Member Reviews

4 stars – Hidden Nature by Nora Roberts is a well written suspense story with a bit of romance on the side. I just love the way Nora writes. She is so descriptive with each setting and character. It really makes the reader feel like they are present in the story and knows each character’s thoughts and actions.
While the story is very different from the “In Death” series by JD Robb (aka Nora Roberts) Sloan Cooper, the FMC in this novel, is like Lt. Eve Dallas of “In Death” fame. Very independent, intelligent, female police officers and focused on solving the murders at hand. I enjoyed this story and think most readers will too. My only concern is the length of the book. It was long – over 400 pages long – and that will turn off some readers or make them skim the pages to get to the end.
A big “Thank You” to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read an advance copy. This independent, honest review is happily shared.

Nora Roberts latest stand alone romantic suspense follows 3 different story lines. First we have Sloan, a police officer shot at a convenience store who returns to her childhood home so her parents and her sister can help her while she recovers. This home happens to be in a beautiful mountain setting where they have a collection of vacation cottages to maintain. We then have two brothers who have moved in nearby in a ramshackled home to restore it as well as start their Fix it brothers business. Last but not least we have a serial killer couple who kidnap people for reasons I wont spoil here.
So... If you are like me and have read everything Nora has written over the past decades both as herself and JD Robb, you may read that and think you know exactly what is going to happen, and you would be exactly correct. Never the less I still thoroughly enjoyed this story. The relationships between Sloan and her parents and sister as well as Sloan and her former partner and his wife are wonderful, the romantic relationships develop quickly but are very satisfying, and the serial killer story line is really creepy.
If you are looking for something new and groundbreaking you will want to skip this one, but if you are looking for traditional Nora romantic suspense with well drawn out characters and wonderful relationships, be sure to pick this one up.
Thank you to net galley and St. Martins Press for the e galley in return for an honest review.

I am a fan of Nora Roberts but slightly disappointed with this one. For me the story dragged on and on about her family/personal life and not enough about the actual crimes that were occurring. I had to force myself to keep reading as I was curious about the outcome. Great ending though.

Nora Roberts delivers another engaging romantic suspense novel with "Hidden Nature", blending family bonds, slow-burn romance, and a chilling mystery. Sloan Cooper, a determined Natural Resources Police officer recovering from a near-fatal shooting, finds herself drawn into a string of disappearances that stretch across multiple states. With the support of her close-knit family and the unexpected connection she builds with Nash Littlefield, Sloan refuses to back down, even if it means risking her life again.
One of the strongest aspects of this story is the rich family dynamic. The Cooper sisters and the Littlefield brothers create a heartwarming found-family element, with Sloan and Nash’s romance unfolding in a slow, rewarding burn. In contrast, Drea and Theo’s love story sparks instantly, adding a fun balance to the emotional depth. The way the Coopers welcome the Littlefields, who come from a difficult background, adds warmth, making the relationships just as compelling as the mystery.
The suspense is gripping, though the villainous subplot doesn’t fully land for me. The so-called "angels of death" have an unsettling twist, but I find myself more invested in the evolving relationships and the character-driven moments rather than the darker elements of the crime storyline.
Overall, "Hidden Nature" is a compelling read with strong characters, emotional depth, and well-developed romance. While the mystery element doesn’t fully hold my attention, the family connections and love stories make it well worth the read. Fans of Roberts' signature blend of romance and suspense will find plenty to enjoy!

