Member Reviews

It's Dr. Phil, so of course he has a well-planned out plan to help you. Some of the food options would not work for me, but the premise is a good one. It's easy to follow and a daily look at ways to lose and maintain the weight.

The man is a POS. A sorry excuse for a human being. Do not ever buy anything this con man is trying to sell.

The overrated Dr. Phil strikes again, cashing in on his "fame" that Oprah bestowed upon him. This guy has no idea what he is talking about...

The 20/20 diet gives hope for those who may think that it's too late for them to lose weight. Dr Phil's no nonsense approach helps to reduce the confusion around emotional and irrational eating. There are specific steps to use to actively get started on losing weight and taking control of your body.
This book really does give a commonsense approach to diet and exercise, and it's refreshing to see this rather than the endless gimmicks which are now prevalent in the diet industry.
There is also a free app for readers with free recipes, which look delicious and healthy.
This is a must read for anyone who has tried and failed all the diets, and is ready to sincerely change their lives to better their health. *5 stars*

Sorry DNF - I thought this would be a book I'd be interested in, but it just wasn't for me. nothing wrong with it, just not my style of diet so did not finish.