Member Reviews

Okay, I loved this one! The Perfect Rom-Com has Two Weeks Notice vibes but make it bookish, and I absolutely devoured this as a beach read! The dynamic between Jack and Bryony worked so well! It was a subtle romance done in the best way!

(My only complaint is I still have no idea how to pronounce the heroine's name. HA!)

Honestly, this author's books are a little hit-or-miss for me, but this one is my new favorite! I could see myself rereading for sure.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I thank you Netgalley and Thomas Nelson fiction for the approval copy of my ARC of the Perfect Rom Com. I’m so excited to read more of this book. It is one of those books that will hook the reader like me who loves rom coms. I will do my full review at a later time when I finish this book. So far so good and I love it! I am here for all the rom coms!

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I love Melissa Ferguson's winsome, fast-paced romances. I especially love how she uses these sweet romcoms to feature unique aspects of the publishing industry. I think this would make a fantastic Netflix film!

If you're looking for a cute, winsome and low-spice romantic comedy--- then Ferguson is your ticket!

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This was a fun story! I loved the bantering back and forth between the two main characters and I felt their chemistry throughout the novel. I was cringing a bit because it was obvious Jack was lying to her about her manuscript, but I loved the apology and forgiveness at the end! Overall, a well written book and I will continue to read books by this author. They make me laugh out loud!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Es el segundo libro que leo de Melissa y me doy por vencida, sus libros no son para mi.

Bryony intentaba vender su libro y terminó convirtiéndose en la escritora fantasma de una famosa "autora" best seller. El trato era que ella escribiría los libros de Amelia mientras que Jack trabajaría en su libro y lo vendería a alguna editorial.

Lamentablemente, Jack resultó un mentiroso que sólo quería utilizarla. El libro de B era malo, él sabía que nadie lo compraría, pero como escritora fantasma le iría bien y ganaría dinero. Entonces por 2 años le hizo creer que ya había mandado su libro con algunas personas y que solo era cuestión de tiempo para que alguien lo comprara.

Al final Bryony se dio cuenta del engaño de Jack (justo cuando tenían unos días de volverse novios) y renuncio. Él se arrepintió e ideó un plan para que todos supiera quien era realmente la verdadera mente maestra de los libros de Amelia.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a cute and fun read. Book Lovers meets When Harry Met Sally. Don’t let the title fool you — this book was more women’s fiction than romance. The romance was more of a subplot. I wish we got more of it though because the banter and chemistry between the two main characters was so good.

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'The Perfect Rom-Com' is a wildly entertaining romance novel about 2 workaholics in the publishing industry with a nightmare celebrity. Bryony Page is the kind of lead you can root for: honest, compassionate, a bit insecure, and whose passion is to save a nonprofit that helps refugees/immigrants. Jack Sterling, her boss, is a morally complex character for much of the novel, yet his pining after Bryony was so sweet and thoughtful. Though I am not a writer, I liked taking a peek behind the curtain into the world of ghostwriting, the woes of first-time writers, and other industry drama.

If you enjoy reading clean contemporary romance novels, then I recommend this book to you!

Special thanks to the Publisher, Thomas Nelson Fiction, and Net Galley for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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It was a cozy,heartwarming reading about byrony and aspiring author and a literary agent jack! although I enjoyed it, This book just didn't give me the feeling I was hoping it would.

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This book is a classic take on a friends to lovers/workplace romance! Bryony is an aspiring writer who meets literary agent Jack while pitching her book.

While her prepared manuscript isn’t what he’s looking for, Bryony’s personality is exactly what he’s looking for in his new ghostwriter. Fast forward two years and Bryony is a very successful romance author… under someone else’s name.

Following these two friends as they go on tour with the (not so nice) celebrity who Bryony writes for, this book will have you giggling at the absolutely wild things that may or may not happen on a tour bus.

Better than that though is why Bryony wanted to become a writer in the first place. Her family runs a school that teaches English as a second language and she wants to sell her original manuscript to save the school.

For me, the ESL school is the highlight of this story. In her teaching time, many students strive towards great things. And in their group bowling league, you get to see all of the silly parts of them. This group of people is such a fun and lovable found family in this story.

This sweet romance will have you cracking up (there’s a bowling team that needs a new name, they made me laugh so hard I low key want to start my own bowling team)! You also will get to enjoy a fun take on the he falls first/it’s always been you tropes with this book! Coming out on February 11th, this book is the perfect valentines date for sweet rom com readers!

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When Melissa's newsletter mentioned a new book, I could not wait to read it! I have enjoyed all her books so far and knew this one would not disappoint. I inspected Netgalley every other day in fear of missing out on the advanced copy. When it finally appeared and I was thankfully approved, I immediately downloaded it and jumped right in. That opening sentence - It was a dark and stormy night - is such an epic first line. Its fame in the literary world, and familiarity amongst my little family, brought a contented smile to my face.

