Member Reviews
This book got me feeling all sorts of empowered.
Elise walks the reader through her progression as a leader; starting from when she worked as Director of Comms at Promus Hotels, to when she started her own Communications agency.
Unlike the usual leadership books that detail how to perform as a leader, this book encourages you to find your voice, understand your own leadership style and leverage the team around you.
As she is a motorcycle enthusiast, she uses a few cyclist terminologies to pass her point across.
There is a lot of emphasis on knowing the value of your team. She demonstrates this by giving examples about how she set her team up for success and how they in turn promoted the cause of her company.
Better solutions come from teams who work through things together rather than one person coming up with a solution on their own.
Favourite Quote: “It is okay to be uncertain about your ability to succeed when what lies ahead is unknown. But recognise your anxiety for what it is, and don’t give it too much credence.”
Rating: 4/5
Recommendation: Although she writes this book as an entrepreneur of a successful Communications agency, Mitchell Communications (that has now been acquired by Dentsu), this book serves as really great material for those currently in the workplace who either have side hustles and hopes of owning a business or who want to lead a division in their place of work.