Member Reviews

A fun conclusion to this space heist series of novellas. While lacking a bit of the prior entry’s sparkle, spending time with Ada and Rian is always a good time.

I'm sad that this novella trilogy is now over. I LOOOOVED this one so much. Quick, fun, and absolutely enthralling. Beth Revis had some fun with the writing and keeping secrets from readers and did it so well. Again, I am so sad this over and I don't have access to Ada and Rian anymore.

I don't care how much money it takes, I hold you personally responsible for getting me more books in this series. Loved. Exquisite. Ate it up.

First I'd like to thank DAW and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review 💚
Second I'd like to thank Beth Revis for writing this trilogy.
Third I'd like to say that this heisty space trilogy has by a highlight of my reading ever since I picked up the first book.
Ada and Rian' batner, Ada's brilliance and toughness, Rian's hotness and all the situations they get into made me smile while reading so many times.
I love the messaging behind this trilogy, in fact I love everything about it. 💚

This is the final book of the Chaotic Orbits trilogy and in my opinion the best book in the series.
Scavenger and sometimes rebel for hire Ada has ever so persuasively kidnapped Federal Agent Rian from a gala event and persuaded him to join her cause in repairing the health of the original Earth. Sure he plans to betray her and she is aware of it, but who cares when the banter is peak and there is a visit from mom that needs to be done!
Thank you to NetGalley and DAW for the opportunity to read and review this book which I am giving 4⭐️.
I am absolutely recommending this book for anyone interested in dipping their toes into a science fiction world that is easily understandable and not saturated in hard to understand technical jargon and miles long lore. Anyone who likes a couple with witty banter and chemistry but no spice should give this series a chance.
I look forward to having a copy of these books in my home library and honestly wish the author would continue with more books in this series!

I liked this quick novella, though I don't know that it felt like a conclusion as much as it did an opener for Revis to potentially revisit these characters. If she does, however, I will be ready to read more of Ada and Rian.

Double crossing
Want more
There's so much to potentially recommend this sci-fi romance series and yet, on installment three, I am disappointed. The slow burn promise of the couple was unsatisfying because they never got to a point of trust and execution. The FMC Ada, who started out as a smart, savvy space pirate has now evolved into someone who double crossed endlessly and eluded trust in another. I did appreciate the insight into her family and particularly her mother. It explained a lot about who she was and why she ended up this way.
Now to the MMC, Rian. He's not much more trustworthy than Ada but he was constantly swept up in the tornado that was Ada. She did something shady, he tried to arrest her x infinity on repeat.
I like the world, I like the climate plot. I do not want however, to chase these two for their relationship any more. It feels like there could be more installments but I'm not sure I'm here for the frustration.
Thank you DAW for the eARC.

My God, I wish this wasn't the last book in the trilogy, I wish this series went on forever!
Revis has created such an interesting world, a story equally fun and smart. With easy language, short chapters, and incredibly quick story development, the reader is sucked into this world immediately. There are many twists and turns, the tensions are higher than ever, and this third and final part of the trilogy has hotter moments and more nail-biting scenes than the first two. Ada has become one of my all-time favorite characters and I loved seeing her outsmart everyone once again. The tension between Rian and her was palpable, and I desperately need Revis to write something else with them in it. The whole trilogy was truly an amazing, immersive journey, and I cannot recommend it enough! There's not much else I could say without spoiling parts of the entire storyline, but know that I enjoyed this immensely.
Highly recommend! This is a trilogy that can easily be read in a single day, a story that will leave you wanting more while also making you sit back and think about the state of the world.

I loved this conclusion to the story of Ada and Rian, but I hope it's not the last we see of them. The pace was quick, the action was exciting, and the ending was delightful. Will absolutely be looking for more form Beth Revis.

Alright I loved this trilogy! The action and adventure are so fun and main characters Ada and Rian have amazing chemistry. Especially in this final book. Everything wraps up in this final book but I feel like it was cut a little short and could have used another book or have been longer. Ada’s schemes continue to be so fun to read about and it’s great to finally see every part of her plan come together.
I really enjoyed Beth Revis’ writing style and plan to read more of her books. I hope to see more from this world eventually. Highly recommend this trilogy if you’re looking for a short read with a fun adventure/plot and a banter filled romance!

