Member Reviews

Another fun scifi romp, full of clever people being exceedingly full of secrets and always plotting even when they love each other. Delightful.

Last Chance to Save the World had all the ingredients for an electrifying conclusion—high-stakes heists, a morally gray heroine, and a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance with undeniable chemistry. Ada and Rian’s dynamic, reminiscent of a sci-fi Sherlock and Moriarty, kept me engaged, and the tension between them (especially with the classic “only one bed” trope) was a highlight.
That said, this trilogy ultimately fizzled out rather than ending with a bang. The first book set up an intriguing premise, but each installment seemed to lose momentum, with the third being the weakest. Honestly, I don’t think these short books should have been separate—this story would have been much stronger as a single, well-paced novel rather than a fragmented trilogy.
Still, Revis delivers plenty of action, witty banter, and some clever twists. If you’re here for the romance and don’t mind a bit of a messy execution, Last Chance to Save the World might still be worth the ride.

I was so excited to receive this as an eARC from NetGalley. I adore this series, its a thrilling sci-fi full of heists, split into 3 bitesize novellas. This is marketed as a satisfying conclusion, I disagree only because I need more of Ada and Rian. Revis has a way of writing that keeps you engaged and eager to know what will happen next. Ada is a fantastic MC as she is powerful, independent and smart. We get a wrap up of the events of the first two books which is executed perfectly. I cannot recommend this series enough, its the perfect blend of sci-fi, romance and fun. Do yourself a favour, read this series.

Last Chance to Save the World picks up right where we left off with Ada and Rian on board her ship and heading to Earth to finish rewriting the nanobots to save Earth.
This is a great conclusion to this super fun, funny, and swoony novella series! I really love Ada. Her humour is hilarious and she’s such a kick-ass, smart, and flirty fmc. Her banter with Rian is top notch and really shines in this book. Rian is so lovely and I love how he underestimates Ada time and time again. She is always 100 steps ahead of him and it’s hilarious. Their romance is done so well though and I would LOVE more books with them hunting one another.
I loved getting to spend time on Earth and meeting Ada’s mom. The sequence of them trying to sneak around the facility and accomplish their plan was so fun and tense. This series as a whole is incredibly fast-paced and gripping. It’s got such a great balance of action, intrigue, romance, and banter.
I’d highly recommend this series if you love sci-fi, enemies to lovers slow burn, humour, and excellent banter!
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

I have been looking forward to the conclusion of this sci-fi romance trilogy since I read the first book. I absolutely loved the first two books in this novella series, featuring sassy, competent thief Ada and serious, competent, rule-following government worker Rian. They both have the same goal (healing the Earth of the environmental destruction humans have wreaked on it) but very different means to reach it.
I will be honest: this is marketed as a "satisfying conclusion" with a "romantic HEA." While yes, the heist was completed, I will warn you that this book does not end with a satisfying romantic HEA. The slow burn romance is still far from catching flame. I don't know if there are plans to continue the series with a different internal trilogy, but I was definitely let down if this is the conclusion of the romance. I sure hope there will be one, since I need relationship closure for Ada and Rian.
The heist plot itself was great, with payoff for initial seeds planted in the first two books and a new character in Ada's mom. I think if you go in knowing the relationship tension isn't resolved, you'll be happy with the ending. I especially enjoyed the inclusion of more memos from Rian!
I am, however, side-eyeing the marketing of this book and the use of "HEA" ...
This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novella.

It's taken me until the end, but I get it now: Ada Lamarr gives big Han Solo energy and Rian White is all Princess Leia, which makes sense when I remembered that Beth Revis is also a SW author.
Now, did I remember what previously happened? No...
[Question: If you've got a trio of novellas and they're not stand-alones, and they all chronologically start one right after the other and equate to a standard 400-page novel, then... Why can't that just be a single novel?]
Anyway. This was fine—as a conclusion. Not as a book. You're dumped straight into the middle of things; this was all climax and (some) resolution. This series was broken into pieces to no great effect or purpose. It's really felt as though one book was literally ripped apart and rebound into three, no changes made.
I did like how things concluded with Ada and Rian. It's very fitting for them and it really took some nerve on Revis's part. Most people will not appreciate it, I think (although, I'm wondering if this truly is the last we'll see of them).

I do think this might have worked better as one full-length book as opposed to three individual novellas. But I do love a flirty space heist, so I had a great time.

