Member Reviews

I read the original (and own it) and am really excited to be reading this update. As an avid writer and reader, I believe that storytelling is everything. It's interesting to read how storytelling can be applied to brand building and marketing as well.

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Building a StoryBrand is obviously an iconic work in the nonfiction space, so I was excited to finally read it!

This book struck me as a bit difficult to process, because on the one hand, it's brilliant, undeniably so. If I had been in need of a brand revamp as I read, I genuinely feel that I could have followed along and rebuilt my brand from the ground up and created something I was quite pleased with. But, on the other hand, while Miller is clearly an amazing marketer who is, I'm sure, mind-blowing at what he does when he's working one-to-one with clients, at times it really felt like he was failing to practice what he preached within the book itself. Ultimately, at times, I found myself wishing that the book had been written by someone else.

As a storyteller myself, I loved the idea of marketing as storytelling, and I'd imagine that it's an idea that resonates with many other readers as well because ultimately, the appeal of Miller's teachings isn't that any of them are particularly new or unique, it's that they're packaged in a way that makes them fun to learn and easy to remember. Who wouldn't prefer to learn marketing with <i>Star Wars</i> references, amirite? But often, the book felt like Marketing 101 concepts molded to fit the hero's journey, then presented by an author who, perhaps, hadn't thought them through all the way. The problem, it seems to me, is that it doesn't always feel as if Miller practices what he preaches.

• A main focus of his framework is that the customer (not the marketer) is the "hero," but the book truly does center Miller and StoryBrand, start to finish. At first I felt that this quibble was taking things a little too literally—after all, the framework is about marketing, and the book is a book, not a marketing pitch—but the book frankly comes across as a marketing pitch, and honestly, the book itself taught me that that would be done more effectively if we readers had been centered more. It felt a bit odd to come to that conclusion because, on the one hand, that does show the effectiveness of the StoryBrand framework—but, on the other hand, it also shows how difficult it was to get invested in the pitch book itself, especially at first when the whole focus seemed to be on celebrating StoryBrand without sharing why we as readers should be invested.

• He discusses how "I've never worried about giving away too much free information. In fact, the more generous a brand is, the more reciprocity they create," but actually shares very little free information in this book (which, one should note, is not usually a free product!). The book provides the basic outline for the SB7 framework, but while other books in the nonfiction space are usually designed to help readers reach their desired result by the time they finish reading, this book does not provide readers enough information to allow them to do so. It describes the basic premise behind each of the steps, but instead of breaking down the details of implementing those steps, it directs readers to Miller's website or to hire his team. While of course there's no shame in a sales pitch, it felt strange to read a line like that in a book that gave away maybe a blog post's worth of "free" information in an industry where many authors truly do lead with generosity.

• Much of the books focus is on brevity and avoiding confusing the client, but, can probably already infer that it didn't prioritize either. 😅

Ultimately, I'm very grateful to have read this book, and I'm absolutely going to be applying its concepts to my marketing going forward. The way that Miller presents these concepts definitely just works in my brain, and frankly, it's fun. That being said, while usually I'm a huge proponent of always reading the full book because in general I always feel that there's something to get out of the full-length work, in this case, if Miller offers a PDF summary lead magnet on his website, there's no shame in picking that up instead. I am guessing Miller would be delighted to have you on his email list 😂

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free ebook copy of this book! All opinions are, of course, my own.

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I was so excited to receive an advanced reading copy of Storybrand 2.0. I’d heard of it before but hadn’t had a chance to read it. Once I started, I found it so helpful that I ended up buying the audiobook to listen on the go.

Donald Miller’s Storybrand presents a simple, practical framework for marketing a brand using storytelling principles. While these concepts aren’t new, the book lays them out in a clear, actionable way. The examples can be repetitive (and there’s plenty of promotion for the Storybrand AI tool), but overall, they’re extremely useful.

If you’re looking to refine your messaging and connect more effectively with customers, this book is for you. It sparked ideas for my team and gave me the clarity I needed. Highly recommend!

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StoryBrand 2.0 builds on an already proven marketing framework, making it even more practical for today’s business world. If you’re familiar with Building a StoryBrand, you’ll recognize the key principles, but this updated version takes it a step further, with new insights and even more actionable strategies to help businesses simplify their messaging, engage their audience, and drive real growth. StoryBrand 2.0 lays out a clear, no-nonsense roadmap to fix that, making it easier than ever to create messaging that resonates. Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or a service-based professional, this book gives you the tools to stand out and make an impact.

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The new and improved Building a StoryBrand 2.0 is great—more examples, a streamlined workflow, and a nice bonus of free AI tools!

