Member Reviews

Katie is a travel writer, sharing her adventures or misadventures as it normally works out to be with her social media fans. Her latest assignment is to spend three weeks in Scotland living her very own Downton Abbey Edwardian experience.
I've read stories before about the clumsy girl heading to the Scottish Highlands to find herself a Scottish man, but the inclusion of this modern day time jump gave it a fun spin.
I really enjoyed Pepper's writing, and found myself both laughing and crying at different times, and will be looking into her other works to add to my TBR list.

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"Some Like It Scot" is a charming romance about Katie, a travel writer prone to misadventures, and Graeme, a reclusive Scotsman tied to his island home. Their unlikely connection blossoms during Katie’s trip to Scotland, where her adventurous spirit clashes with Graeme’s need for stability.

With witty banter, heartwarming moments, and a picturesque Scottish setting, Pepper Basham delivers a fun and sweet love story. It’s a delightful, feel-good read about finding home and love in unexpected places. Perfect for fans of light-hearted romance!

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Such a fun book! Loved every minute of it. I love banter, I love romance! If you do and want a bit of Scot then pick it up for sure!

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I was soooo excited for this book, but sadly, it was a very slow start, and I just couldn't get into it.

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Get ready for a book you won't want to put down! I have read many of Basham's books but this one is her best yet! Scotland. Travel. Books. Romance. Humor. Puns. Local lore and legend. SO much heart. Oh my goodness I loved this book! A story is really special if it can make me laugh and cry and feel everything in between. The characters are terrific all the way around. Katie is hilarious and so real to life. Her struggles many will be able to sympathize with and it is so well written. Graeme has so many layers and it was a joy to read his perspective throughout the book. The secondary characters warmed my heart in many ways and I felt like I was in Mull having a cup of tea with them. I laughed so many times! I was worried that Katie would be over the top and the silliness would take me out of the book but nope it just added to the delight. The ending is so much better than I had even hoped! It was realistic and I truly didn't want this to end. We need more books in this quaint village in Scotland. Perhaps Graeme's brothers stories?! In any case. This is one of the best books I have read this year. Very fun and yet keeps you pondering life long after you finish reading the last page.

Five Stars.

"I received this book from NetGalley for free. All opinions are my own and I was not required to write a positive review."

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Some Like It Scott is a heartwarming and charming read that offers a perfect blend of humor, romance, and personal growth. The story follows the life of the main character, who is wonderfully likable and relatable in all her imperfections. As she navigates the ups and downs of life, love, and career, readers will find themselves rooting for her at every turn.

The writing is light and engaging, making it a great easy read for anyone looking to unwind. What makes this book stand out is the authentic portrayal of its protagonist. She doesn’t have it all together, and that’s precisely what makes her so endearing. Her struggles, both big and small, feel genuine, and her personal journey of self-discovery is something many will resonate with.

If you’re looking for a feel-good novel with a touch of romance and a lot of heart, Some Like It Scott is a delightful pick.

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DNF. 2 stars for a few enjoyable moments but overall... meh.

This story was a bit too screwball comedy and silly for me. Although I started out liking Katie and Graeme, I just couldn't quite connect to them entirely. The overall idea of the story was great but the actual execution didn't live up to its potential. I started skimming for a few chapters but then realized that I didn't really care what happened to these characters so I just stopped reading.

I am a huge fan of Basham's Skymar novels about Izzy, Penelope, and Luke which are among my favorite re-reads. The writing style of "Some LIke It Scot" more closely resembles the author's Fredrik & Grace mystery, "The MIstletoe Countess" which was just not my cup of tea and another DNF.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for granting my request to read this e-ARC and provide my honest opinions.

It has been long since I've felt all the feels of a romantic swoon, and this book filled my heart with a renewed faith in love and what love can do to a person. I kept wishing for this book not to end for me to continue immersing myself in the richness of the love story between Graeme (I pronounce this as "grim" in my head; I hope that is correct 😂) and Katie. These two give a whole different meaning to love, 🥰🥰 and I love it for them.

Katie, the travel writer who does not have roots in any place, meets Graeme, who has a loving family in Mull and is not thinking of going anywhere any time soon.