Sloan has just solved a satisfying case in her role as a Natural Resource Officer. Three men who had been harassing hikers in the area. On the way back, they stop at a convenience store, only to interrupt a robbery.
When Sloan wakes up in hospital, her boyfriend has left her via text, and she has a lot of healing to do from her near death experience.
She moves in with her parents and meets a couple rehabbing a house.
A serial killer couple who are looking to send those people with near death experiences to a real death.
While I enjoyed the rehab storyline, the serial killer one was not good for me.
NetGalley/ St. Martin’s Press May 27, 2025

I loved this one by Nora Roberts. It kept me engaged the entire time. I didn't rush through reading it like I normally do. I really wanted to savor the story and the new information that I was finding out with each chapter that passed.
I loved Sloan character. She was such a strong woman and was determined to heal up after being shot and then having to be shocked back to life. I loved how she was working so hard to find the missing pieces and the connection to the missing persons. She had a wonderful family unit that helped her heal and with her budding romance with her neighbor Nash, she had another person to help bounce ideas off of.
I really enjoyed the way the story played out and how we were always given just enough information to keep us guessing at who and what would be next.

The consistency of Nora Roberts novels is her strongest suit. A strong, independent woman meets attractive new guy to small town. She is embroiled in a mystery and her helps solve it. Along the way they fall in love and after the threat is neutralized they live happily ever after. As soon as I found I was approved to read this ARC, I dove in and read it on the snow day. I could have just as easily read this on a day on the beach or a rainy day.
Only two quibbles with 'Hidden Nature'. The first will depend on how much a reader likes to read about home improvement. There is a lot of descriptions on projects, colors, furniture, etc. The second is the inclusion of the inclusion of the special ingredient in the food. Each time it came up, it was hard to not to wince.
Each year, readers look forward to their newest NR tome in late May. They will not be disappointed.
Advanced Review Copy of 'Hidden Nature' provided by St. Martin's Press via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

Being a huge Nora Roberts fan, I was thrilled to get an advance copy of Hidden Nature. I was pleasantly surprised with this book. If you are expecting a feel good love story this won't be it. This novel really proved to me what an amazing writer Ms Roberts is. I thought thebook started a little slow but it became a real page turner for me. I was drawn to the characters as the mystery unfurled. Once again I love another Nora Roberts novel! If you lovea good suspense with a love story added this is for you

I have been a Nora Roberts fan for a long time and I thought Hidden Nature was typical of her style and writing. Having said that, the story did drag for me a bit. I guess I knew where it was heading and it seemed to take a little too long to get there. The page filling content was not bad, just did not keep me riveted. All in all, if you are a Nora Roberts fan, I think you will enjoy Hidden Nature.

This book seemed more formulaic than I expect from Robert’s. I could predict the next events, and I was very uncomfortable with the “bad guys.” That caused the book to be less enjoyable, while still being a must finish read. I would not recommend it to anyone other than saying it was a new book from an author that has a great following.

Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors. Hidden Nature did not disappoint, if you like suspense and romance this is a great read.

Observations while reading -
Sargent Sloan Cooper (which throughout my reading never failed to remind me of “Agent Dale Cooper” which made me to want to watch Twin Peaks again)
*tofu joke - why? Really… why?
*classic Roberts - romance between a strong and capable FMC with past trauma with one of the new guys in town, who is also strong and capable, also with past trauma, thriller and mystery, a couple of good boy doggos, and family meals.
I’ve been reading Nora Roberts since I was in junior high, I’m 51 now and still reading. Given that many years of reading, not every book works for me and Hidden Nature wasn’t a favorite - I found the plot repetitive, the chemistry between Sloan and Nash was disappointing because I just couldn’t see it, with an anticlimactic ending. Despite my own issues with this, I still think many fans will very much enjoy it.
Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the DRC

When NetGalley gifted me the advance copy of Nora Roberts newest book it immediately jumped to the top of my TBR. She’s a must read author for me, and this one didn’t disappoint. Her female main characters are always such strong women - capable of taking care of themselves and the people around them. Sloan is no exception. This book is definitely a slow burn, and it takes some time to get to the climax of the book - almost the entire story. The scenes that focused on Carla and Sam were disturbing - as they were clearly meant to be. Nora Roberts follows a certain formula, which to me is a positive. I like knowing that it will all work out in the end - I’m not a fan of the truly scary, so knowing that it ends well is what enables me to keep reading. As always I’m sad to say goodbye to the characters at the end because I feel like they’re friends.

