Member Reviews

I tried to read Fire in the Firefly back when it first came out, but I just couldn't connect with the story and decided to put it on hold for some other time.
Now, four years older I decided to give it another shot, and also a proper review because I am on a mission to clear my Netgalley shelf.

This time, I realized that my main problem is with our main character Julius.
I just couldn't like him, couldn't stand his philosophical speeches and the fact that other characters in the story were without any kind of personality didn't help either.

I'm sad to say I didn't smile even once, when I expected a humorous piece of literature.

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I recently bought a new kindle after my old one broke. For some reason I was unable to download this title from the cloud onto my kindle, therefore I will be unable to review this title. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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Fire in the Firefly was an easy read about an advertising executive who gets himself in the most unlikely of situations. Aussies would call him a larrikin, although he's middleaged.
Julius Roebuck is quite the ladies' man with a penchant for philosophising and going on a tangent.

I expected to be more entertained by this novel. Midway through I sort of had enough of Julius, so some skimming was employed.

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