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Shadow Mountain Publishing is a general trade publisher of bestselling books for children and adults including the Dragonwatch series by Brandon Mull, empathy-building titles for middle grade, Six Sisters' Stuff cookbooks and Proper Romance series.
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Approval Preferences
Shadow Mountain Publishing accepts requests from librarians, educators, booksellers, media professionals and reviewers. We reserve the right to accept or decline requests on a case-by-case basis.
If you are a blogger:
-- You are more likely to be approved if you review books on the blog on a regular basis.
-- You must provide a direct link to your blog in the company field on your profile
-- Share your e-mail address (if it is not already in your public profile).
-- State how many unique visitors you have per month to your site.
-- Include social media links to Facebook and twitter.
If you are a media professional:
--Include the name of the company where you work and your email address.
-- If you are a freelance reviewer for publications:
-- Include the name of the media outlets you write for and your email address.
If you are a librarian, bookseller or educator who include institution information and/or an institutional email address in their bio you will most likely be approved.