like this was introductory. It never slowed for me, and I was entertained until the end. The world is unique and I think readers new to fantasy will enjoy this!

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