Member Reviews

The novel and three stories that comprise this book offer a view into a world that I had no previous experience with: the boundaries of sex and gender, love and hate, and desire that contorts human will.

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Such a unique collection, covering different genres from dystopia to horror. Torrey Peters is a talented writer. I have a lot of respect for the way she tackled these stories; going all in on the nuances within transfeminity, the trans community, and more, even if it's uncomfortable!

I know for a fact I wasn't able to pick up on all these nuances myself, so not all of these were a hit for me personally. But I know others are loving this and I anticipate many more will too upon release. I highly recommend if any of the stories sound at all interesting to you. My absolute favorite was "Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones"!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for the e-arc!

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This was a super interesting collection of short stories. I appreciated that they each had an element of queerness, and that the storylines were all jarring/unsettling. The author has a very distinct and identifiable writing style as well’

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I love that we're getting a collection of Peters' earlier work because of her success with Detransition, Baby. There's also a new novella included that is the bulk of this collection that focuses on a bunch of fuckup lumberjacks and their messy interpersonal business, along with some accidental amputations. Read this mostly over a long weekend, and definitely worth your time.

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Superb-- one of my all time favorite short story collections. No one does it like Peters. The Chaser is wonderful.

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As a collection WOWWOWOW.
Everything I appreciated about Torrey Peters and the way she writes is here yet againnnnn. I love the way I effortlessly move through her prose and how enthralled I am by the just general plot/creativity that make me envious I would've never thought it up myself.

Also never thought I would care so much about lumberjacks but Peters just knows what she's talking about and so I"ll gladly have her take me wherever.

But I will never shut up about Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

An interesting collection of four short stories of varying lengths that make you think about the nature of transition and gender in general.

Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones: 3/5 Pretty interesting concept- this tells of a man-made pandemic that results in everyone needing to take hormones, and what that might mean for society and its ideas about gender.

The Chaser: 4/5 I liked this story the most, but definitely warning for animal cruelty- it tells of a twisted love story between young students at a boarding school.

Stag Dance: 3/5 This was the longest story and also pretty interesting, if dark- about a camp of loggers in the woods who decide to hold a dance and competition ensues about those who want to go as the 'ladies'. I liked the perspective in this story from one of the loggers and their disconnection between how they are seen by others and how they have always wished to be seen.

The Masker: 2/5 I did not like this one and it was really creepy... this one is shorter and is about the differences between fetish and trans*ness, and how the line can sometimes be thin.

Overall this was a good mix of short stories that got me thinking about transition and the concept of gender but I don't think any of them really stood out to me as fantastic 5 star reads.

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First, so grateful to have this book shared with me so early and for free!! I had kind of a silly experience with this having read two of the stories, The Masker and Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones, years back around the time I read Detransition, Baby. My memory of The Masker was for some reason more offputting than the true story, maybe because I was picturing a gimp suit the first time and those things really wig me. But this time I think I got it a bit more. Her characters are all just so human. And same perhaps for Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones which goes pretty hard as a sort of post-apocalyptic story where the end of hormone production throws everything off the rails. Who woulda guessed. Felt a bit Delaney-descendant to me, which I can get down with. And a little punk. Which is also pretty sick.

Anyway, the point is it took me a bit of time to decide if I should read them all or just talk about the two stories new to me. But given the increddddible quality of Chaser and Stag Dance, I ended up rereading her two olders too. And dang do I respect a broad who can write in so many settings and across time. Have no idea if any of the lumber camp elements of Stag Dance are accurate, but they read true enough to me. (Andddd I bet it was pretty well researched).

Starting with The Chaser, it was great. (Also, highly appreciated the violent pig motif. Gonna steer clear of pigs at feeding time). Frustrating, confusing, upsetting, tender, gross, compassioniate, intimate, private, all the things adolescence can be - especially throwing in all the new desires brewing and blossoming and thrown into overdrive by hormones. I definitely wavered on the characters intermittently throughout, but by the end understood and felt some real fondness toward them (the way you do a lot of confused kids and teenagers working their shit out, y'know).

Stag Dance was so well wrought I could see the characters, the setting, the trees, the greased up equiptment. Could smell the sweat, damp canvas and leather, cut wood. Another (classic) tale of desire, want, and the confusion and pain (and happiness and joy) that can come along with it. Don't want to say to much, or even know how to describe it in a way that feels useful, but it's a really neat read and something I'm glad I was given the chance to check out.

