Member Reviews

Charming illustrations accompany simple text to show the importance of pattern in our everyday lives. A variety of patterns are shown: from simple patterns in artwork to the more abstract patterns of family routines. Art activities and discussions are included at the end. A lovely nonfiction book!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read in exchange for an honest review.

I'm always looking for good picture books about patterns. This one gives many different examples of physical patterns but also patterns in movement, music, and books. It's a great introduction to patterns if you're teaching it or just an overall great book!

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This is a great introductory book to patterns and noticing the world around you. I teach about patterns in my preschool class and would love to use this book to broaden their understanding of patterns. How anything that repeats can be a pattern, not just numbers or colors or letters, but our daily routine and music!

I also liked how the book acknowledged that a change in pattern can feel chaotic or disruptive, children don’t always have the words to explain why they feel “off” but noticing that their pattern is different could be so helpful.

Thank you to NetGalley and Charlesbridge for sending me a copy of this book to review.

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