I have really enjoyed this short series, Chaotic Orbits by Beth Revis . An adventurous scifi romance with a heist atmosphere, this final novella in the trilogy really sticks the landing. As before, this is mainly a first person narrative from Ada, the female protagonist, with a few memos by Rian, the male protagonist here and there to cover his perspective.
This is a truly wonderful book in a truly wonderful series and it gets an enthusiastic recommendation from me for all scifi readers!
Thanks to NetGalley and DAW for an eARC in advance of publication

I'd like to thank Netgalley for an ARC of this book. I am giving it in exchange for my unbiased review.
I have enjoyed the <i>Chaotic Orbits</> trilogy from beginning to end. It's a quick series, but there's a lot to sink your teeth into with each book. There's a fast-paced storyline that rushes you at top speed through space and back to a futuristic Earth - which is slowly being ruined by billionaires. (Why does that sound so familiar?) There's a hint of romance full of spicy banter and wit. Also, the main character, Ada Lamarr, is clever and fun. She's the type of character you would want to go on this fun jaunt with.
I'd whole-heartedly recommend this series. There's really something in it for everyone - heists, flirtation, science, outer space...it really has it all.

This third and final novella in this series did not disappoint, except for the fact that it is over,(or is it?). All of the fun from the first two books continues in this one, with all of the witty banter, Ada always being many steps ahead of Rian, and that will they won’t they anticipation that I love so much. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending, although I really really hope this isn’t the end of their story.
Ada is just as clever, flirty, and sassy as ever. I loved how she was able to manipulate, but in a good way, Rian to get what she wanted to happen happen. I also loved how she kept him so clueless as to what was really going on. We also get a little more backstory about Ada and who her ‘client’ is. That was a lot of fun. As was how she manages to evade capture once again.
Poor Rian, he just tries so hard, but is totally clueless as to what Ada is up too. I just adore him though and really hope that things will work out for him. We get a few more of those messages/slash reports that he writes in this story, and they were often hilarious with their footnote comments from him that show his true feelings for Ada. But he is smart enough to figure out by the end what Ada was really up to.
This part of the story was perhaps a tad slower than the previous two, but I was ok with that. The cat and mouse game Ada and Rian continue to play was fun to watch unfold. There continue to be some steamy scenes between them, and not always at the appropriate time, but nothing more than a few stolen moments. I loved the banter and the looks between them though. The ending is good, although I wouldn’t exactly say they get their happily ever after. It is however left open enough that I really hope we get another adventure featuring these two.
This is a great novella series that is so much fun to read. My only bad comment is that it isn’t a full length novel. There were many things that happen between the stories that I would have loved to have seen. Especially the week these two spent on a small space ship with only one bed!? That would have been hilarious I’m sure.
If you love a good slow burn romance with a space opera setting and a couple that you can fall in love with, this is a series you must pick up. I can also highly recommend the audiobook. The narrators do an excellent job of bringing these characters to life.

The Chaotic Orbits series is a fun sci-fi romance. This third book continues the fun with a high-stakes heist and plenty of banter between Ada and Rian. If you enjoyed the first two novellas, I'm sure you'll like this one as well . My only complaint is that the ending didn't feel like a conclusion.

My only wish is that I could spend longer with these characters! I would say this is a fitting, if not completely satisfying ending. That’s because we are left wanting, wondering what will happen next - as Rian is. Our experience is continually a mirror of what he has to deal with, Ada lies and omits from us, the readers often and even after the third instalment, I was still only catching some of the hints! I enjoyed this series a lot and it has certainly put Beth Revis on my radar.

Last Chance to Save the World is the final installment of the Chaotic Orbits trilogy, but I hope that this will not be the last time Revis writes about her feisty, mouthy thief-with-a-heart-of-gold in a spaceship Ada Lamarr.
Picking up after the conclusion of Ada's successful charity gala heist, this novella sees Ada and Rian White returning to Earth to stop the plot of the trillionaire technocrat Strom Fetor. Law-abiding and preserving Rian failed to take advantage of their one bed situation aboard Ada's ship, but he has to prepare himself for another rom-com trope once they land planetside: meeting Ada's mother. And he needs to assist Ada in completing her mission while also still preventing her from evading arrest. Her crime? Well, she did technically kidnap Rian. Even if he does enjoy her company.
But returning to Earth reveals how deep and vast Ada's connections truly are.
While not the strongest entry of the trilogy, I did still enjoy accompanying Ada and Rian on this final outing. They are a cat and mouse who both love the game that they are playing -- even if sometimes they may swap roles of which one of them is hunting and which one of them is caught.
Also, Fetor's character hits a bit different now given current events. I hope Beth Revis is going around and yelling "Called it!" every chance she gets. When she's done that though, I hope she'll write some more adventures for Ada.

