Member Reviews

This isn’t what I was expecting from the book. My little one is struggling with sleep and I thought this may be an informative read for him. But instead of teaching him how important sleep is it focused more on nocturnal animals. There wasn’t much of a storyline sadly.

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You may think this is for kids, but adults too will learn about the world when the sun goes down and the creatures of the dark start their day! Creative book for all audiences. Packed full of knowledge and quick facts backed by a sweet narrative.

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Nocturnal Nico follows a young boy named Nico who wants to be nocturnal. Because sleeping is overrated! Right..?

The illustrations and prose in this book are so easy to follow, making it the perfect read for hyperactive children (and their parents) everywhere. As an animal and nature lover, I found learning different facts about nocturnal animals fun and informative. I ended up learning a few tidbits myself!

All in all, a great read and a good bedtime story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Familius for this ARC in exchange for a review!

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The book is about a young boy named Nico who is awake at night and sneaking downstairs to have a piece of cake but his grandpa is still awake. The bool simultaneously informs about nocturnal animals and shows parallels to them and Nico and his family and surroundings via illustrations.
His grandpa ends up catching Nico - and both of them have a piece of cake together. But it turns out even they become tired and need to sleep at some point. Not belong actual nocturnal, they would miss out many fun day time things otherwise.

I like the idea of telling children more about nocturnal animals and it was a fun idea to compare them to a young nightowl boy. The execution could have been a bit better, maybe a few more pages and adventures of Nico and a slightly better storytelling. I wasn't too fond of the illustrations either.

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The book title is what drew me in as I have a cousin named Nico who is having trouble sleeping. I thought that this may be a fun read to recommend to his parents when it is published, assuming he's still giving them trouble. Or for their next child because they could explain the older sibling thing. But I was very disappointed in this book all around. It's got a lot of potential, but the artwork is very rough and the story is disjointed. And there are a lot of bigger words that may not be clear to a child reading, even with a parent explaining and the instructional content at the end. I think that the story needed to be a bit more about helping a child to understand the need for sleep rather than to explain some of the random facts about sleep that seem to be the focus.

The best part is when Nico and his grandfather try to stay awake but end up falling asleep. Which, I suppose, is a bit of spoiler. I wish that this had been the main focus of the book and that it had helped overcome either fears of sleep or similar in a more didactic way.

If the artwork had been better, I would have likely bumped it up. Or if the story had been there to tie it all together. As it stands, not going to suggest it for my cousin.

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I am mostly nocturnal myself as a nightshift nurse so I thought this would be a cute children’s book to read. It was! Cute illustrations with a humorous story that made me chuckle. I think any child would like it.

**Thanks to the author and publisher for the e-arc I received via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**

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I think it was a cute book. The execution could've been a lot better though. I liked the overall thought.

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Thank you, Familius, for the advance reading copy.

As much as I enjoyed the series of events and the fun characters in the book, I wish the cover, the editing and the illustrations were better.

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This book fell a little flat for me. First glance the artwork appeals more to a younger 2-4 crowd but the wording inside the book doesn’t match, feeling a lot more geared towards an older 7-10 crowd. Terms and names are just a little beyond the reading comprehension of smaller children while the drawings are very much appealing to the younger crowd. Overall I loved the concept but the book really dragged for me. Cute concept though.

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I can see 𝗡𝗢𝗖𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗡𝗜𝗖𝗢 being a favourite of a lot of little kids that enjoy bright, colourful illustrations which it has in abundance. Personally I found them to be a little bit out there but I can see lots of little boys in my class enjoying them. One thing this book does well is explain the difference between nocturnal and diurnal living things. All in all, an enjoyable read.

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