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“Books You Want to Have”
One of the finest compliments we ever received was one from a gentleman who was browsing through our books at a book show a few years ago. He said, “I don’t have to have any of your books, but I sure want a lot of them.”
Whether you’re talking about The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker, The Annotated Godfather, Take Me Out to the Ballpark, Country Wisdom and Know-How, A Child’s Introduction to the Ballet, or Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie, Black Dog & Leventhal books represent hours of reading and visual pleasure for book lovers of all types. We publish strikingly original books of light reference, humor, cooking, sports, music, film and entertainment, mysteries, history and biography and much, much more. Many of them are in unusual formats and many are rich with color and imagery. Some are just for curling up with, some sharpen your mind, some teach valuable skills, while others are just pure pleasure.
There is something for everybody. Enjoy!
—JP Leventhal, Publisher
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“Books You Want to Have” One of the finest compliments we ever received was one from a gentleman who was browsing through our books at a book show a few years ago. He said, “I don’t have to have any of your books, but I sure want a lot of them.” Whether you’re talking about The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker, The Annotated Godfather, Take Me Out to the Ballpark, Country Wisdom and Know-How, A Child’s Introduction to the Ballet, or Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie, Black Dog & Leventhal books represent hours of reading and visual pleasure for book lovers of all types. We publish strikingly original books of light reference, humor, cooking, sports, music, film and entertainment, mysteries, history and biography and much, much more. Many of them are in unusual formats and many are rich with color and imagery. Some are just for curling up with, some sharpen your mind, some teach valuable skills, while others are just pure pleasure. There is something for everybody. Enjoy! —JP Leventhal, PublisherPublisher Profile
Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers
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