Thank you to NetGalley and to DAW for the ARC of Last Chance to Save the World by Beth Revis.
I have been low key obsessed with these novellas since the first one - I think they're a great addition to the space opera romance genre (which is so small!) and they're really entertaining. Unfortunately, this is the first one that I think I need to take off a star from -- because, if this is a trilogy, and the book description says "Sexy, fast, fun and funny, this happily-ever-after ending is perfect for fans of the Murderbot novels and the Wayfairers series", it really seems to end on a cliffhanger. And while it is a gentle-ish cliffhanger, it's one that if it is not a cliffhanger leaves so many loose threads it could start an entire additional trilogy to sum up.
I think I expected more from this addition instead of Ada acting the exact same as she has the past two books with her clever moves multiple steps ahead of Rian and Rian just wanting to follow the rules and capture her -- it felt like neither of them grew at all in this journey. The story was just flirty banter that led to nothing more than kissing, Ada tricking Rian, Rian trying to trick Ada, many clever reveals and turns and jaw-dropping tidbits and then an ending that left so much unanswered both about Ada and Rian and about the universe. I think I needed something to have changed either with the characters or their relationship or the plot structure or the twists - it felt like it was just functioning off the same format and while it's really fun, when you're three books in you just kind of want to move forward with this plot to the new danger with a cohesive couple instead of falling for the same tricks.
If Revis is hiding another trilogy under her hat with Ada and Rian, I will definitely read it. I just wish this one had given more if it truly is the end. If it is the end, it's not a bad ending, it just feels like so much is missing from it.

This last (?) novella in the Chaotic Orbits trilogy picks up where the second left off: Rian and Ada are facing the final step in their attempt to save a polluted earth, but who will betray who first?
It took me awhile to get into this as the action wasn’t as fast or initially compelling as the others, though it did pick up during the last half. I was less invested in the romance, though it felt less forced (note: it is the spiciest, but isn't overly spicy). I wanted to read on more so to find out what happened and less because I was enjoying the pace or prose. I would recommend reading the three novellas back to back so you remember all the details that will be important for the final reveal: the storyline does conclude in a satisfying way (including a final teaser that could leave this open for more). So while I didn’t enjoy this overall as much as perhaps the first one, this series was certainly worth reading and I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a quick space heist/romance.
Thank you to Netgalley and DAW for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A heist for the sake of the planet.
A dash of Thomas Crown Affair and a lot of criticism of an "obscenely imbecilic man who crucified his own family to steal a bigger pot of the generational wealth that ensures he never once has to contemplate the deeply corrupt system of oppression that consistently enables him to fail up".
Fun and quick. A good conclusion? to the story.

This trilogy was one of the best discoveries I made in 2024, and I’m truly sad that it has come to an end. I loved all the action, and once again, Ada and her brilliant mind kept me completely hooked. However, I wish we had seen more of Ada and Rian’s dynamic. As a hopeless romantic, I was really hoping Rian would leave the government, admit his feelings, and join Ada on her next adventure!
I also really enjoyed how Ada’s mom played such a significant role in the story—I loved their relationship and how it unfolded throughout the book.
I can’t help but wish there was more. I’m not ready to say goodbye to this world!

I love how short, fun and fast-paced this series is!
This one is just a little over 100 pages and I absolutely sped through it (of course)!
These characters are so fun, I love their dynamic and their banter. It reminds me a lot of The Aurora Cycle (the Aurora Rising trilogy), which is one of my absolute favorites!
This story picks up right after the previous book and I'm pretty sure it's the last book in the series too.
Since it is so short, I don't want to risk spoiling anything by saying much more. Just know that I highly recommend this series!
Thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review! My Goodreads review is up and my TikTok (Zoe_Lipman) review will be up at the end of the month with my monthly reading wrap-up.

Thanks to DAW for letting me have all three in the series early. I really enjoyed this conclusion (hopefully only for now!) of the trilogy. While I would've enjoyed seeing more of Rian and Ada's time between Rigel-Earth and Earth, I do see the very deliberate set up for each book and for its length and mystery that Beth Revis set up. If we got more info, it would've been harder and harder for us to not see Ada's plans. I love the twist as to who her employer is and in all, Ada is a picture perfect unreliable narrator and I love her for it! Rian's little found documents peppered through this one and the series are most excellent additions. I strongly hope we get more Rian and Ada adventures down the line!

I received an advanced copy of this book for review. This is my own opinion.
The bad guy in this series is a really rich man contracted by the government (his company is, he doesn’t do the work) to create nanobots to clean up earth to make it safer again.
Hmm. Beth, I hope you’re not seeing into the future with this one because it feels a little bit prescient.
Anyway, it picks up not long after the second left off, with Ada and Rian planning to rewrite the nanobots because of course they’re actually going to do something insidious. Quelle surprise. 🤨 Ada and Rian both expect the other to betray them, despite their growing attraction and feelings.
I loved how this series wrapped up, all the twists weren’t unexpected at this point, but I definitely didn’t see where they were going! Also I never expected to be sad over freaking PIGEONS, but here we are. This novella was unexpectedly poignant and relevant, and just really dang good. This series is fully cemented as a favorite now.
Thanks to Netgalley and DAW for the arc! This was a lot of fun.