The Perfect Rom-Com follows Bryony (such a lovely and unique name!) and her journey into becoming an author, albeit as a ghostwriter. It is such a fun read, yet filled with meaningful moments too. The history and motivation behind Bryony's story is deeply touching. The author shares some interesting terms used in the publishing world, ghostwriter being the most intriguing.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was an inspiring story about one woman's journey to reach her potential and leave behind what is familiar. Bryony is a ghost writer with dreams of making it big. She wants to publish under her own name, but alas, remains hidden.
The romance takes a side, as the main story is Bryony's journey. Jack (the literary agent) would have been a cute love interest, but the his character was underdeveloped and lacked what I had hoped his anti-hero character would be.
It was a cozy read about friendships, staying true to ones self, and forcing yourself to be able to stand up for your own needs and wants.
It was an easy and interesting read.
Opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Thank you NetGalley, Thomas Nelson Publishing, and the Author, for the ARC

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Melissa Ferguson is an auto buy author for me, so I was so excited to read this book, The way it starts had me slightly confused, but once I got through the first chapter, I was hooked. I loved the characters, the fact that it was a book about authors was so excellent. Byron is endearing and you just are rooting for her through the story.

Thank you netgalley for an arc of The Perfect Rom-Com by Melissa Ferguson

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I really enjoyed this once it got a bit in! The beginning was awkward, but then it was an enjoyable friends to lovers book! I really liked her and jack’s friendship and story line. I also loved the story line of the school!

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*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own*

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this book but I REALLY enjoyed it!!! It took me a little while to work out if I liked Jack or not, but I liked Bryony as the FMC the whole way through and found her really easy to relate to. It was just a fun, fast paced read and I never felt like there was any filler. Every chapter had its purpose!

So many heartfelt moments and good lessons to be learnt in this one. Excited for everyone else to read it and love it too :)

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3 ⭐️

“The Perfect Rom-Com” was truly not what I was expecting, which from the title and the cover, I was expecting exactly that- a romantic comedy. Instead, this story was a little deeper than that, definitely more of a women’s fiction with a touch of romance.

We meet Byrony, the FMC, in Nashville where she’s trying to pitch her story to different literary agents and getting turned down at table. When she meet Jack (MMC) and sticks up for herself after he’s been a bit of a grump, she comes out of the meetings not with her own book deal, but with a pretty good ghostwriting deal.

Throughout the story, we watch as Byrony works as a ghostwriter for a terrible human being while also falling for her agent, Jack. Their romance is the ultimate friends to lovers but it’s truly on the back burner of this book- as I mentioned before, just a sprinkle of romance in this.

I felt the drama was forced at times which annoyed me but I also read this book in a matter of hours because it was funny at times with good pacing.

Thanks NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

I have read multiple books written by Melissa Ferguson. So of course I had to read this one!

I thought this was a sweet read. Starting off as friends and becoming lovers 🫶 my favorite trope!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for providing this book, with my honest review below.

The Perfect Rom-Com was a fun story that, while not quite the perfect rom-com, was absolutely an entertaining one. In truth the book follows Bryony, an ESL teacher looking to write a book simply to bring attention to her Grandmother’s ESL school in a bid to keep it open. After putting herself on the line and bombing with agents, her uncharacteristic direct talk hits a chord with Jack, a big shot agent, and she gets a secret job as a ghost writer.

From there we start to build out to a romance between the two while also dealing with Bryony’s bid to get her own book published (the school is still in peril) and dealing with the prima donna ‘author’ Bryony ghost writes for. I loved that Bryony had found her voice as an author and we focused on her growing confidence in herself before the romance got hot and heavy, so that it could not be attributed to ‘woman finds man and finds herself as a result’. I also loved the school storyline, especially Bryony’s care for her quirky students. While the wrap up was clean and neat this story was so sweet and just that much different that I could absolutely get behind it. I’d recommend you read this, perfect rom-com it may not be, it’s truly far better as a more nuanced story about a woman who starts to believe in herself, hard truths and all, and just so happens to have a good man waiting when she does.

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Such a fun book! I devoured it and enjoyed every minute. Get ready to jump into the world of publishing with all of its quirks and behind-the-scenes drama. Bryony Page, rom-com ghostwriter, ultimately finds her own success in more ways than one. Highly recommended.

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The Perfect Rom-Com by Melissa Ferguson is a fun, fast -paced novel with witty banter. The dialogues will draw you in and make you not want to put it down.

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A book about writing books. Do I need to tell more?
It took me some time to get into it at first, but after a while, it flew by nicely. Story felt fresh and original. It was very easy to read. Some parts were a little bit dull to me, but I enjoyed the story a lot. Everyone needs a Jack in their life. Not any Jack, but this one. He was just perfect. Bryony- I love her name, never heard it before, but I love it, was great and interesting main character. I would love to know if her hours last really 24 hours. I don't know how she could handle everything. It was inspiring to me. Amelia was just annoying enough. She really completed the story.
Overall, it was nice, light, story to read. It felt like a cup of cappuccino- smooth and easy to drink. Perfect for early fall/early spring days. Great when you want to relax with a nice book.
My rating would be in between 3-4 stars.

Thank you to Net Gallery shelf for eARC of this book.

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