After meeting our two MCs, I thought that maybe this was just going to be a fling, but alas, with these two, the word fling doesn't quite fit with them.

Another amazing thing I loved about this book was that both of our MCs are creatives and how Graeme did everything he could to support Katie despite all her misadventures.

This review won't be complete if I don't applaud the author for a wonderful job of bringing Scotland and the island of Mull to life. I haven't been to Scotland, but it felt like I was right there with them.

I giggled, I laughed, and I almost cried, and I think I might need a hot Scot who will call me lass.🥰. Now is the time to go through all the books written by Pepper Basham 😩.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Pepper, this book is fantastic! I loved every minute of it. It was absolutely adorable. I loved the characters and their sweet story.

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I'm giving this 4 stars because rating it is truly a little difficult for me. Part of this is my bad, as I didn't fully realize this was Christian fiction and I am NOT a Christian, so part of my diminished enjoyment is due to this element of the book and not due to any fault of the book or author as a whole. That being said, this did take a little while to get fully into, story-wise. However, once I did, it was sweet and funny and heartfelt. I think anyone looking for a heartwarming romantic book with Christian undertones would enjoy this.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for providing an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This one started a little slow for me. It took a little while for me to get into it unlike some of the others I’ve read but it did not disappoint.
Descriptions of the country, personalities of the characters.
Yes another amazing book by Pepper Basham.

Thank you to NetGalley & Thomas Nelson for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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This is my first Pepper Basham book, and I'm certain it won't be my last! If you like fun Hallmark Christmas movies, you'll love this book. I fell in love with the main character, Katie, and thoroughly enjoyed following her adventures (and mishaps!) as she traveled to Scotland to work on her writing project.

Watching the character growth both from Katie and her Scotsman was a delight. I enjoyed seeing them each work through their own issues, and how working through those issues ended up pulling them closer in the end.

This was a fun read!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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This book took me awhile to get into. It didn’t suck me right in like some of her other books, as the humor at the beginning was just a bit too slapstick for me. The longer I read, the better I liked the book. There are a lot of side characters, which were a bit distracting at times, but the main ones quickly became beloved friends that I wanted to know more about. Basham has a lot of good insights on self-discovery, where “home” is, living up to other people’s expectations, and dealing with grief. The end was very satisfying. I hope she writes more and makes this part of a series!

“I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." #SomeLikeItScot #NetGalley

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Really disappointed in this book. I expected different based off of the description and just found it lacking.

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Oh man. WHAT a beautiful book. I absolutely adored this one so much. I went in pretty much blind, and I expected a light, Scottish romcom; instead, I read one of the most thought provoking, faith-oriented, romances ever! This read was so stunning. I love every minute of it! I highly recommend this one!
rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
spice/language: clean!
thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my early and complementary copy of this book!

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Some like It Scot is a romantic tale full of witty banter and hilarious mishaps, but the story also delves deep into what it means to find a true home where people love and except you just for who you are. 5 stars!

Travel writer Katie Campbell is a six foot klutz who's traveled to Scotland to write about an authentic Edwardian experience. She manages to find herself in one scrape after, "...misadventures are my stores to tell. And Miss me". Such great wordplay.

Carpenter and wood carver Graeme MacKerrow finds himself constantly thrown into the role of Katie's rescuer hero whether he wants to be or not. Neither is looking for a relationship but somehow that doesn't seem to alter the outcome. Both are perfectly imperfect characters with hurtful histories, yet the pair manage to make me laugh and cry almost simultaneously. They were interesting and quirky and definitely the focus of the story, but I also got a heartful of charm from Graeme's nephew Lachlan. After all, what's not to love about an eight year old saying, "I wager it would take the two of us to help keep you alive..." So cute!

There is a plethora of Scottish words I've never heard, and I loved them all. Such as "Lang may yer lum reek!" which meant "May you live long and prosper!". So much fun all the way through the book.
There were so many meaningful and honest quotes that were so touching and true. A few of my favorites,
*"Sometimes one dream has to bow to another, and that's okay."
*"Love doesna stop when bodies do. It's one of the comforts in losing a loved one, ye ken? The love lingers on."

Author Pepper Basham's stories just keep getting better and better. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy a great inspirational love story with humor and depth. I appreciate Thomas Nelson making a copy of Some Like It Scot available for review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

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“Sometimes home is a place. Sometimes it’s a person. Sometimes it’s both.”