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A fascinating look at marketing and why certain companies thrive while other die out. A great book for someone looking to break out on their own enterprise as it features a ton of examples and really walks you through each step and even provides templates to design your own material. Building a brand is not for the weak but this book really makes it seem possible- step by step. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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According to the StoryBrand framework, the key elements of a powerful brand story are:
1. A Character: The customer is the hero of the story, not the brand. Focus on the customer's desires and needs.
2. Has a Problem: Identify the customer's external, internal, and philosophical problems.
3. Meets a Guide: Position your brand as the guide who understands the customer's struggles and has the wisdom to help them overcome obstacles.
4. Who Gives Them a Plan: Provide a clear solution or plan to address the customer's problem.
5. And Calls Them to Action: Challenge the customer to take a specific step towards solving their problem.
6. That Ends in Success: Show how your product or service leads to a positive outcome for the customer.
7. And Helps Them Avoid Failure: Highlight the potential negative consequences of not using your solution.
Additional key elements include:
• Empathy and Authority: Demonstrate both to be an effective guide for your customers.
• Clear Messaging: Use simple, direct language that resonates with your audience.
• Genuine Storytelling: Share authentic experiences and values that reflect your brand's mission.
• Focus on Internal Problems: While addressing external issues, emphasize solutions to customers' internal frustrations.
By incorporating these elements, you can create a compelling brand story that engages your audience and drives business growth.
This strategy is totally flexible and can be adjusted to meet the needs of small businesses that are closest to their customer base. Recommended.

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really pleased to get a copy of this book, had wanted to read the original for a long time and this is an updated version - very clear strategy that I believe dose work and super clear steps to implement. I would recommend this to anyone with anything to promote!

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How to Get Your Customers to Actually Hear You

Business owners and marketing people face more challenges today than ever. Customers are bombarded with messages and ads from morning until night from more screens and sources than ever. In this overwhelming, blaring cacophony, what can you do to make sure your message is heard?

Let Building a StoryBrand 2.0 by Donald Miller be your guide. This book is the perfect tool to help you grow your business/organization by reaching, connecting with, and inspiring your prospects to choose you.

The Problem: You struggle to communicate your brand's message in a way that resonates with your audience. Your potential customers are overwhelmed with information, and your message gets lost in the noise.

The Solution: StoryBrand has helped over 1 million of business—from start ups to Fortune 500 companies—significantly increase their revenues. This updated version (hence the “2.0” in the title) has 10,000 additional words of step-by-step, practical marketing help. It’s full of updated, real-world examples so you can see StoryBrand in action. Plus, throughout the book, it has calls to action so that you can implement the framework in your own business as you are learning the concepts. You can implement your simple, clear message immediately to connect with more customers.

How Building a StoryBrand 2.0 can grow your business:
1. Learn the Seven Points in Every Compelling Story in Human History: Miller explains the stories that all humans respond to throughout history, giving you a template to follow that will capture attention.
2. Clarify Your Message: Simplify your brand message so that it is understood and remembered by your audience.
3. Apply the Framework: Use your StoryBranded messaging for your website, brochures, social media, etc. and see your business grow.

Your Business’ Future: The StoryBrand 2.0 framework will transform your brand's communication. Your message will cut through the noise, engage your customers, and drive growth. You'll see your business thrive as you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Buy the Book: Don't let your message get lost in the noise. Take the first step towards clarity and success by reading Building a StoryBrand 2.0. Let Donald Miller's guide help you craft a compelling story that resonates with your customers and propels your business forward.

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A great guide for helping you focus your message in such a way that it captures customers' attention and leads them through the sales funnel. It walks you step by step through how to use story to engage your customer and offers templates for creating your own engaging content. Very clear and useful with plenty of examples.

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I’ve been a fan of Donald Miller since his Blue Like Jazz days and I've followed his journey from storyteller to brilliant marketer closely.

This book is a game-changer. If you’re an author (or really anyone) who struggles with knowing what to say to connect with your audience—or worse, you feel completely overwhelmed trying to talk about your books in a way that actually works—this is the book you didn’t know you needed.

Miller lays it all out so clearly, and the framework he teaches is simple yet transformative. For me, it’s completely shifted how I approach marketing. I wish I’d listened to his wisdom sooner because now I can finally see how to position my books in a way that resonates with readers. It’s not just about selling—it’s about connecting.

I like how he uses tons of examples from well-known advertising campaign, and puts his framework in the context of storytelling principles (hero, hero in a hole, the guide, the villain, etc.,) His instructions is practical, it’s doable, and this book is a joy to read. It’s like having a wise, no-nonsense mentor walk you through marketing step by step. I can’t recommend it enough.

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I have to say this is one of those books where I’m not entirely sure how to review. Marketing has always fascinated me and yet it always seemed like such a complex subject matter, and yet in Building a Storybrand 2.0, Donald Miller does a wonderful job of breaking down why some companies fail and other succeed in their messaging, and then breaks down just how you can do it to. Can it really be this ‘simple’? (note I am not saying easy) I can definitely see where Miller’s method could be extremely useful. Time will tell. Thanks so much to the publisher and NetGalley allowing me access to a early review copy of Building a Storybrand 2.0.

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Donald Miller uses a step-by-step process to guide you in transforming your marketing. Put yourself in your customer's shoes and weave a story of how your product will make their lives better. In the end you have a clear and concise call to action that appeals to your customer's needs and wishes. The book includes detailed instructions on creating a landing page that draws your customers in and encourages them to buy.

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I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for an unbiased review.

I read the first edition of Building a StoryBrand a few years ago and found it helpful for streamlining marketing messages. Naturally, I was curious about this updated version, especially since it promised new insights into incorporating AI in marketing. Unfortunately, this edition didn’t bring much to the table that wasn’t already covered in the original or readily available with a quick online search.

While I appreciate the effort to refresh the content, it didn’t deliver enough to justify a re-read for me. 2 stars.

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