Member Reviews

5 stars!

This is the start of a wonderful romantasy series that I will absolutely be eating up! Diem is such a fun character, I love that she's a healer and that we're learning about the world through her and her experiences. The little CRUMBS of Luther I ate up, and I can see him becoming one of my favorite book boyfriends. When I read this book, I was in a five star drought and I can't describe how much I absolutely ate this up. I read the entire 400+ page book in one sitting, and then immediately went on KU for the sequel. If you're not reading this book and you like romantasy (or even just fantasy with a subplot of romance) what are you doing????

Thank you to Atria and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Spark of the Everflame is going to be the next Romantasy sensation on social media, I have felt that since I first read this title last year, and with the re-release of Spark and Glow I stand by that opinion.

Penn Cole has written a book that I feel bridges the gap between what "seasoned" fantasy readers and newer Romantasy lovers enjoy. First, there is excellent world building that flows naturally; the caste system between the Descended and mortals is thoroughly developed and really dives into the reality that things aren't always black/white or good/evil in a way that makes the reader begin to relate to the plight of both the mortals and the Descended by the end of the book. There is also a very well thought out and interesting magic system, but I want to note that Cole makes the characters not rely fully on their magic, and has ensured all her main characters are able to defend themselves whether they have magic or not. Lastly, there is romance, but it isn't the main plot line of the book. The fantasy aspect of the book could stand on its own, and the romance in the book could also stand on its own.

Another point of praise I would like to note is that all characters that interact with Diem are really well developed as well. Everyone in her close circle at any given moment is given a backstory, that we as the reader are privy to, and their backstories are actually used to give insight to the characters actions. I think, purely from the opinion of a reader with no history of novel writing, that this (as well as making characters not rely on magic) would make the story more difficult to write because you can't just explain every situation away by the use of magic or by the actions of others. Every decision would need to be thought out in a way that bridges to experiences of the characters, and every conflict needs to be resolved using the skills that particular character has access to.

I may be rambling now, but I am just such a huge fan of Penn Cole and the Kindred's Curse books. I was sad when I was done reading, and wished I could experience it for the first time again. I have recommended it to everyone I know, and I will continue to do so.

Thank you to Atria books and Penn Cole for an eARC copy of this re-release title via NetGalley.

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I absolutely LOVED this book that I immediately went and bought the next two. I can't explain how much I enjoyed this. If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would. This book is on par with SJM in terms of how much I loved it.

I loved the politics and world building in this book. It is an little slower to start because of how intricate it is, but there is always something going on and pieces moving on the board so it is not a slog at all. It moves well and everything introduced makes sense. The magic system and political hierarchy is also interesting and very unique. As for characters, Diem is certainly not a perfect FMC and can be polarizing but I really liked her. She does everything out of selflessness and stubbornness despite the reader sometimes not understanding her motivations. She is strong and witty and will do anything for those she loves. Luther Corbois is one of my favourite MMCs. The banter and tension between Luther and Diem is delectable. I was kicking my feet and giggling throughout the book with some of the things that come out of that man's mouth! I can't wait to read more.

Thank you Penn Cole, Atria Books and Netgalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I have been DYING to get my hands on this book!! I have seen it recommended over and over on BookTok, and it did NOT disappoint. I was drawn into the story immediately and the pacing was perfect to keep the reader constantly engaged. Penn Cole's voice reminds me very much of Sarah J Maas: she has a way of telling a compelling story that still leaves you wanting more, even when the plot itself has some pretty predictable tropes and arcs! You've got an undercover rebellion, slow burn enemies to lovers, a mysterious disappearance, royal intrigue, secret magical heritage, and so much more.

Thank you to NetGalley, Penn Cole and Atria books for a digital review copy of Spark of the Everflame! I can't wait to purchase a shelf trophy of the new special edition hardcover to display in my collection.

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3.5 ⭐️
🌶️🌶️ = has one open door non explicit scene and adult language throughout.

This was highly enjoyable. I have been in a huge fantasy mood and this very perfectly scratched my itch. It was extremely slow burn which I wasn’t expecting, but although we don’t get any big reveals or any answers to our questions for this one, it has built up a lot of momentum for the second one which I am now dying to read. There’s a fair amount of world building that isn’t hard to follow and I really enjoyed learning more about Diem's world. I generally liked all the characters and had fun following Diem’s development over the course of the book has her world slowly gets turned upside down. She’s a little annoying and impulsive at times but I can see how she will mature and change as things go on. The sparks between her and Luther are sooo good and I really hope we get more of them in the second book.