Overall, check it out.

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STAG DANCE by Torrey Peters is my most anticipated book of 2025 and I loved it!! I loved Detransition, Baby so I was really excited to read this and read it right away even though it doesn’t come out for another six months. I’m a big fan of short stories and Peters excels at both novel and story form. There’s similar themes as in Detransition, Baby and I really enjoyed the wide variety of more genre fiction including speculative fiction and a lumberjack novel.

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As a fan of Peters’ previous novel Detransition Baby, I was intrigued by this one. I’m not usually a fan of short stories, but I did find the second story that took place at a boarding school to be heartbreaking and touching at the same time. I enjoyed that one much more than the main novella, which felt a bit too long. I do think this is a very talented author who is clearly a great writer, but I will stick with the full novels moving forward.

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Just finished Torrey Peters’ latest story collection, and wow, I’m blown away! Each tale dives into a different genre, but at the core is the powerful essence of trans femininity—raw, real, and beautifully complex. 🦋

Short stories can be tough to pull off, but Peters does it with such finesse, crafting characters and worlds that linger in your mind long after the last page. 🖤✨

A heads-up for trans readers: it’s important to be in the right headspace for this one. But trust me, Peters digs deep into the nuances of trans womanhood, sisterhood, and the complexities of passing in a way that truly resonates. I can’t recommend it enough!

Huge thanks to NetGalley for the ARC! 📚💖

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Thank you Netgalley for the arc of this upcoming read!

I am thrilled to announce I liked this so very much. It wasnt that I doubted the writer, and if i am being honest, the subject matter was right up my alley. But short stories and I have a very love hate relationship. This was everything I could have hoped. Think of all these issues we face as a society today, and then think of injustices on certain peoples own existence. Think of how we are taught so much hate. This was marvelous.

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I love the idea of combining short stories with a novel or novella. Stag Dance is the novel in this case, and its meaning and themes speak to the other works in the collection, despite all of them spanning different locations, times, and character types. In that way, it's the perfect title for this book. I love the cover as well and I always appreciate when all the elements of a read are cohesive. All that said, the novel was the hardest read for me. I was flying through the stories, but Stag Dance killed my momentum and dragged the reading experience out. Admittedly, I am not southern, but the western style of writing just did not work for me - even though I did ultimately like the weird ending and the creative ways the novel explores dysphoria and belonging. I had to bump my rating down to a 3.5 because of how much the novel became a slog for me, but the collection is unapologetically queer and trans, as well as funny and inventive, so I think anyone who liked Detransition, Baby will find something to like here too!

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Loved this book!! Thank you to Random House via NetGalley for my ARC! Each story in this collection is intricately connected by a shared theme, offering a deeply nuanced exploration of gender identity and the process of transitioning. What makes this work stand out is how it navigates these topics through a wide range of genres, from speculative fiction to contemporary drama, adding layers of complexity to the narrative. The stories delve into the many facets of gender identity, capturing emotions and experiences that are often left unexplored or underrepresented in literature. It tackles feelings of joy, confusion, pain, and empowerment, portraying them in ways that are raw and authentic. I was struck by how it articulated the often-complicated inner journeys that accompany transitioning, providing a perspective that felt both unique and necessary. The depth of the characters and the variety of storytelling styles made for a profound, insightful read that left a lasting impression.

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Torrey Peters is a masterful writer. I read her debut novel "Detransition, Baby" when it came out and I was floored. I didn't think she could write anything better, but she amazed me once again! "Stag Dance" is written so beautifully towards to experience of transness, specifically transfemininity. I think she's saying such smart, genius things, and in such a clever way. I think Peters is playing 4-D chess and the rest of us are playing Care Bear checkers. She and this book are brilliant!