I really enjoyed this entire novella series! It felt like the perfect balance for those who are easy sci-fi fans and James bond esque escapades. It also felt very relevant to today's issues and society!

I just binged the whole series in a day.
I loved my rereads of book 1 and 2 and had a lot of fun with this conclusion.
It does feel a bit convenient at times and you don't really get more into depths with the relationship of the MCs than you already have in the first two books which would have been even better. But for a novella, it was great. Action packed. Fun. The Banter! And I loved that we got to see more of Adas backstory (would have loved to see more of Rians as well) . My favorite scenes has to do with pigeons, go figure ;)

La serie Chaotic Orbits de Beth Revis ha sido todo un descubrimiento, ciencia ficción palomitera con algo de mensaje ecológico en un formato corto, de consumo muy rápido.
Aunque con la segunda entrega me llevé un pequeño chasco, una vez finalizada la lectura de Last Chance to Save the World y pudiendo analizar la trilogía de forma completa, se puede apreciar cómo ha ido preparándolo todo para los fuegos artificiales finales. Queda para la reflexión pensar qué hubiera sido de esta historia si en vez de leerla por entregas se hubiera unificado en una sola novela, algo posible y quizá recomendable.
Revis retoma la historia justo dónde la dejó y sigue manteniendo esa tensión sexual no resuelta entre la protagonista y Ryan, el agente de la ley que quiere detenerla aunque no antes de que salve a la Tierra, una vez más. Entrará en juego un elemento inesperado que acaba dando bastante cohesión a la historia, una figura materna que habrá moldeado, al menos en parte a la Ada Lamarr. Es cierto que hace falta un ejercicio de suspensión de la incredulidad bastante elevado, pero aquí hemos venido a jugar y, una vez aceptadas estas reglas del juego, estamos preparados para una lectura muy divertida.
Aunque la autora vuelve a utilizar el recurso de las notas a pie de página como contrapunto jocoso a los documentos oficiales, es cierto que no abusa de este formato. Uno de los puntos más interesantes de la narración, el monólogo interior de Ada, alcanza su momento culminante en esta última entrega. No deja de ser cierto que el final no es excesivamente sorprendente, aunque la tensión que se va acumulando durante el golpe es más debida a cómo oculta la información la autora que al nivel de peligro real que se percibe.
Ahora bien, me encanta el momento visionario que tuvo la autora cuando imaginó un megamillonario que utiliza un proyecto gubernamental para su propio beneficio manipulando una buena idea para enmierdar (como diría Cory Doctorow) la operación y seguir cobrando cuotas so pena de eliminar el proyecto por completo. ¿En quién se habrá inspirado?
¿Queremos leer más sobre Ada Lamarr? Sin duda, pero me gustaría que fuera en un formato algo más largo con más hincapié en el timo que en las relaciones interpersonales. Desconozco si la autora tienen intención de continuar con el personaje, pero creo que ha dejado intencionadamente la puerta abierta para secuelas.

This was a fun conclusion to the series! I absolutely devoured the first two books, so I was so excited when I got an ARC of this book!
It is a bit slower paced than the other 2 books, especially in the first half; but in heist stories I always love the chaotic reveals better than the setup, so that tracks. (Funny that in the story the launch of the nanobots was called "anticlimactic", because that's how it felt reading it, tbh)
I enjoyed meeting Ada's mom (and that reveal!), as well as her being able to finally save the world (which she's been working towards for 3 books)! Her outsmarting Rian will always be fun, and his baffled communications at the end of the book are always a treat.
I personally liked the end - kind of a cheeky cliffhanger that leaves us hoping and optimistic that we'll get more of Ada and Rian in the future!