This book was an ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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ummmm did I just discover another fantasy series that will become my entire personality? stay tuned 🤍

I’ve been looking for a good romantasy book for a bit now after the hangover that SJM continually causes me, and after reading the rave reviews of this indie series, I can see why!!!! I’m fully invested!!!

diem is a mortal healer sheltered from the world of the descended (immortals born from gods), forced to take over duties after her mother’s disappearance. and the mystery surrounding diem’s family was exactly the draw I needed! diem is a feisty take-no-shit FMC, even if she’s a literal idiot sometimes, and I can’t wait to see how she grows after THAT cliffhanger ending!

luther is the prince that was promised (LOL), and while he may be a brooding shadow-wielding mortally grey MMC, he’s secretly got a heart of gold AND I AM HERE FOR ALL OF THIS OKAY 🥵

this was firmly a world building introductory story with not a whole lot happening, which is why it’s not a 5 star read for me, but it definitely provided a lot of necessary characterization! especially for that enemies to lovers arc I can’t wait to see 👀

I’m hoping for a bit more on the side characters as I fell in love with teller and lily instantly - and of course I need answers for the bellator family!!!!! henri, on the other hand, can go jump in a lake with that gale attitude and possessive alpha hole personality 🫡 and maura, sweet sweet maura, deserves better than being used as everyone’s pawn

brb starting the next one immediately!!!!!!! I’m so sat y’all - thank you atria and netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

rating: 4 stars
wine pairing: rioja red blend

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I DEVOURED this book and loved every single second. This is the epitome of a perfect slow-burn fantasy romance in my eyes. The ending leaves on such a wild cliffhanger that I immediately downloaded the second book because I neeeed to know what happens!

This is a multi-book series that is heavy on fantasy world-building and political intrigue, with the perfect amount of slow-burn romance to keep me wanting more. Is the premise totally unique? No. But the vibes and the effortlessly compelling writing had me in an absolute chokehold the whole way through, so it was easy for me to overlook some of the run-of-the-mill fantasy tropes. I cannot wait to see where the second book goes because this very well may become my new favorite fantasy romance series.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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“You think I fear my own death?” he whispered in my ear. “Every day I draw breath is as much a curse as a gift. I’ve been living on borrowed time for longer than you can imagine. If you’re the way my fate finally catches up to me, I can’t fathom a more beautiful end.”

I love the magic and the uniqueness of the world she had created. I love Diem, she is very relatable and simple to see through her eyes, she is a very easy character to like. I can see the romance slowly creeping in but it is still very little, although that doesn’t take away from the story. I see a lot of attention to the world building and character portrayals, and am very interested to see where book 2 goes. Can’t wait to start it!

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This is one of the best books I have read in a long time. It has the perfect amount of world building, action, and romance (very slow burn) and I could not put the book down. The main character, Diem, is a very strong willed woman who maintains her values despite trials and tribulations she is put through. The author has a way of writing about characters that makes me attached and rooting for all of them. While there are a variety of characters, they were introduced in such a way that I was able to keep track of all of them throughout the book. If you are looking for romantasy with excellent world building that also tackles some tough political ideologies, this is the book for you! The map at the beginning of the book is also absolutely gorgeous and deserves its own shoutout!

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Thank you to Penn Cole and Atria for the ARC

I went into this book completely blind, and I was shocked in the best way possible. This book was fantasy first, romance second which I LOVE. Diem is a really complex, interesting fmc and I can’t wait to explore her story more (especially with that ending!!). I also can’t wait to learn more about our main love interest and the ~other~ one as well. The world that Penn Cole has created is really interesting and I’m curious to see how the magic system develops in the next two books.

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Loved this book so much. Can't wait to continue the series as well as see this on bookstore shelves. Thank you for letting me review it and provide feedback.

If you are interested, I will be using this title in some of my content on my Instagram page (@brunettebabesbookshelf). I will also be posting an ARC review there as well.

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How did I not know about this series? I have been in a major slump and this was exactly what I needed in my life. I ate this up. We love a shadow daddy and Luther is right up my alley. Him and Diem together were absolutely magical, literally and figuratively. They gave me Aelin and Rowan vibes which I always welcome. I know they weren’t on page together a lot in this one, but it was perfection whenever they were. The writing was so well done that it was easy to just get lost in the words and fall in love with the story and characters. I absolutely loved this and will be immediately jumping into book 2!

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The book starts out with Diem, a mortal, struggling after her mother’s disappearance. She has been trained as a healer, after her mother, and is called to be a nurse for the Descended- the immortal beings that descended from the Kindred that have taken over their lands and suppressed them.

Okay. I don’t want to say anything else because I think the less you know the better but this was the BEST new series I’ve read in ages. I already bought all the books in the series and have finished the first three, all in a week. It’s AMAZING.

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I cannot believe this book was as good as it was. I had heard a lot about this one on TikTok and it definitely lived up to the hype. For a fantasy novel, this one has it all: political unrest, a rebellion, a simple but intriguing magic system, and clearly we will get enemies to lovers and fated mates in the rest of the series. I am obsessed with our FMC Diem and I cannot wait to get more Luther! I’m RUNNING for book 2, Glow of the Everflame!

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10000000 stars, this book (and series) is top notch! Penn’s writing is so immersive, her characters have lived rent free in my head for months on end. I am so excited to see where the next book takes us! All my love to Penn and the other indie authors that are finally being noticed!

