Member Reviews

I was so excited to receive this arc, as I was one of the lucky ones to read Tonight, I Burn as an arc too. I love this story line. It’s unique and completely engaging. I do feel, however, that this one felt a little lacking but I still did enjoy it. Katharine J Adams is really good at sucking you in and i hope those who read this feel the same way I did. It was quite an adventure!

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This was a strong sequel from the first book Tonight, I Burn, it had that element that I was looking for and was engaged with what was happening in this world. Katharine J. Adams continued the story and the characters felt like they were supposed to. I was engaged with the characters and was invested in what was happening to them. It had that element that I was looking for and enjoyed getting back to this world.

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Written well, just don't like the MC and I can't even articulate why. I just really don't like her. Still enjoying the premise of the series and will definitely read the next book!

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I was hooked from the first book and not having to wait to see where this story went, was a fantastic perk of being able to read this ARC.

The second book continues to follow Penny, our Thorn Witch, Princess to the Thorn Queen, the Warden’s Death Weaver…I absolutely adore Penny’s strength, her loyalty, and her inability to watch others hurt. She is still young, sheltered from the world, due to that, I feel like she second guesses herself a lot as well as her ability to ask trust, she either does it too willingly or not at all. Overall, it makes her more vulnerable and easier for the audience to connect with.

There is a love triangle of sorts between Penny, Alice, and Malin. So that is still progressing slowly, these relationships drive Penny but it’s not solely the focus on the plot,

Malin, is juggling a lot of after this “return” and his intentions are sometimes confusing but his loyalty seems to be linked to Alice ( Warden’s Spinner) and Penny. They have a very interesting dynamic and a lot of unanswered questions surrounding them.

Alice, she is a mystery all by herself, there is a lot more to her than people realize. She has been forced to be the “Warden’s Pet” for so many years, that’s all people see. There is a history between her and Malin, it’s complicated and the foundation is love, but still unsure what type of love regardless of what either of them say. Regardless, Alice is loyal to Penny and Malin.

The storyline is interesting and well developed, I am enjoying watching the story unfold. The witches are trying to get their freedom back, our at least a small band of people who are tried of living under the evilness of the Warden. He has stolen everything from them and now they want it back. This story has political engagement, betrayal, violence, and painful moments for the characters. The flow of the story was nicely paced.

The character interactions felt real and organic, they flowed with each other, even the hatred you could truly feel it. There has been some minor growth with the characters, I feel like not enough time has passed within the book to see too much development but they stay true to who they are.

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I absolutely loved the first book in this series, Tonight I Burn, and I was so excited to get to review book two! I'm so happy to be able to report that I found it just as wonderful as the first! It's action-packed and full of girl-power energy. LOVED IT!

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Eeeek! I was SO thrilled when I got to read this book I was nearly vibrating. I loved the first one and the ending of the first left me desperate for more. I've been following Katharine J. Adams progress on Instagram and was floating when I was approved for the e-ARC.

This book picks up where the first left off and pretty soon afterwards goes into the nitty gritty details of what happens in the aftermath of a huge revolutionary act. I thought this was a very interesting perspective to take since not many stories follow this plot line.

There was more Mila, more Ella, more Tobias, and Alice and Malin and best of all more BOOK SPRITES! Bloodthirsty babies I imagine as the soot sprites from Spirited Away lol. Penny's journey throughout this book and the first and experience with Death is so unusual. The inclusion of mythology and fairytales from within the Halstett Universe was also a great plot device.

I found the story intriguing and surprising with twists and turns I DID NOT see coming. Unfortunately I'm now in another desperate situation where I've finished and am dying for more!

I would absolutely recommend this book and have had it pre-ordered since the moment a release date was announced.

Thank you to Netgalley for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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While the first 20% had a rushed feel to it things evened out as the real evils began to creep into play. The Warden is a monster yes, but there are darker things about and some may even be hiding amongst friends, family or even lovers. This is a beautifully written story with deep characters and a fascinating magical culture. Where the weakest Thorn witches in Life really show their strength in Death. Penny must make choices between her two loves, her friends and who she can really trust. She ultimately must choose between following the whims of others or making a choice that will change her forever. Really fantastic novel from an excellent writer. I appreciate the ability to read this story early and write this honest review.

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I appreciate the opportunity but unfortunately I will not be finishing this.

I was super excited for this one after enjoying the first but I just couldn't get into this one. It felt like there was a lot of action in the first quarter and then slowed down to about the halfway mark (where I DNF'd).

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