Member Reviews

I've only just recently heard the term "creative non-fiction" and I must say that it particularly shines when supported by the voice and insights of Candice in this memoir.
In this autobiographical piece, we follow perhaps a year in the life of Candice, jumping back and forth into her memories, how food, even as a restaurant critique, is linked with her notions of love, self-care and expression. How her family love dynamic is complicated and is healing through those meals she can share with her parents, and with this new romantic relation she wants to believe in.
The structure of this book is unusual and gripping, you fall into the world of Candice and wonder how it will all unfold. There is a sense of longing through-out and a spike of fear. You are pierced by her anxiety and belief that good things can't last, and with her, you stay on the edge of your seat, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
This is about love, filial love, romance, sisterhood, and appreciation of food. I've read a good amount of food memoirs and this one was a lot more down to earth, about the everyday comforts, the quick, the true and sometimes less appealing foods. But this book also also about so much more. Its about first steps, its about getting back up when you fall, it's about trying to breach walls you think you'll never be able to climb over anymore. It's both about the important things and the tiny things of life.
A very touching book, that you will pause through as you read to contemplate your own life.
Highly recommended if you want some food for thought, pun very much intended.

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