Member Reviews

A riveting tale of amnesia, survival, and the pursuit of justice. Model Ciara Kelly awakens in a hospital bed with no memory of the harrowing weeks she spent missing, except for the ominous words etched into her skin. As the police link her case to the elusive Cutter, a serial killer with a chilling track record, Ciara's life unravels, and she is thrust into a nightmarish existence where danger lurks at every turn.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review the advance copy of this book.

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Somehow this excellent read got lost on my bookshelf and a few years later I realize I should have read it sooner. Modeling is all about looks. What is a woman to do when a vicious serial killer carves her body and by the grace of.... she managed to escape unlike those that were caught in his web before her. Clara who has lost her memory and now with no possible way of returning to her previous career and on top of that losing her boyfriend, a rich one at that, leaves New York and her career behind to return home to Seattle. There she finds a new career as a cosmetician for the dead and life proceeds. Then her sister lets leak that Clara's memory may be returning and The Cutter cannot let that happen. Now she is running for her life and the story takes the suspense up a notch as the author explores more about all the characters in Clara's life and leads you to the conclusion. The characters were well developed as was the suspense. The story provides the reader suspense, mystery, romance and a bit of the paranormal. Excellent read.

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Superior psychological suspense. There were many clues in this story but I definitely could not figure it out. The plot had me flipping pages.
Many thanks to Lansen Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This author knows how to write and intense novel. The plot moves along well and ,keeps your interest to the end.
Recommend this book and series as well as the author

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A very good read full of suspense, mystery and thrill. The only issue I had with the book were some of the misspelled words or possibly misplaced words? It made the book hard to read at times but overall, the suspense kept me intrigued enough that I had to finish.

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​Wonderful read! What you reap, you will sow! All kinds of scripture is worked that is relevant is worked into this novel. It's a very steady read, and I throughly enjoyed it. I moved right onto reading the sequel. ​Claire wakes up with words carved into her. Her memory muddled and she is the only living victim of the Cutter.

Excellent read. I'm off to leave my review of the second book. My copy came from Net Galley. My thoughts and opinions are my own. This review is left of my own free volition.

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Just your basic, run of the mill suspense. Pretty predictable and mediocre.

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Scar Tissue is definitely a page turner, and was very hard to put down. Ciara's Kelly's life has been totally turned upside down after she escapes from a serial killer called The Cutter, with no memory of her captivity or her captor. She loses her modeling career, her fiancé, and doesn't know where to turn or who to trust, other than her twin sister. The killer is determined to recapture Ciara and finish what he started, and nothing will stop him, even mistaken identity. This book is a complex thriller and leaves you, like Ciara, wondering who to trust and also wondering where her new psychic abilities have come from.

I highly recommend this book as a fast paced thriller with twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end.

I received a copy of this book through Net Galley.

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It was a interesting novel about what some people would do for money .I would recommend it for people who love mysteries

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This book was absolutely riveting! Once I started it I couldn't stop and it was done in two days! The story-line hooks you in right at the beginning and the whole time you are trying to figure out who is involved. The ending is fantastic and only added to the enjoyment I felt reading this book!

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An excellent psychological thriller. A beautiful model, brutalized wakes up in the hospital with ugly words carved in to her skin. This novel takes you to the edge of control, read it in one sitting. Kept me guessing until the very end.

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A real edge-of-your-seat thriller! Ciara has escaped from a serial killer who was torturing her. The scary part of this book was the thoughts of the killer and his progress in trying to find Ciara so that he can kill her. I was unable to read this book at night! The action was non-stop and kept me wanting to see what happened next. I have the next book in the series and will start that tomorrow. It promises to be just as thrilling!

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I am a bit mixed on this one. I liked the premise quite a bit and the main character Ciara, but I like to be surprised by the mystery in a thriller and I had almost all of the whodunit figured out which was a bit disappointing. There were some misdirects tossed in that I was hoping would lead to a different villain so I could be caught by surprise but that never happened. Also there were a few too many coincidences within the plot and characters that rang a bit false and I didn't think needed to be there. On the positive side and why I ultimately ended up liking it--the story moved well, the plot and pacing kept me interested and it was a quick read. The ending and the slightly paranormal spin to part of the story seemed like it could be setting up for another book with the main character and I would definitely give it a try.

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*****Free copy received from NetGalley for an honest review*****
I really liked this book it didn't click for me until more than 80% through the book (don't want to spoil it for anyone). When I read the blurb it sounded thrilling to me and I was not disappointed. Ciara was very real in her thoughts but am glad she had a future with her guy. I would have been upset if he were involved in anyway. So sad about her sister. This was my first book by this author and would read more if available. A must read if you like mysteries

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When model Ciara Kelly wakes up in the hospital, she has no idea how she got there or what she's endured for the past few weeks. As her memory slowly returns, she remembers being tortured by a psychopath whose face she can't recall. Despite her attempts to hide from this still-loose killer, she can't shake the feeling that he's waiting for her around every corner. The first thriller in a series, Scar Tissue provides an intense introduction to heroine Ciara Kelly and the unreliable cast of secondary narrators surrounding her. Domovitch writes in a style similar to Chevy Stevens, ensuring that you'll stay up late to finish the book, and then leave on a few lights when you're finally ready to try sleeping.

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Actual Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

This story was a little slow to my liking and the writing seemed amateurish. However, the story was still good and suspenseful. I will read more from this author.

Thanks to NetGalley and M.C. Domovitch for an arc of 'Scar Tissue' in exchange for an honest review.

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Model Ciara Kelly wakes up in a hospital but she remembers nothing of the weeks she had been missing. The only clue she had were the words carved into her skin. The police think that she may have been the victim if the Cutter, a serial killer who has already murdered 3 women.

Ciara's life has now been changed completely. She has lost her looks, rich boyfriend and her glamorous lifestyle. She has now returned to her hometown, is living with her sister and has a new career doing the makeup in a funeral parlour. Now her memory seems to be slowly returning, Ciara's sister accidentally tells someone this. Will the Cutter set out to find her.

I had no idea while reading this book who the Cutter was. I would compare it to finding a needle in a haystack as we are diverted from the truth often.
This novel is so well written that I had my heart in my mouth at times. Ciara is such a strong character, the storyline would not have worked otherwise. A definite must read.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Lansen Publishing and the author M. C. Domovitch for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Great thriller you won't want to put down. Your mind will work overtime trying to solve the crime.

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Some thrillers have the unfortunate tendency to fall back on tropes of the genre such as antagonists who are brilliant enough to track down their quarry while avoiding the police, but inevitably do something so pointless - often disguised as part of some "mental illness" - that they are captured/killed. Another such trope is to have a protagonist who is too scared to go to the police, usually "because they might be involved", and goes on the run to avoid the antagonist, but inevitably does something so stupid they are captured. Scar Tissue manages to hit these tropes and several others thus becoming a most uninteresting and non-thrilling thriller.
The short choppy writing, constant point of view changes - particularly those trying throw red herrings pertaining to who knows what at the reader -, the murderer who at times is so stupid he attacks and kills the wrong person, yet he can track down the intended victim across the country, and a two dimensional character who gets no real fleshing out as a character, yet is behind much of the suspense, make this into a poor read at best. Some better editing and additional plot work would probably improve the final product.

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This book was eerie and creepy and I loved it! The main character can't seem to catch a break as she is hunted through the years by a mad man who can't get her off his mind. I found myself rooting for her because she had a picture perfect world that crashed down on her and you just want her to come out in the end on top. This book certainly set up the main character for more mysteries and become the unintended hero.

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