Member Reviews

This was a cute book. about two kitties. One of them wanted to go to Mars and the other one was coming along. It was well written and the illustrations were adorable. This book was different cause it's written in anagrams. I didn't know much about anagrams, so I found it quite fascinating.

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I'm a Sucker for a good story about an animal. This was a cute and fun story about an adventurous cat with a wild imagination. This allows kids to build an active imagination

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just read this advanced reader's copy with my ESOL student. It was pretty cute. I will probably buy a copy for my children's library

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Hmmm… This young read is designed around the premise that the mind can sometimes need to be forced to a better place. If you have an issue, and for this book that issue is "stomach flu", for some unknown reason, all you have to do is wrench the brain away from that problem, but take the letters of the words in the issue along with it. When you have them you can fix a list of as many smaller words built from those letters as you can, cram as many of them as possible into a short story, and voila, you've been suitably diverted. If you own this story you can also choose one sentence from it as a mantra that will help fix the mind away from the issue from now until eternity.

I mean it must be true. I chose the issue "the quick brown fox jumping over lazy dogs", used those letters and created this review, and just look at me now! No, in all seriousness, this technique might actually work – I can see it being a firm favourite diversionary tactic, and in that there is a fair bit of logic to it. But in crafting the word list, in being almost as OuLiPo as needing that to come up with your story, feels like a task too many in freeing the mind from its problem. It almost smacks of homeopathy – use a chunk of your issue, in unrecognisably dilute form, to defeat the issue. And with the best will in the world the story here, of a pair of cats trying to reach Mars, is never going to be as useful or as entertaining to the reader as actually trying the technique on. This book invites that, but that's also my point – what I'd prefer to have bought is the quick read discussing the approach (which is covered by the author's website, it seems) rather than this light, friendly but inessential drama.

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'Mog and Tom' is a short illustrated book for children that tells the story of two cats named Mog and Tom who start their journey to go to Mars.

I am thankful to #NetGalley for giving me a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.


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Cats Mog and Tom are good friends who live together in a cottage by the sea. Tom is a homebody who enjoys relaxing on his soft, red sofa in the sun, whereas Mog is a daredevil who enjoys adventures. One chilly evening, Mog has an idea to visit Mars because she has read books about the planet and loves the colour red. So, she creates a map of her journey and persuades Tom to accompany her. Their first stop is to meet Ed, a famous cat who will be able to get them to Mars using his custom atom ramp to turn them into spacecats. However, their journey to Mars does not go as planned, and along the way, they meet new friends who help them find their way back home. They realise that some of the most unique adventures in life happen when you lose your way and do not know what you might see.

This is a beautiful story of friendship and adventure with gorgeous, bright illustrations.

The author uses anagrams throughout this book, and at the end, she lists the words used throughout the story.

I recommend this story for children aged between 5 and 8.

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This is a story about two very different cats who embark on an adventure together. As a cat lover, I found the story absolutely adorable. The illustrations are wonderfully sweet, and the animals make the tale even more delightful!

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this book has amazing drawings and an extremely cute story for children! Also loved the list of anagrams in the end

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest review.

If I didn’t know, I would have never guessed any anagrams were used in this story and at the end of the story I had no idea which child issue was involved. I even feel ike this story would have been less messy, so better, if the author didn’t use them.

The illustrations were beautiful and charming. My favorite moment was the one at the campfire with the horses. But as I said already, this story felt in need of editing, it was a bit all over the place. But I think this could make a great story. The potential is there.

Mog and Tom are two cats living in a cottage by the sea. Tom is a homebody and Mog is the adventurous one.

Mog wants to go to Mars and convinces Tom to go with her. They end up a bit all over but not at Mars unfortunately..

What I did take away from this is that even if you feel like staying at home and/or if you feel anxious to take the first step, you should go on adventures, you never know where you will end up and you might experience some amazing things and even make new friends!

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I read this with a 2.5 year old. It was a cute story line but just didn’t hold his attention well. Some of the words were too big to hold his interest, and overall just wasn’t the best fit for us. I do think it would be great for pre-school and younger school age children!

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A cute little story about two cats who want's to go to Mars. The illustrations are beautiful, not the ordinary style but never the less very nice. It felt a little short. The anagram part was ignored by my part.

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An amusing story about two cats who go on an adventure. This is an interesting concept to use anagrams to shift focus from an issue to a fun activity, and the pictures are cute. The cats have very different personalities but are still very good friends, which is a lovely lesson for kids. Thank you to NetGalley/the publisher/author for this eARC.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

Mog and Tom is a story about two cats who are opposites to each other. One likes adventure while the other would rather stay at home. The story is formed by using anagrams formed from the words stomach flu. I was intrigued, so I requested this book. Although the pictures are cute, finding anagrams was quite distracting as I read through it. I'd suggest reading it a time of two before starting to look for anagrams or the other way round - look for them first, then read the story. It might also be a good idea to include a wipeable pen with the book so children can underline/highlight them as they go along. The beginning of the book explains what anagrams are, and at the back, there are a few pages listing anagrams from a-z.

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What a cute book with anagrams! The story was very sweet. We are a cat household so my son and I love books with cats! Loved the adventure they went on and the friends they met along the way!

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A fun adventure story following two cats who are complete opposites as they learn some lessons along the way.

This was a cute story however I was hoping for more from this one.

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I feel genuinely bad for rating this book 2 stars. Based on the blurb and the reviews, I had the impression that my child and I would love this but this was not the right book for us.

Pros: cute characters on a curious adventure, the personalities of the characters, the other characters they meet and the settings in which they meet (the part by the campfire was my favourite), the expressiveness of the characters’ faces at times, the concept. My child found some parts funny.

Cons: subjective but this is how I feel; the artwork was not my favourite. The book has imaginative settings and nice colour schemes but the imperfections of the artwork distracted me. The plot is not well executed and the concept is not fully realised.

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The adventurer gets an idea to go to mars with the homebody friend to keep company. They learn a few things along the way and await the next bright idea. The story is entertaining and the artwork is engaging, but sharing the anagram story principles is beyond me.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from BooksGoSocial via NetGalley.

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Read this one without focusing hard on the anagrams. I tried to find them and didn't/couldn't. The illustrations are cute; the story was not...I don't have the word. It's missing something.

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I wanted to read this book because my daughters loves cats and this book is about cats. This was a cute story of two cat friends going on an adventure even though one of them doesn't like adventures. They learn that trying new things is fun but also staying home is fun. My daughter was entertained throughout this whole book.
We would recommend it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Poppy Oak Press for the copy.

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Artwork was very cute and loved the idea of the book. I read this with my nephew and he was so worried about what if the cats never made it home. The story given doesn't feel like there was much to go on. It felt as though it lost it's way.

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