Member Reviews

Fantastic book! I was sad to see it's not being maintained any longer... The Fine Print of Self-Publishing (2016 ed.) was the most comprehensive book I had ever read up to that point on self-publishing and what all is involved in the process. Not just how to post it to Amazon, but everything from finding printers, the ABCs of royalties, etc.

Many people want to write a book and in many cases what puts the ambitious wordsmith off, are the stories of rejection letters told by many published authors. We are told how hard it is to get an agent look at the finished book, how long it takes, how many different formats the author has to change their hard worked tome into because of the specific requirements each publisher has.
In part as a response to this there has been a growth in the self publishing industry and this book by Mark Levine answers many of the questions people new to the industry ask. It is an excellent, regularly updated book.
With the rise of authors such as Scott Sigler, who start out with self published books, there has even been discussions about the death knell of the traditional publishing industry, but self publishing is not for everybody.
Librarians meet a lot of people in the situation of deciding what to do about the book they want to write and whether to self publish or not. Mark Levine's book is a perfect recommendation for this situation. This book is a heavily used item currently owned by my library.

An insightful book, but a bit misleading. Most people would consider self-publishing to be an author handling all the decisions of the book on their own. This book is more geared toward the indie author going through a small press/indie publisher that will handle various aspects of the process, including cover design and such. Nevertheless, if you're interested in self-publishing, there's much to learn in here.

This is a really good guide to self publishing highlighting practical ways to ensure you don't make the same mistakes other self publishers have made.

I struggled to get through this one. I read quite a lot of self-publishing advice books and I thought this one didn't really stand up to the best in the market, in large part because the author encourages using publishing services (he owns a publishing service). Since it's very difficult to tell a legitimate full service publishing services provider from a vanity press - literally, the only difference is in price - I think it's a risky strategy to encourage, and because of that I can't really recommend this book. Two stars.

This was a really well written guide to self publishing. As an aspiring author I found the advice in this book to be relevant to my journey.

An insightful book on some of the ins and outs of self-publishing. Great for new and aspiring indie authors in need of a little help along the way.

Thank you to NetGalley and Mark Levine for allowing me to read and review The Fine Print of Self-Publishing. This book is fantastic, and I will be purchasing a copy and recommending it to my clients. It's an absolute must-read for anyone considering self-publishing.

The Fine Print of Self Publishing by Mark Levine is a must read for anyone considering Self Publishing. He covers so many topics and provides comparisons in easy to read format. Honestly, it is a little overwhelming at first to realize all of the decisions you will have to make. Which is another bonus of the book; you will start thinking about all the decisions you will need to make when deciding to Self Publish.
Although he owns his own publishing company, I didn't think he tried to oversell it like you see some authors do in their books. This will be a book that you go back to over and over again during your publishing process to reference.

All of the information you would want to know if self-publishing. I would definitely recommend this since it is so thorough.

In truth it did take a while to read this book but that's not the fault of the book. Simply, it is an extremely comprehensive tour around how to get a book published through traditional or e-book routes.
It's more akin to a step-by-step manual than a lighthearted read skimming over the subject, and for that reason alone it's a must - read for anyone seriously looking to get their book published, rather than just wanting to know for background reading. It's not pretty - it's deep and effective. Excellent.

Good advice for anyone looking to self-publish!!! Hopefully when I am ready to write and publish a book of my own someday, I can put this knowledge to good use!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to download this book because it was archived when I got permission to get it.

I haven't self-published yet, but now I am much more prepared for when I do! I highly recommend this book.

This is a very decent book about the business of self publishing. It covers all aspects and safely guides authors through a valley of pitfalls. It doesn't cover everything in detail, but shows you how to proceed if you want to dig deeper. I can highly recommend this book for authors that want to see if self publishing is an option for them.