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27 Members
Approval Preferences
Requests will only be approved for readers who:
-- Have a book review blog that has been updated fairly recently
-- Have easy access to readers. (Booksellers, librarians, and educators are almost always approved.)
-- Have above average means of spreading the word about books. (Reviews on sites like LibraryThing and GoodReads are not quite enough.)
-- Can help the book in some other way
Approval Preferences
Requests will only be approved for readers who: -- Have a book review blog that has been updated fairly recently -- Have easy access to readers. (Booksellers, librarians, and educators are almost always approved.) -- Have above average means of spreading the word about books. (Reviews on sites like LibraryThing and GoodReads are not quite enough.) -- Can help the book in some other wayPublisher Profile
Bancroft Press
27 Members