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Wow… first I have to say what a book!! The first book of a series I feel like is always… slow starting and takes me a bit to get into. But not with this!! I was hooked from the start!! And literally could not put it down.

Quick overview of the plot- the story follows Diem, a mortal woman who is searching for answers of her missing mother. As she begins to search for answers, she is beginning to find out some truths, she was definitely not expected to find out, she had the opportunity to enter the world of Descended totality and hopes to find out some things about her mothers disappearance. The king is dying, and Luther, the prince, is watching over as she begins to question everything in the world of magic and the political feud between the mortals and the Descended.

I love Diems fiery energy- she fights back, stands her ground and for what she believes in. I can’t wait to see her character grow as the series progresses. She’s definitely one of my favorite female main characters so far! After reading Throne of Glass, my heart was aching for a strong female character, and Diem is definitely fitting into that category!

Luther- hmmm, wondering what happens now!! We need to see more of him, at least I hope we do! Especially Diem and Luther 😏😏 definitely hoping for more with both of them! im curious to know more about him. And whether or not he knew all along what was going to happen! Part of me has a feeling that he does, other part of me feels like he’s going to be shocked when he finds out.

But if you’re looking for a Court of Thorns and Roses, throne of glass or, fantasy slow burn romance with a strong female lead character, and magic vibes, this is the perfect book for you!

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I had heard so many people raving about this book and was excited to dive into the fandom. Let me just say, all the hype is real! The characters are beautifully flushed out and grip you by the heart from page one. Not to mention the world building, which is both intricately detailed and complex while also being very easy to follow along with. And the romance? Absolutely wonderful! The angst, banter, and heated moments had me on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend this read to any romance fantasy reader! My only fault is that the first half takes a while to get into, but after that bump it’s all smooth sailing from there.

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“When old secrets catch fire, everything will burn.”

This book was absolutely amazing. You cannot tell that this is a debut novel from this author. The writing style and the way the book flows seamlessly between chapters make this feel like a 5th or 6th novel for sure. I was completely hooked from the very first page.

Diem is amazing and is such a strong FMC. I feel like if all the fantasy worlds collided she and Poppy (From Blood and Ash) and Jude (The Cruel Prince) would all wind up being best friends. The amount of sass and bravery that Diem has unmatched. I think my favorite thing about her, though, is that no matter how hard things get, no matter how hard the decisions are that she has to make, she always holds on to one thing: hope. No matter what, she always hopes and works toward a better world for herself, her brother, and all of Mortal City.

Luther is *chef’s kiss*. The banter between the two of them is what got me invested in the book in the first place (if you know me at all you know that banter is my Achilles heel). I cannot wait to see how their “relationship” evolves in the next book. I really appreciate how we can see Diem slowly change her mind about him throughout the book, once she truly opens her eyes and begins to understand things for herself.

Bonus chapter from Luther's POV? Perfection.

All in all: one of the BEST ARCs I’ve ever read, especially for a debut novel. Due yourself a favor and read this one!

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One of the best fantasy romance books I've ever read! For fans of Carissa Broadbent, Rebecca Yarros, and SJM, this one won't disappoint!

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TW: parental abandonment, child death, classism, injury to a child

Why did I wait so long to read this?!? And why isn’t it more hyped?!? Goodness I feel like I just got kicked in the gut it was so good!

Spark of the Everflame is the first in a series by Penn Cole. We are following FMC, Diem Bellator, as she struggles with the injustices she’s seeing every day as a mortal healer. Mortals have been struggling under the rule of the Descended King. While the Descended lead magic enriched lives with all the privilege the world has the mortals are barely scraping by, they are treated like dirt. There’s no mixing of the two races allowed and if they do and a child is born as a result, the mortal and the child are both killed. No exceptions.

Diem is easy to admire right from the beginning. She is so brave and fearless. She has a quick wit and a big sense of humor and she definitely does NOT want to be tied down by anyone. Meet Henri, the longtime childhood friend who is so in love with Diem he can’t see straight. LOL! Henri wants a life with Diem but I don’t think he really knows her anymore. She doesn’t want to be a wife nor to pop out a million babies. Plus Henri has some super big secrets that are definitely dangerous…he can’t be the one for our girl. Enter Prince Luther, yum! He puts on this stoic cold front but lets Diem in almost from their first meeting. He’s so gone for her I loved it so much! While he’s still all about her he knows she’s dangerous and she isn’t being 100 percent honest in her pursuits but he’s trying to gain her trust anyway…too bad she doesn’t believe him when it matters!

Spark was a bit slow to get into. It took me a couple of days to get to the halfway mark…it just wasn’t grabbing me. This is the only reason I took a star off, just this pacing issue. But then we start to get more Luther and Diem together and then I couldn’t put it down! The last half honestly goes so quickly, there’s so many things happening! And then of course a HUGE cliffhanger! You’ll definitely want to dive right into the second book (like I’m about to!) because there’s no way we can just be left reeling like that! Overall super solid Romantasy and I can’t wait to get to the rest of the series! Thank you so much to Atria Books for gifting me an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

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