Member Reviews

Thank you Oni Press and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. Ezra, along with his church, continue to try to find out why Sunny has demons following him. But Sunny really had no idea. And each interaction with a demon seems to only give more questions. Can they figure out what the demons want with Sunny? Another explosive volume of LySandra Vuong’s Covenant series! I’m loving this series and each volume has had me hooked! The artwork is beautiful as well! Highly recommend checking this one out!

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A great second volume that helped flesh out the story a bit. I'd really still like the characters to be fleshed out a bit more, but I suppose we'll have to see if we get that in volume three. I continue to like Ezra and his difficulties with faith and thereby his difficulties with his powers from Gabriel. I'd love to see more about Ezra's backstory and I'd love to see a bit more of his and Samson's relationship. I really like them as partners and I enjoy seeing them interact. Sunny I have a complex relationship with because he kind of gives off stereotypical annoying emo kid energy which puts me off. I think it is a particular pet peeve of mine when a character acts like they have to do everything alone when they have a perfectly good team of professionals backing them. But also he acts like he has the most tragic of all backstories, but like, newsflash son every single person in this organization is only here because they know about demons, and how to you think that happened? I don't know. It just irks me. It comes off and ignorant and selfish and makes me resent him on behalf of the others who are trying so hard to protect him and he keeps throwing it in their faces for no reason. Now one could argue (and I think Sunny tried this) that he didn't ask them to protect him and he's worried about them getting hurt because of him. But I argue 1. It's not his choice what danger they decide to put themselves in and 2. He's endangering regular defenseless humans every single day by attracting demons to him. Oh man. He just makes me really mad. I better see some character growth from him in the next book because he really annoys me. As always I love Samson so much. If this series was about her I would have probably passed away by now I love her so much. I'd love to see the rest of their friend group a bit more so they can get fleshed out too. Overall this is a really interesting series and it has a lot going for it. I'll be excited to continue on with it to see where the story goes.

Thank you to the publisher for providing this eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I am absolutely obsessed with the drawing style. This comic has a cast of such incredibly cool and diverse characters, the squad dynamic is amazing and we’re delving deeper into the mystery and the lore in this second installment. Some of the scenes are visually so powerful you could easily get chills from it, but the characters are not only badass warriors, they’re also vulnerable human beings and I adore every single one of the squad members.
We’re starting to get a little closer to the heart of the plot here, and while I can’t wait to see where this is going, I also love seeing Ezra and Sunny’s relationship evolve.
I am hooked and I can’t wait for the next volume.

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This graphics were good and story remained interesting. I'll admit that I kind of forgot what had happened in volume 1 but once I started reading it came back to me. I am curious to know how long until the romance between Sunny and Ezra starts to develop, It's a shame that we have to wait so long until the next volume comes out, but I'll be sure to read that one when it's released.

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ARC of this manga

I loved & adored the first book which made me so excited to read this next volume, again the series did not disappoint and takes you on a ride that continues straight after where the first one left off.

The main character's development is steady and well done making you care more and more as it goes on, with a story that has me engaged and longing to want to know more and more. The artwork is gorgeous 😍 and the covers of each volume are stunning.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

I’m really digging this series. Issac and Goliath are so cute! Isaac is my favorite. We’re slowly learning about Sunny’s purpose and reason for being hunted. I’m really interested in seeing where this series goes. This volume really moved the plot along. I love hot tattooed priests 🥹

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I already enjoyed the first volume, but this one was even better. I’m really looking forward to knowing who Sunny is and why the demons are after him.

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Covering issues 19-36, this collection has that "middle volume" feel -- the story moves forward slightly, but much remains mysterious. Very excited for the continuation! Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the ARC!

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Covenant is the series that keeps getting better and better!!

I think that I have found my newest obsession in the graphic novel world! Covenant was something that I picked up the first volume on a whim and I’m so glad that I did! This series is excellent and unique but has some of the most amazing illustrations I’ve had the pleasure of seeing this year!

The story picks up immediately where Volume 1 ends (right in the middle of the action - which that cliffhanger left me GASPING)! However, that conflict is where we resume so expect some of the fastest pace you can think of when starting this next edition. As we continue to explore and expand the world, we finally start getting some answers for my new fave characters. Some backstories are exposed and when those secrets come to life the stakes raise higher!

I think this story is going to continue to build and gain momentum and it is going to be a massive hit I already know! Do yourself a favor and get in early as we explore more of the Covenant world!

Perfect for fans of the Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare, Supernatural, and Lucifer!

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A solid follow up to the first book in this series. The goal of this volume seems to be to further lay out the conflict with the demons and provide clues for the greater mystery. Overall, that was executed quite well, as a reader I think I just wanted more of Ezra and Sunny together to build their relationship. However, I don’t know how many volumes this series will be so I think it’s fine if we take some time with the relationship development.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I loves this one almost as much as I loved the first one. This volume is shorter and left me wanting more. The art is amazing as always.

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Another gorgeous part of the Covenant series. As soon as I was approved for the ARC I sat down and read it in one sitting. The art just keeps getting better and better and the story more and more compelling. It is the very definition of obsession for me waiting for more of this story to keep coming and coming.

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Big thanks to Oni Press and NetGalley for the arc!!!

Vol.2 has me even more invested in this series, and I thought I was invested after vol.1. This volume for sure answered questions I had, but I definitely have more. I'm kind of excited about having to think about things while waiting for vol.3!
It is such a unique graphic in the story that is being told, like it is a literal joy to read. The illustrations definitely add to the story telling aspect as well. Every character is so detailed, in the emotion that we some from them and how they interact with others. Lastly, I just need to have a moment about the illustrations, they are amazing and I found myself not actually reading because I was looking at the illustrations.....


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This is so much fun. Vol 1 was excellent, but I think this is even better. The ‘good side’ characters are just brilliant, almost superpowers to fight demons, yet so human. They are humanly flawed, and so much humour comes in their interactions with each other. The demons are, demons - wonderfully portrayed through the excellent artwork. I kept pausing my reading just to look. The story follows a familiar theme for this genre, yet has so much that is unique. Questions answered, but so much more to be revealed. Thank you to Oni Press and NetGalley for the comic ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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This volume picks right up where the first one left off and dives back into the action. This is still largely following the same plot arch that the first volume ended with. The story is still trying to follow the trail to figure out the mystery behind Sunny and why his past is how it was. I'm trying very hard not to spoil the book, but there's almost nothing I can say without spoiling. The art was fantastic, the same as the first volume. There were a few minor pacing hiccups, but this can just be a side effect of being converted into a traditional graphic novel from an endless scroll webcomic. I'm excited for the third volume!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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