I am and will always be a Nora Roberts fan. I have been reading her books for over twenty years. This one is so hard for me to give less than 4 stars...however, I struggled with it, as I couldn't quite connect with the characters. I felt as though they all kind of felt the same. The tone of voice and their personalities sort of fell flat to me. I did enjoy the storyline. It was unique and kept me on my toes. Thank you for the opportunity to read this!

This book has it all, romance and people disappearing and being murdered.
Sloane moved back home to a quiet town which turned out to be nothing quiet at all.
Roberts will lure you in with the intrigue.

Hidden Nature by Nora Roberts was a little outside my comfort zone. I normally love her romantic, fantasy series, and have devoured all of them. Hidden Nature is more of a hard core mystery, and I admit, the mystery part of it was very disturbing to me. Enough so, that I keep thinking about it. Which, really, is my definition of a good book - one that stays with me, one that I keep thinking about. I was very pleased to discover that the main characters were as admirable, funny, and great with dialogue as all of the Nora Roberts books I’ve read. The main character, Sloan, is intelligent, strong, and very likeable. Her family is very important to her, and are also strong, well-developed characters. I’m so happy I went out of my comfort zone with this one. I definitely give Hidden Nature 5 stars!

Mein Leseerlebnis
Der neue Roman von Nora Roberts aus dem Jahr 2025 war für mich gut zu lesen. Ich mag den Schreibstil der Autorin eigentlich immer und es fällt mir leicht, mich auf ihre Welten einzulassen. Darüber hinaus fand ich die Prämisse der Geschichte faszinierend und ich konnte mir die Charaktere ohne Probleme als echte Personen vorzustellen. Sie wirken auf mich lebendig und vielschichtig.
Auch konnte ich die beschriebenen Orte gut vor meinem inneren Auge sehen, was für mich beim Lesen von Büchern keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist. So weit, so gut.
Trotz dieser positiven Aspekte des Buches fand ich die Geschichte nicht so spannend wie erwartet und vor allem die Liebesgeschichte weniger berührend als erhofft. Der Spannungsanteil fiel für meinen Geschmack etwas flach und wenig mitreißend aus. Das kenne ich aus anderen Büchern der Autorin ganz anders. Die Liebesgeschichte war zwar nett und schön, aber wiederum nicht so intensiv wie erhofft.
Da ich viele Liebesromane der Autorin liebe, habe ich an ihre Werke eine gewisse Erwartungshaltung, die dieses Mal nicht vollständig erfüllt wurde.
Für mich zählt “Hidden Nature” nicht den besten Büchern der Autorin. In Bezug auf die Spannungsmomente, den Unterhaltungswert und die Emotionalität habe ich mir von dem Buch etwas mehr erhofft.
Schlecht oder total enttäuschend ist “Hidden nature” aber auch nicht, ich würde es als ganz nett und gut zu lesen beschreiben.
🖤🖤🖤 1/2
Für wen?
Wer ruhig erzählte Geschichten mit etwas Spannung und einer neuen Liebe für die Heldin mag, für den könnte das Buch eine schöne Sache sein. Erwartet bitte keinen richtigen Thriller oder eine hochemotionale Liebesgeschichte.

Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me access to this advanced readers copy. Ms Roberts has written another enthralling mystery, with engaging characters and believable plot.
One thing I truly admire about her writing is it never seems to get stale or repetitive and this is a shining example!!

Nora Roberts’ “Hidden Nature” is a blend of romance, suspense, and other exciting elements. The strong female lead is incredibly engaging. I wish it was a series so we could follow the characters’ adventures further. It’s definitely a must-read!

I love Nora Robert’s and really wanted to love this book, but I didn’t. I liked the mystery premise but to be honest, I think the crazy radical religious nuts portion was just too much, not all people of Faith are that crazy.
"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." eARC provided NetGalley