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Stag Dance goes on sale next March—an eternity from now, although when it comes it will feel like September was just yesterday, I’m sure. But Random House went ahead and sent me a review copy (thank you!), to get some buzz going, I assume. And I’m more than happy to oblige. Because Stag Dance is fucking great. I love everything about it. I love how the four stories really and truly feel like they belong together, each story casting new light on the stories before and after, even though they're all so different. I love how fucked up and real and ridiculous these stories are—all four of them—how lovely, romantic, perverse, generous, absurd. I love how it starts in the future and ends in a swiftly-receding present, but spends most of its time snowbound at an illegal logging camp, in an ambiguous, near mythic past. It made me want to read lumberjack novels all winter. It made me want to write a lumberjack novel of my own. It made me want to pin a brown triangle to my pants and show up to work drunk and wander out the back door into the woods with a blinking lantern and chop wood in a pioneer dress and dance.

I've been listening—like the rest of the world, I take it—to "Good Luck, Babe!" You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling. I’m the kind of queer person who is either blindingly visible or comfortably invisible. My choice. How simple, for me, to navigate the world as who I’m not. But navigate the world as who you’re not—is that not then a considerable part of who you are? Selves multiply indiscriminately. Logic demands that we cannot be what we aren’t. Is the illusion of falseness just another bitter artifact of capitalist self-fashioning? Or am I asking the wrong questions? Generally, temperamentally, I have little desire to draw attention to myself. But you’d have to stop the world… Spend too much time vanishing and your whole life starts to go gray around the edges. Or put it plainly, why not? Spend too much time as a man... something I am and am not, like Schrödinger's cat (look in the box—it's a gender reveal party!)

Our bodies, our desires. These soft fleshy vessels—I’m tempted to say that we inhabit them, but that is just Christianity speaking through me, no? A soul—divine spark in flawed earthly vessel. Even as we muster our forces for a full frontal attack on binary gender, this other binary is in our sights: soul and body, mind and flesh, spirit and dust. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. I call bullshit.

None of it makes sense, because we don’t choose anything and somehow we choose everything. Because our bodies and our desires aren’t ours, not really—they’re something we do with other people, something we make and something we’re given and a series of stupid frustrating questions without answers that only make sense on Tuesday mornings and Friday nights and crack up into our own homegrown youtube oblivion the moment we try—fools that we are—to consider them dispassionately.

And so what choice do we have? We turn to stories. These four are some of the best.

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Stag Dance contains one novel and three novellas that are each tied together by their overall themes and exploration of gender identity. This format feels very fresh, and I was very interested to see how each of the stories would work with one another in this setup.

After I finished this book, I sat with it for several days before I could really decide how I, personally, felt about it. I thoroughly enjoyed Peters' storytelling, and, upon finishing the first story in this collection (Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones), immediately wanted to read more. However, what I found throughout was that the stories seemed to need more time to develop and unfold. There was so much to explore with each character, and so little space to explore it in. Overall, while I thought the stories were each unique and interesting, I was left wanting at the end of each and didn't feel as satisfied as I would have liked. However, I do think that the discussions happening in this collection are important and Detransition, Baby has climbed to the top of my to be read list. The cover is also just incredible.

For those of you who may not be into <spoiler>animal cruelty</spoiler>, take some caution with the second story in this book.

Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for the eArc of this book!

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A genre-bending novel tucked between gritty and visceral novellas that push the limits of literature.

The collection includes the speculative sci-fi "Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones", boarding school obsession in "The Chaser", and claustrophobic "The Masker", insulating the title story "Stag Dance" of an illegal logging outfit in the isolated mountainside.

Horrifying, atmospheric, and a triumph of storytelling, this is a must read for 2025.

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The format of 3 short stories and 1 novella isn't something I'd normally be drawn to, but presenting this as one collection really showcased the RANGE and talent of Torrey Peters' writing. Each story was connected in theme and shows a lot of nuance about gender identity and transitioning, explored through different genres. So many complicated feelings and experiences that I've never seen represented quite like this. I would read a full length novel of any of these (or basically I'd read anything she writes) but especially wanted more of Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones!

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<blockquote><i>"Lisen's was an insult that jerks a laugh from your person at the shock of it being just so."</i></blockquote>
Torrey Peters is my perfect no-skip writer. Where other authors pull their punches, Peters goes after her characters with a steel chair. Like sinners in the hands of a mean-spirited (but nonetheless very funny) god, they can escape neither their worst fears nor their most dearly held desires, and too bad for them because I love to read about it.
thanks for the arc netgalley i love you forever xoxo

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