So the description of this book says this is an “explosive, satisfying conclusion to the Chaotic Orbits novella trilogy” and also says it’s a happily-ever-after ending, and while I did enjoy this a lot, I’m not sure if I would describe it as a satisfying conclusion or as having a happily-ever-after ending. The way this finished felt similar to the other books - like there was another book and adventure with Ada and Rian to come.
This book definitely felt sexier than the other two, it was full of sexual tension and banter. The push and pull between these two was hot, and I ate it up. I love Ada’s humour, and the way she talks to everyone but also her inner monologue.
I really want to read most of Beth Revis’ writing after this. I loved the writing style of this trilogy, I truly didn’t want to put any of the books down from the moment I started reading them. I’m actually quite bummed that this is only a trilogy because I’d love to keep reading more about Ada. She kept me on my toes and the more I learned about her, the more I liked her.
I already have a physical copy of this book pre-ordered, and I’d definitely recommend it. But I do wish the description was different, especially about the HEA, since that’s not how it came across to me.

A bite sized space heist with full sized world building that manages to comment on injustice while still having fun.
This was a fulfilling end to the series. We finally get to the event that has been hinted at, debated, and carefully planned out in previous books. As Ada and Rian have gotten closer to the launch they’ve grown closer to each other. Their relationship has a real “tragically star-crossed” feel to it which fits right into the general sense of impending doom you get throughout, but where this book really stands out to me is how the discussions about climate injustice and class divides have gone from theoretical to right in your face. We’re not just hearing about what Ada is fighting for, we’re with her as she walks through the city past faces and livelihoods that will be directly impacted if she fails. It’s very effective to narrow the scope and up the stakes.
There’s enough secrets kept from the reader to keep us guessing, but not so much that the ending feels obvious. It did seem a little bit too easy to me, but was still satisfying. There’s banter, there’s stress, and there’s still a little time to make out. It’s entertaining while still being interesting.
I’ve been looking forward to this third installment and it didn’t disappoint. I can see myself rereading in the future and would recommend it for anyone looking for quick, enjoyable, easy to read but not shallow sci-fi.

A delightful conclusion to the trilogy. While it did not end in an hea, the promise of one is still there. I absolutely love these clever characters who are constantly trying to out maneuver one another while simultaneously being obsessed with each other. The banter and underlying attraction against the high stakes plot keeps everything fun and fast paced. The social commentary on wealth, environmental issues, and the moral dilemma of believing in the law/government/system is emphasized but doesn't bash the reader over the head. The author trusts you to pick up on the truths that are represented in our own society. The characters are the real star of the show though.

This series is for you if you like: space heists, sharp and funny leading women, and secret organizations that want to save the world.
This was at the top of my ARC want list, and it delivered so hard. Ada and Rian are back again for the final installment, trying to install a counter-virus in order to protect Earth from the malicious nanobots. They meet Ada’s mom, and run into Strom Fetor again (as you might expect).
We get some extra world (universe) building in this book, specific to Earth. It is seamlessly integrated, relevant to the plot and character development, and masterfully executed. The banter and tension between Ada and Rian is impeccable - smart, hilarious, sexy.
The heist-style action is also incredibly enjoyable. The plot has a satisfying wrap-up that I don’t think will leave readers disappointed.
I think this is supposed to be the finale, but I would read so much more about this universe, with Ada and Rian leading the narrative. Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC of my dreams!!!

This is marketed as a sci-fi romance and it absolutely gives excellent space heist, but don’t expect much romance. The blurb promises an HEA but I must have read a different book because there isn't one, and as a Romance reader I wouldn't even qualify this ending as an HFN.
An interesting read considering IRL events of the day, with an evil genius tech-hole villain (who does he remind us of?). The tech and heisting were entertaining and fast paced, and entirely the focus of this volume.
Overall a fun sci-fi story if you don’t care about the romance being mia.

I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, I loved seeing Ada’s work and her inner dialogue, which is always entertaining. On the other, I was really hoping for a different type of resolution between Rian and Ada. While the tension and pining were still there (which I love), I wanted a more definitive conclusion to their story, and I don’t feel like we truly got that in this book.
Overall, I’m so happy I discovered this series, but I can’t help but wish there was another book to continue the journey instead of ending here.