It is rare that a story renders me speechless, but I am truly struggling to find the words to sum up all this story meant to me. My only complaint would be having to try to be patient as I wait for the paperback copy to release next year.

I've read over 250 books this year, and THIS one, is now in the number 1 spot!

This review may be a jumbled of mess of ramblings because truthfully I loved the story so much I can't figure out how to put that love on the page. Plus I don't want to give too much away. But here you go anyway...

Katie is a traveling blogger, a pun queen, and a source of what I can only assume is bad luck, that she twists into instant fame. She needs this job here in Scotland for her career but also for her personal growth. She's here for an event but also because it reminds her of her Grandparents, the closest thing she had to a "home." Graeme is the owner of the place where the event is taking place, hes also the contractor making the repairs, the Scottish hero ( you'll see why soon enough), the butler lol, a dance partner, and a man who will change Katie's life... but little does she know that just yet. She literally falls into Graemes grumpy arms and from there they instantly butt heads. But there is a thin line between love and hate... and the more time they spend together those feelings soon morph into something more real!

Everyone's running from something. Sometimes it's a past they can't leave behind, a loss they can't stop grieving, or perhaps BOTH those things are holding you captive until you pray, process, and heal.

When life let's you down enough times you start doubting everything, including God's plan and his goodness and you put walls up to protect your heart and start making your own way in life. But when we shy away from love, settling down, taking that leap... that was never Gods plan. Graeme and Katie have to learn that through their faith in him, and the people he will place in their lives ( like each other) they can step out on faith, take a risk, dare to make plans, and allow time for love.

How Pepper Basham manages to have me laughing one second, crying the next, swooning over a Graeme moment, or at the edge of my seat waiting for all the feels... Idk how she does it! I was on an emotional roller coaster, and I did not want to get off! Lol! You all, I just can't sum up this book is words, there are none. I went in looking for a Scottish romance and boy did I get that. But gosh, it also just spoke to my heart a bit, spoke to my faith, my path in life, healing, growth, and moving on. And gosh the two main characters phew... Graeme is grumpy on the exterior but such a sweet soul on the inside. And Katie is so confident and happy on the outside, but she is second-guessing, insecure, and running away from her situation, scared that if she settles down , life will disappoint her again. Both of them are operating on fear, something their loved ones have been telling them they have been doing. But they don't realize it, until they meet each other....

Can Katie help Graeme to step out of his comfort zone, take some risks, show his talents, plan for more of a future? Can Graeme help Katie accept who she is, remind her she's enough, help her find a new place to call home and perhaps allow him to be her home? All that is only possible through God's power, but perhaps he will work through them, to help the other heal?!

Just for fun....
Random quotes completely out of context:
(This was an ARC, so quotes may change after the book is released)

"I was under the influence of hot Scotness . . . or Scot hotness."

"Parrot in the drawing room with a hairband.”

“My Morning as an Edwardian Burrito.” Perfect title for an article.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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Great quick read for a romcom. Love anything to do with a scotland romance.

What I couldn't stand was the 10 pages of favorite reviews in the beginning of the book. We don't need that.

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SOME LIKE IT SCOT by PEPPER BASHAM is the story of two very different people meeting, someimes in perilous situations due to Katie Campbell’s propensity for misfortune, on the beautiful island of Mull in Scotland. Katie, who is a travel writer, known as Miss Adventure, writes brilliant and hilarious stories for World on a Page, and has been sent by her editor to take part in an Edwardian Experience being held at Craighill House. ……
Katie at six foot one with fiery red hair, quick wit and a lovely sense of humour, meets huge and handsome Scot, Graeme MacKerrow, first of all finding him grumpy when she breaks the bannister he has just repaired and falls over the edge of the stairs landing on top of him!……
I love the characters - the unusual people taking part in the Edwardian Experience, Mirren MacKerrow, and her family, her matchmaking knitting club friends, and of course Katie, Graeme and his nephew Lachlan.
The book is laugh out loud amusing in parts and serious in others as we see two damaged people getting to know one another.
I cannot recommend this beautifully written and heartwarming story highly enough.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson

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